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Worst stage maps you ever encountered.

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which stage maps really pisses you off?

mine are:

FE6: The desert map when you recruit Sophia + 2 gay beserkers = awful. Limited movements, fog of war, really hard to beat it within 25 turns before unlocking Chapter 14 Gaiden especially when you want the items lying in the sand somewhere...

FE7: The desert map...again. But only this time its two gay Warriors instead of Beserkers. Its hard because I hate the fact Pent is a neutral unit. He just goes around slaughtering countless enemy's and gains NOTHING for himself and left the rest of your whole armies with 0 XP... and its hard to rescue him while he's on the other side of the map ARGH! More so, its really hard to unlock Chapter 22x/23x Gaiden since its IMPOSSIBLE to get 700XP and for your entire party with Pent around.

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which stage maps really pisses you off?

mine are:

FE6: The desert map when you recruit Sophia + 2 gay beserkers = awful. Limited movements, fog of war, really hard to beat it within 25 turns before unlocking Chapter 14 Gaiden especially when you want the items lying in the sand somewhere...

FE7: The desert map...again. But only this time its two gay Warriors instead of Beserkers. Its hard because I hate the fact Pent is a neutral unit. He just goes around slaughtering countless enemy's and gains NOTHING for himself and left the rest of your whole armies with 0 XP... and its hard to rescue him while he's on the other side of the map ARGH! More so, its really hard to unlock Chapter 22x/23x Gaiden since its IMPOSSIBLE to get 700XP and for your entire party with Pent around.

desert maps are always tedious, especially if you have mounted units, like paladins

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Those warriors aren't gay... you just cant tell what sex they are.

If I hate any one map most, it's the one where you recruit Jaffar.

I don't know when bridges come and go, and I've had people stuck in the water... many times.

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Off the back of my hand, Chapter 6 where you have to trek Celice alllll the waaaaay through Yied Desert just to capture the temple. And then alllllll the waaaaaay down to take out Ishtor. And then allllll the waaaaaaay to go after Blume.

That's the chapter where I usually lose all interest in the game >.>

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That chapter in Fe8 where you have to fight Pablo for a second time.

It's not a hard map overall,

but the fact that I alwasy seem to get my units seperated an killed.

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That chapter in Fe8 where you have to fight Pablo for a second time.

It's not a hard map overall,

but the fact that I alwasy seem to get my units seperated an killed.

Yeah, that was annoying. I expected Pablo to return, I just didn't expect him to retirn with an entire army.

My worst chapter is the bridge ch. in RD. Not only do characters fall in pits A LOT, but when they do, enemies have 100% hit on them.

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FE1: Chapter before the final one with all those mamkutes and promoted enemies and the non-stop reinforcements.

FE2: Not sure really, they all were somewhat similar. I guess the ones with the NPCs since they always get themselves killed.

FE3: Chapter with Camus as the boss, just about non-stop reinforcements that come quickly. The silver lance dark knights all over the place also don't help much.

FE4: Chapter 9, it's not that hard, it's just is the most boring for me.

FE5: Hmm... quite a few ones here, probably the Xavier one if you are trying to get him AND the member card.

FE6: Chapter 7 on hard mode.

FE7: Chapter 17(?)xx on HHM if you are trying to get all the chests.

FE8: All of them count? jk, but I don't like FE8 much

FE9: Boat chapter on maniac mode... NPCs getting owned all the time ftl

FE10: idk, no particularly awful ones I remember.

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The one where you get priscilla in FE7. Cant stand it

False Friends

I usually sent Marcus up to the village to recruit Priscilla quickly, as he has the highest movement in the chapter amongst your whole team pretty much. I don't find that chapter difficult either. You just have to have the patients.

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Well, the only one I can think of off the top of my head is the one in PoR where it has Naesala and three ballistae. The most problematic thing in that chapter is that I want to talk to Naesala as fast as I can with Janaff/Ulki but the ballistae will kill him if I try to get to Naesala.

There's also the risk of Naesala killing whoever comes too close. I usually lure him with Oscar, but it's still annoying.

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FE2: Not sure really, they all were somewhat similar. I guess the ones with the NPCs since they always get themselves killed.

If you get trapped at the volcano with the Dragons, it can get pretty annoying. Did that my first play, but actually survived about five rounds of that shit before Celica got her thing going :D

FE9: Boat chapter on maniac mode... NPCs getting owned all the time ftl

You know, what was worse was me not realizing to push people that far back. I had the hardest times trying to keep Stella from dying in a single battle D:

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Bridge Chapters in 9+10 were both rather obnoxious with the No Dodge after a pitfall.

FE8 was pretty meh, but only one chapter really made me try to rip hairs out, that was the first chapter with a giant freakin' spider. As trying to save all 3 Civilians is rather annoying on Hard mode since you only have a single sub-par Pegasus rider...

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FE6 11A/10B. I used to be a perfectionist when it came to fire emblem. .....Then I played this chapter. I restarted with save states so many times that I memorized the exact squares each unit should move to and the exact way each battle would play out. Ugh, so frickin annoying. I would recruit Klein and the peg. knight, and then one of the NPC's would go and die and I'd have to start over.

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Another thing I wanted to add. I hate those chapters where you're forced to bring weak-starting characters (who you don't want to train) and after a while a HUGE flood of reinforcements apperars from your starting position. AAAAAAAAGH! You either keep the weak ones with your main group, where they may die, or leave them behind, where they will also die.

FE8 is paticularly good at doing this. For example, the desert chapter in Ephriham's route. You're forced to bring Knoll, and at around turn eight reinforcements appear from behind to slaughter him.

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Well, the only one I can think of off the top of my head is the one in PoR where it has Naesala and three ballistae. The most problematic thing in that chapter is that I want to talk to Naesala as fast as I can with Janaff/Ulki but the ballistae will kill him if I try to get to Naesala.

There's also the risk of Naesala killing whoever comes too close. I usually lure him with Oscar, but it's still annoying.

I usually have a transformed Janaff equipped to the Full Guard, on the first turn, go up to a spot where Naesala can only attack him with his Vortex skill. The ballistae shouldn't be a problem(It'll target Reyson. Who should be untransformed and be able to take one hit from the ballistae.).

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