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Slaveblade's Spear/Lance Only Playthrough Log Thingy...

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As the title implies, it's gonna be Lance users only, meaning anyone that can use Lances from the get go. So, I'll just spell out my conditions right now.

Lancers only (including deployment when choosable).

Recruit all recruitables.

Snatch all villages.

Ephraim's route (obviously).

Iron/Slim Lances only.

Hard mode (forgot to mention this!)

Amelia, when I get her, MUST get at least 4 kills per map.

Gonna try and do it Turn by Turn, depends on the mood...

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Seth, Franz, Gilliam, Kyle, Forde, Duessel, Cormag, Vanessa, Tana...you'll have to use Amelia to make this a challenge at all.

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Steel Lances only whenever possible? :awesome:

I'll go one further and do Iron Lances only. However, if it does get too... 'difficult' I might up it to Steel.

As for Amelia, yeah, was planning to use her. Should I set up something like I need to force her to get X amount of kills per map so I have to use her?

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Lances only? heh. That's almost cheating!

Ah well, we needed one of these to complete the trinity and I already did an un-logged Magic Only run.

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I'll go one further and do Iron Lances only. However, if it does get too... 'difficult' I might up it to Steel.

As for Amelia, yeah, was planning to use her. Should I set up something like I need to force her to get X amount of kills per map so I have to use her?

Steel Lances usually kill your units' AS by a larger margin and have worse hit. Just sayin'. Whatever makes the situation harder. hehe.

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Lances only? heh. That's almost cheating!

Ah well, we needed one of these to complete the trinity and I already did an un-logged Magic Only run.

I know, I know! That's why I'm going for Iron/Slim only.

And as for the AS loss, I think that would really only affect anyone VS Gwylgiis (Fuck the spelling, don't remember off hand), as most mounters generally have enough AS to cope with the AS loss of a Steel Lance. But I will take it into consideration. I know Pegs will suffer for it, especially Tana when I first get her, and god help Amelia!

ANYWAY. I already started, first two chapters were a breeze.


Seth Smash!

2 turns here.

Chapter 1

Seth Smash, but with slightly less fercoity due to Iron lance over his Silver Lance! Also Franz and Gilliam got some action VS the top Soldier. Didn't care about reinforcements.

4 turns total here, Seth actually managed to miss the boss twice in a row...

Alrighty then, any tips on support partners, if at all? I'm thinking Seth x Franz for the moment, but that's all I got.

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Frankly, Dondon's right. The best you're going to come up with is Cs if you're going All Lances All The Time, and Seth can take a C with every single Lance-wielding support on his list.

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I don't think you get Iron Lances in 5x, only Ephraim's and Kyle's Steel, Forde's Javelin and Orson's ... Silver or Steel.

Edited by Trompe le Monde
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Isn't there a 'shop' option for the prep screen and stuff? Or does 5x even get one? I'll just end up using the lowest I can use, Steel Lance if there's no other way. I'll just continue my playthrough.... I'm really impressed that bandits have 7 SPD on chapter god damn 2. Doubling Gilliam is no laughing matter, no matter the DEF that early on...

Chapter 2

Seth was being Seth and charged down and to the right, Vanessa ferried Ross and Garcia over, I had Eirika visit the villages up top, and Vanessa got the village down below on the final turn.

7 or 8 turns in total, forgot to check before I killed the final bandit.

Also, current stats. Listed numbers are pertaining to stats in this order: Level (LV), HP (HP), Strength (ST), Skill (SK), Speed (SP), Luck (LU), Defense (DF), Resistance (RS)


Seth   :  2 31 15 13 12 13 11  9
Franz  :  2 21  8  6  8  2  7  1
Gilliam: Base
Vanessa: Base

Chapter 3

Again, Seth is the only real choice here, after a few attempts hammering that into my brain... Ran into some problems with Hand Axers and the Archer in the second to last room, which required the use of Vanessa, Franz and Gilliam to lure him away so Seth could be free to go ram Bazba through and gain some delicious win. Was a bit surprised that Seth didn't double the merc... Otherwise, all was well, no one gained a level, aside from Seth.

