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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 6: Standing against the Bolivian Army


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"State your business," the guard ordered. Arrin glanced to Tessa, then began.

"We're apprentices of Ilony Haldensri, an affiliate of T.I.S.M.E. Our master has sent us with an urgent message for one of her colleagues," Arrin explained, indicating the hastily scrawled letter, the seal prominently displayed. His heart pounded with apprehension; he thought back to the techniques he'd been taught for staying calm. He waited for the soldier's reply.

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The soldier looked the letter over and was a bit intimidated by the writing. This TISME affiliate seemed to be either angry, distressed, or both. He was in no way knowledgeable on TISME. He was surprised by the dirt and dampness of their clothes however, and couldn't help but ask them about it.

Soldier: If you don't mind my asking, what on earth happened to you two? :mellow:

Inside the church, the numerous soldiers started moving to surround them all and block the exits!

Ixion: I don't want this church burned to the ground. Irina, mount Kiev! You two get out of here! Fly low, and find someplace to hide!

Irina: What about you?! :(

Ixion: I've been left with quite the mess to clean up it seems -_-

Irina quickly hopped onto Kiev, and Iso got on behind her as the cleric and attendants ran into the backrooms! As Kiev lifted off, Ixion held out his arms! A bright white symbol appeared at his feet! Iso immediately leaped from Kiev just before Irina and Kiev flew out through the hole in the roof! She didn't have time to go back and stop him!

Irina: Iso!! >_<

He landed right behind Ixion! and struggled to remain standing. Without looking back at him, Ixion scolded him.

Ixion: Are you daft? What incredibly shortsighted bravado are you trying to display this time?

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Arrin winced theatrically. "Raiders," he explained, letting some of his very real fatigue and distress show on his face. "They hit us on the way. Really dangerous ones... they even got Francis," he said mournfully. "We were lucky that they were headed away from the city, not to it." He glanced to Tessa for backup.

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Kamilla shook her head don't worry about the note, she whispered to Eric. She honestly hadn't expected to be allowed to ever go near a church again but now that she had the opportunity to she was willing to argue her case directly, and receive the payment she was due.

Plus, the information was now old, better to give them fresh new information, she didn't know who held a weapon, but the fact that a few of them were here indicated that the group was now generally all setting themselves up in Ilyphina,

Turning to Eric, she smiled, "You go ahead and find your friend and TISME, I'll head to the church myself"

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Morgan gave Kamilla a suspicious look "You honestly think we're letting go to a church? I am not eager to have you rat us out to your colleagues."

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"They didn't sound like colleagues to me, when she talked a bit about them," Eric said. "Also, what's this about 'ratting out' us? Do explain."

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"She's an agent for the church looking to bring the Crimson Weapons to them, some nonsense about them being cursed or something. Obviously that can't be allowed to happen, so clearly she should not be allowed to contact anyone in the church."

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OoC: Damn it, Cynthia remembered XD

Kamilla glared at Morgan, "I don't see what you can do" she said indicating the people that were coming out their homes and heading to work, shop or whatever people in the capitol did. What do you mean 'rat you out' anyway. I don't ever recall agreeing to side with you, and I've been more a hostage then anything."

"Furthermore, it's my duty to report my findings to the church and the goddess compels me to." she said a bit arrogantly turning on her heel and heading down the street towards the direction she thought the church was.

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The soldier was surprised that two teenagers could even survive an attack by raiders. The thunder mage must have been able to score some lucky hits.

Soldier: You two should probably see the priest. He's a bit grumpy in the morning, but he'll take care of any injuries you might have.

The guard was ... seemingly convinced.

The soldiers in the church had Ixion and Iso surrounded!

Iso: What was your plan, Ixion?!

Ixion: My plan was to help you two escape. I suppose no plan is foolproof.

Ixion quickly leaped backwards flying over Iso's head! He landed behind him and put him in a chokehold!

Iso: Arg!! (Not again! >_< )

Ixion: This may work to my advantage ....

