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My computer kind of got a terrible virus while Spybot mysteriously turned off. I managed to fight off the evil virus, but to do so I had to sacrifice core system files, and I don't know where my Windows disk is, SO, I may not be back for a while. Don't worry though, I'll definitely recover.

Besides, this stuff happens to me ALL THE TIME. 8]

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Well, I'm here for now, and can always post off one of my other computers in my house, or my PS3 or Wii, but I just won't be on as much, and more importantly, won't be on MSN.

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Get well soon Revan's computer. Don't forget to back up your files, if you haven't already. I wish I did before my old laptop fried.

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Back it all up. I've reformatted a lot and lost a lot and it sucks a lot. :(

gl bro

Backup. Seriously. I lost a shitload of stuff last time I reformatted my PC.

Good luck, dude.

I should be fine. There's hardly anything important at all on my C drive, so even if something DOES go wrong, I'll most likely be safe.

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