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What continent and country would you live in and why?

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I'd like to be a senator or something in Crimea. Basically, work in the palace (but not as a lowly servant or soldier).

The awesome thing about this topic is that, these few days I've been thinking how great it would be to live in Tellius.

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I would live in Tellius as an assassin...

I've seen you there somehwere... I remember you having a Peshkatz, Silver Knife and Stiletto... but where did I see you... *rubs chin*

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I'd like to be a senator or something in Crimea. Basically, work in the palace (but not as a lowly servant or soldier).

The awesome thing about this topic is that, these few days I've been thinking how great it would be to live in Tellius.

i CAN see you as a senator..... you dirty DASTARD!!!! slavery and keeping female herons as...... trophies.......


i probably would live in Tellius, in Crimea

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on second thought, if you could become a laguz, I'd live in Phoenicis and be a hawk under the rule of Tibarn

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I think you're confusing Crimea with Begnion.

true that! i really need to start reading the posts more carefully, before i make other stupid mistakes.

but, Crimea doesn't have a Senate, so he can't be a senator of Crimea. Only Begnion has a Senate.

but regardless, i need to slow down when i read the posts.....

*reads posts slowly*

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on second thought, if you could become a laguz, I'd live in Phoenicis and be a hawk under the rule of Tibarn

Now that you mention, I'd love to be a hawk in Phoenicis. Or just live there, even if I'm not a hawk...

true that! i really need to start reading the posts more carefully, before i make other stupid mistakes.

but, Crimea doesn't have a Senate, so he can't be a senator of Crimea. Only Begnion has a Senate.

but regardless, i need to slow down when i read the posts.....

*reads posts slowly*

Well whatever, just work in the palace or something...

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Tellius! In Crimea!

Well, maybe not. I'd actually just like to travel all of Tellius. You'd meet new and interesting people everyday!

But if I had to chose a place to settle down, it would be Crimea. XD

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