Ixion quickly pushed Iso away and then chopped him in the back of the neck! The shot left him unconscious on the ground! The soldiers flinched! Ixion's words made him an enemy, but his actions made him an ally. They didn't understand.

Ixion: Hang him. You won't catch me ... so don't bother.

He casually walked into the backrooms and disappeared. The soldiers cut their losses and grabbed Iso as quickly as they could.

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"Our agreement was you not running off to the church in exchange for your life. You seem to be violating that agreement, and since you haven't provided any useful information so far, I have no qualms about killing you. Remember that we are armed, and you cannot dfend yourslef."

"Don't rely on the townspeople to save you. In a large city like this, I'm sure people end up dead in the back alleys all the time. Besides, do you really think I care about killing a few townfolk if necessary."

She ran up and grabbed Kamilla's arm "Now, be a good girl and fall back in line, or we're going to have kill, which I doubt you want."

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"Wait, Crimson Weapons? You're telling me that your group has the Crimson Weapons, which were all but lost over the past twenty-five years? That must suck. I've heard that those weapons basically ruin the wielder's life in general," Eric said. "Well, if the church is off-limits, we either go to the inn, visit TISME, or go and search for your friends. Also, Miss, I don't think killing her would do us any good. You people ARE wanted for kidnapping her, and if they found her dead, a death sentence would be inevitable."

Edit: Dammit, ninja'ed. >.<

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"I agreed to no such agreement" she said trying to shake Morgans hand off, wincing as Morgan tightened her grip.

Looking at Morgan disgusted "You'd honestly kill innocent people, just because they saw something you didn't want them to see?"

"Plus, by following you and your friends around, I'm either going to end up being thrown behind bars, or executed anyway, what's the difference" she asked defiantly, she tried to sound strong but her voice was more then enough indication that she was far from it.

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"If they interfered, yes. A few sacrifices for the greater good."

"However, if you do not like the previous agreement, I suppose we can treat you as a proper hostage if that's what you desire. Clearly, we have the force capable of knocking you out, binding, you and gagging you, but that would make quite the scene and be uncomfortable for you, so I suggest you just come along quietly. We shouldn't be hanged if everything goes properly, and you can facilitate this by getting back in line and remaining silent."

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"Come along to where?" she said in hysterics now "If you'd headed for Halton, Septimus, or even some other destroyed nation I had other choices I could have made but instead you decide to head for the enemy's main base?"

"Greater good my foot, you all think you're doing some sort of good deed, but you're just overestimating your own importance, there's no sign of any demon revivals, and your blasphemy about the Demon Lord returning doesn't make sense at all" she said loud enough to turn some heads.

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This girl was impossible. Would be more convenient to just kill her, but that would make a scene, and more guard attention would be unofortunate.

"Demon Lord? I think you may have drunk a little too much last night... friend. Let me help you get away, before you choke on your own vomit or...something." Morgan grabbed Kamilla by the arm and hauled her off to a nearby abandoned alleyway (save a token hobo of course).

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Sighing, Eric followed the two women into the alleyway, and stood there, ready to interfere if there was a fight.

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"Why did we let her get so drunk?" Kelas asked Aiya loudly as she resignedly followed Morgan and Kamilla down the alley. The shouting tactic had worked before; maybe it would work again. While she didn't want Morgan to kill Kamilla, it was more because she wouldn't wish that on anyone than because she had any sympathy for the girl.

The darkness of the alley reminded Kelas of the dangers of a city, though, and she lost the careless posture as she entered. Her bow had been taken... if it came down to it, she could use her belt knife, though she wouldn't be much good in a fight. She tried to listen for threats, but the city was too loud... sighing, she stayed on alert but resigned herself to letting the others do the fighting if they were attacked.

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OOC: The blue is distracting the hell out of me :blink: >_< *outburst* GRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!! NAO!!! *pants* :mellow:

The soldiers carefully tied up Iso as they prepared to haul him out of the church. Meanwhile, Stephanie had packed her things and headed out from the inn after paying the innkeeper for her stay. If they ever found out what happened, she would blame Ixion and Iso, Iso for the window, and Ixion for not preventing the incidents in the first place.