I wanna say 12ish turns, I unfortunately didn't keep too well a count...


Seth   :  3 32 15 14 13 13 11  9
Everyone else: Same

Chapter 4

FINALLY! The others get to some some actual use, with Gilliam tanking the upper left easily, Vanessa flying South West to get Lute, and Seth and Franz going everywhere else. No real problems here aside from the two floating eyeballs, and Seth got S Lances (BIG surprise). Also, Eirika went and got the upper village. Lots of levels all around the board here.

7 Turns


Seth   :  5 34 15 15 13 13 12  9
Franz  :  3 23  8  6  9  3  7  1
Gilliam:  6 27 10  7  3  4 10  3
Vanessa:  3 18  5  8 13  6  7  5

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You don't get Iron Lances in 5x, so just rip Orson's Steel Lance, and dump it onto Forde.

What are you planning to promote Amelia into? Cavalier is insta-benefit, with better movement. Knight has better defense though. :mellow:

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Normally I go Knight > General with her since I'm a fan of Generals over Pallies, but I'm thinking Cav > Pally (Maybe GK if her STR is up there or something) this time around. I'm prolly gonna put a kill limit per chapter for her... if only to actually say I used her and to give some semblance of challenge.

Off to do chapter 5... Again... Frickin Seth, not being able to be in 3 places at once...

Chapter 5

This was pretty hectic, mainly getting Seth to be in the right spot half the time. First turn, I had Vanessa go get the village to the bottom right, then had her move right. She poked the bandit boss who appeared, only to realize she was absolutely no match for him with her base STR and a Slim lance... Seth took care of em both, fortunately (What a guy!) I was thrown into a bit of a shit storm when I (for some reason) did not expect the Bandit reinforcements to appear, but thankfully their AI is to attack first, and then pillage if nobody else is nearby. So, Seth went and lured Joshua and a Bandit away from the house by setting himself one space left of the Forest Joshua is above. Thankfully, though I had a Slim lance on him and S ranked, he did NOT crit the fool, and next turn I had Seth go finish the bandit that Franz was currently occupying, as Franz went and stole the village in the center. Vanessa, meanwhile, teamed with Gilliam to take out the archer on the very left, and Vanessa snuck by the Mercenary up top, visiting the village and then moving one space up so she couldn't be touched! Those axers were PISSED about that, I could hear their insults being slung at her, whilst she laughed!

12 turns.

Stats so far... I forgot to check before I went to 5x. Will get back to ya on that.

Chapter 5x

OK, a bit of stupidity on my part. My first attempt was pretty damn brave and stupid. I WAS going steady with Ephraim/Kyle/Forde with some problems, but I was blowing through my healing items like cheap hookers, and eventually got done in by a god damn Mage, hitting Ephraim straight in the face ker-DEADing him. OK, restarted it. Realized I had Orson in my group. Went much faster after that, having him take most of the grunt work of plowing through and finally finishing the boss. Had him trade the Steel Lance around often, but unfortunately had to have him finish off Zonta.

21 Turns.

Stats for them will come soon, sry about that! However, I do have Team Eirika's stats as of now!


Seth   :  6 35 16 15 14 13 12  9
Franz  :  5 24  8  8  9  5  7  1 (Secret Booked)
Gilliam:  7 27 11  8  3  4 10  3
Vanessa:  4 19  5  8 13  6  9  5 (DracoShielded)

