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Serenes Forest The Live Action Movie Trailer!(unused)


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NOTE: The FNZ staff has decided on a different plot for the movie....again.

This trailer has been deleted due to plot inconsistencies and cuz we have the powah.

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This had better turn out creative or it's leaving.

How can this NOT be creative?

I'm Mike Tyson! Woohoo! nice...

I suggested that. I also suggested ChanServ as the Incredible Hulk. Why? Because Mike Tyson always dies before the Incredible Hulk. And ChanServ is awesome.


Yes. You will have fun dying every 5 seconds from random, unseeable traps. NOW WON'T YOU?

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Also, the movie will be split into seperate "acts".....much like the sitcom and its spinoffs...

Come to think of it...Our movie is more like another spinoff.....Oh well.

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