She reached the church across the street and waltzed inside hoping to say a morning prayer before heading out to do more shopping. She was surprised to see a bunch of soldiers.

Stephanie: So that's where you were! :o

Iso, you'd better pay for that window you broke! I'll leave the damages to the wall to Ixion! :angry:


Irina and Kiev flew below the rooftops to stay out of sight of the sniper towers! Kiev made hard banks to try to get deeper into the city! Irina soon saw TISME headquarters!

Irina: Wow! Is that some kind of mega university or something?

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As they entered the alleyway Kamilla shook Morgan arm off, though it was more likely Morgan had let go of her arm as Kamilla had her back against the wall, and the others were blocking off any possible escape routes. She glared at Morgan, "So what? I'm supposed to follow you around for the rest of my life just because you happened to burn down the inn I was working at?"

"It's not my fault you were thoughtless enough to mention your objectives when I was around, I was only doing my job, and the payment I guess is being branded as a criminal, travelling pointlessly to and through between two spots, just cause you're scared that the church'll come after you if you let me go."

"You know what? The church coming after you isn't my problem, you should all be beheaded and buried in some mass grave for your sins. If I'm going to die, I'm not going to go quietly" she said on the verge of tears, barely managing to finish the sentence.

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"If you think burning down an inn and killing a few guards justifies ending our lives and the lives of countless others, logic is clearly wasted on you."

"Would someone please restrain her for me? I'll need her still for the spell I'm about to cast."

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"... So you're going to restrain Kamilla because she's having a breakdown?" Eric asked. "Miss, have you considered that maybe, just maybe, if you acted more civilized towards her, she might not have one of these? From what I'm hearing, you basically took her hostage, and drug her through this. I'm not saying that we should just let her go. In fact, that's exactly not what's going to happen. I'm just saying that if you would be less hostile towards her, even a little, she might not pose such a problem."

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"You're making a cause-and-effect error. I wouldn't have to be so hostile if she wouldn't be running off to her superiors and telling us how much she wishes our deaths. Notice how I don't threaten you with bodily harm."

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OOC: 5000 Gold says Eric and Kamilla are OTP in this rp

Iso: Stephanie! For God's sake, do something!! >_<

Stephanie: Who do you think I am, Ivanko?! Listen Iso, if you're being sought by the authorities you should comply, not blast them and keep running. I've heard about what you and your friends have been doing from Ixion. You can't go around resisting arrest and expect to get off scott free after proving your innocence. My helping you now would only worsen things, and you certainly won't learn your lesson -_-

Iso: Stephanie ... THEY'RE GOING TO HANG ME!!! >_<

Stephanie: Goodness, how many Elyisimians did you kill, Iso? :o

Irina and Kiev landed right at the steps leading up to the main building.

Irina: If the others are coming, they should be here soon, right? Oh wait, weren't we meeting up somewhere else? Urgh! I can't remember :facepalm:

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OOC: Watch it happen, unless Kamilla commits suicide. -.-;

"Yes, but you pretty much have her scared to death right now. I don't think she really thought through the death comments, not to mention they probably stemmed from the mistreatment she has endured in her life," he said. "Again, civility would be nice, as it might make her more cooperative. As for the difference between my situation and hers, it's basically the fact that I don't pose a threat, while she does. This is because I've been treated civilly, because otherwise, I probably would have turned you in by now. Threatening people with force should be used as a last resort, when all other avenues have been exhausted. That's why I'm suggesting that you lighten up, Miss. Violence in this circumstance isn't going to work."

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Kamilla tried to kick the woman away, but Morgan effortlessly drew back and requested someone restrain Kamilla. "Cause and effect? Likewise I wouldn't have to report anything if you people didn't go around killing everyone you don't like" Kamilla snarled at Morgan, she had never been a supporter of the theory that the Crimson Weapons were evil, but if the issue was put before her now, she'd definitely agree with the weapons and wielders disposal.

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