Chapter 6

Well... Possibly the one map to make me restart so much on this playthrough. Many of them resulting from Placement of Seth/Vanessa. I eventually made it through rather easily after a wee bit of thought being put into it. I sent Franz to the forest up top from the topmost starting position, and Gilliam in the forest below literally waiting since his SPD will not allow him to get anything done and his DEF was no match for that GOD DAMN LEVEL 7 CAVALIER WHO HAS STATS MUCH HIGHER THAN NORMAL... AND AN IRON BLADE... Seriously! Level 7 Cav with 29 10 7 10 3 9 1... Vs a level 6 with 25 8 6 8 3 7 2... Anyway, after Franz got a free hit at the douche, he (LVL7CAV moved down to attack Gils, missing first, getting hit, then hitting Gils. All in all, this was awesome, as Gils could kill the bastard and end his reign of terror over Gilliam. Meanwhile, Franz was laughing at Gilliam. Anyway, Seth charged 2 down, 6 right on turn 1, 1 right, 7 up on turn 2, 5 right onto a forest on turn 3, then killed Novala on turn 4. I got an Elixir from a Valkyrie before I finished, and Vanessa got some delicious EXP from a Shaman who kept missing. All in all, I ended up on top, Teabagging the chapter.

4 Turns. (And I seriously cannot get over that damn Cavalier on 'roids...)


Seth   :  7 35 16 16 14 13 12  9
Franz  :  6 25  8  9 10  6  7  1
Gilliam:  8 28 12  8  3  5 11  4
Vanessa:  4 19  5  8 13  6  9  5

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Yay love! :D

But right now, I'm busy bitching at Ch 7. Fucking god damn fucking mages with Thunder and their god damn 2 Range and their god damn 14/15 ATK vs my low RES team (Seth aside). Seriously, Vanessa has like my best chance vs these fuckers, but she still only has 5 RES!

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lrn2PureWater? I mean, this isn't Eph. Route, so you don't need to save them for Phantom Ship.

I'm going Ephraim's route, so... What? Prolly my acatar confusing you lol!

And as for the low numbers of them, I have no 2 range, and they're all either in the way or gonna be chasing my ass around the map anyway. And as if to rub it in, one of em has an Energy Ring that I can't steal... Well excuse me for limiting myself for this playthrough, aight? It's a bit pissy having to deal with 2 Range with 1 Range, and low RES all around and only one pure water for the moment. But I suppose I can't complain since I basically asked for it.

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Franz and Seth should be 1-rounding them anyway.

2 Problems there. 1, Seth can't be in two places at once. 2, Franz isn't strong enough to kill in 1 round. 21 HP 5 and 3 DEF mages. And not mention his shitty defense isn't helping when those mages are coupled with tons of other physical units.

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You didn't backtrack and buy Javelins?

You could just go for the easy 4-turn clear that involves airdropping Seth and Eirika near the gate.

No offense, but did you read my 'handicaps' in the first post? Iron/Slim (And Steel where need be) Lances only. And I did finish the map, with some nice results.

Chapter 7

I feel reeeally damn stupid after all of my complaining, TBQH. I sent Seth up north to take care of the Mage and Fighter who were pissing me off, and everyone else East. No real problems encountered after Seth came around from his little nap. However, I'm dropping Gilliam, REALLY should have done so earlier, fucking EXP drainer...

11 turns.


Seth   :  7 35 16 16 14 13 12  9
Franz  :  9 28 10  9 12  6  9  2
Gilliam: DROPPED
Vanessa:  6 21  6  9 15  8 10  7
Ephraim:  6 25  8  9 12  8  8  2
Forde  :  7 25  7  9  8  7  9  2
Kyle   :  7 27  9  8  8  7 10  2

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No offense, but did you read my 'handicaps' in the first post? Iron/Slim (And Steel where need be) Lances only.

Well, no, because you intended to use iron/slim only, then you decided that you'll use steel whenever you deem fit. I don't really know where your arbitrary designation stops.

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You'll have to use Vidofnir for Lyon and the DK, you know, since Lyon 2HKOes everyone and the DK has stupidly high defense. Since you don't have any healers... I guess you could thwack Lyon, then use Vulneraries, but you'd be there for a good amount of time.

Alternatively, abuse Pierce with Cormag/Tana/Vanessa. Or use Triangle Attack.

I'm not really surprised at you dropping Gilliam. He's just so bad... but Armour Knights generally are.

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