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Most difficult final boss in the series?

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I'll have to go with Maniac Mode Ashnard, even though I've never seen him myself. Endgame enemies in MM are probably quite hard, and a 10 move 2 range 55 atk enemy doesn't make it any nicer.

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If it weren't for narga I would would say Julius. However, because a half decent julia can one-round him with narga, I half to say berdo. The dark war lords(especially Eins[because you need to take care of him on the first turn], Zwolf, and Elf) are a pain in the ass to take care of. And even then, you have to deal with berdo's guard of berserkers and status staff weilding dark mages. And, if you aren't prepared, he can seriously get irratating because of his stone spell. Especially considering people usually like to skip ch. 24x.

For the other boss fights, the key to beating them easily has already been explained.

@Eins comment: ... What? Eins the is Baron with the Lopto Sword you can take your time killing this one, hell he's usually the last one I kill because he's no threat, Leaf usually sucks

@Berserk and Staves commet: Those are not Beldo and this isn't asking what's the most difficult final chapter in the series. All there is to Berdo is a pathetic Dark Bishop who's weighed down severely by his equipment and can be easily killed the turn his room is opened. He's only a threat to a complete perfectionist newb/noob who lacks Warp/Rewarp.

Do people not read me anymore? Yurius is a piece of cake even without Narga. How is it almost impossible? If you know what you are doing and arrange your items well, Celice can cause 30 damage per round to his 80 hp and he heals only 15 or so each round. Doesn't take very long. 4 or 5 rounds depending on whether Yurius decides to do you a favour and dual at least once. And Yurius causes so little damage to level 30 Celice with the Yuria conversation and a +res ring and Tyrfing that it's nearly impossible to die. And thanks to all the +hit bonuses you can get Celice will have 100% hit.

When you can use 6 (non-Yuria) units to KO Yurius without even a chance of failure Yurius cannot be considered "almost impossible to beat without Narga".

Celice + Delmud + Nanna + Celice's lover + dancer + healer = good night Yurius.

@Bold: Every boss in the entire series is easy.

@Itlacis: Your numbers are wrong. Maxed STR Celice + STR ring does 5 damage per hit to Julius. Not too sure but I don't think Duel activates when facing Nihil, Continue's the only skill I remember that bypasses Nihil. Put simply though, you NEED to bring all those people to help Celice take on Julius if you're not going to use Narga. I don't know about you but I'd consider a boss more difficult of he has more requisites and doesn't go down as easily so Nargaless Julius is pretty high up there.

Ashnard, it's already been mentioned several times how to deal with the guy and I think Ike soling this chapter is rather easy.

Ashera, I'd consider this one hard since you do need lots competent units to deal with the Auras but uh... the way BEXP works in this one makes it pretty darn easy to get the desired results for units you need to train and then there's the Royals. you get. Harder than Ashnard though.

Anyway I guess I'll also say Ashera simply because I can't think of anything harder due to all the final bosses being easy.

Edited by Speedwagon
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If you don't kill Eins on the first turn, his leadership stars will continue to give out ~15% evade to the rest of the other units (can't remember how many he had)

It's 4 stars. Guess I completely forgot about this since I never found it an issue.

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Thracia 776 was never quite about specific units, as opposed to the entire stage design anyway.

It isn't as individualistic as, say, Seisen and its wide gap between overpowered characters and the forgotten substitutes.

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@Bold: Every boss in the entire series is easy.

@Itlacis: Your numbers are wrong. Maxed STR Celice + STR ring does 5 damage per hit to Julius. Not too sure but I don't think Duel activates when facing Nihil, Continue's the only skill I remember that bypasses Nihil. Put simply though, you NEED to bring all those people to help Celice take on Julius if you're not going to use Narga. I don't know about you but I'd consider a boss more difficult of he has more requisites and doesn't go down as easily so Nargaless Julius is pretty high up there.

Ashnard, it's already been mentioned several times how to deal with the guy and I think Ike soling this chapter is rather easy.

Numbers work. 5 damage a shot and Celice doubles. 10 damage each attack sequence assuming no dual. Dancer makes 20 damage per player phase. Enemy phase makes 10 more damage. 30 damage a turn. Celice can "solo" Yurius. To me, that means Yurius is easy. If all you need to do is heal Celice with staves while 3 units (Delmud, Nanna, Celice's lover) pick their noses within 3 tiles of Celice and lynn dances once a turn, that's easy. Certainly easier than Ashera or Ashnard. I disagree with resolve + wrath on Ike on the principal that Ike's already amazing against everything else at this point anyway. It's kind of a waste since it won't actually help much. Besides, if you are keeping his support partners in range (it's what others are suggesting) then the other enemies can attack Soren and Ashnard will, too, if he doesn't die in one round. Let's face it, wrath isn't a sure thing. Also, Ashnard can miss his first attack (if Oscar and Soren are in range?) and then no wrathing. And then he goes after Soren next turn. Or after he gets beat down once he'll change and then attack Soren.

As for Awareness, I'm pretty sure all it blocks is the critical ability and sword skills. It doesn't block much else. Not big shield, not continue, etc. Besides, even if he doesn't stupidly dual to accelerate his own death, 15 + 15 + 15 + 15 = 60 damage dealt in 4 rounds. Then the following player phase has 20 damage = dead Julius. A 5 round may be a bit long, but that's not hard. You literally activate 3 different units each turn. The healer, Celice, and the dancer. And some turns you probably won't even need the healer.

The chance of something bad happening in fe4 is like 1 in 1 million. I ran through the calculations on one of the two fe genesis sites. Actually, it was probably even less likely than 1 in 1 million, considering Yurius only gets one shot at it (after the first attack, Celice can get Yurius down to <25 hp faster than Yurius can kill Celice) and he has a horrible hit rate on Celice. Well, that and dual actually needs to work. Chance of something bad happening if dual can't activate = 0%. Chance of something bad happening in fe9? Much higher.

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Thracia 776 was never quite about specific units, as opposed to the entire stage design anyway.

It isn't as individualistic as, say, Seisen and its wide gap between overpowered characters and the forgotten substitutes.

And this is the problem with comparing the "final bosses." FE5 and FE9 feature the boss as an entire stage unto itself. FE7 puts a delineation point between the Morph/Nergal fight and the Fire Dragon; do we honestly want to bullshit ourselves into thinking the former isn't part of the "final encounter?" And where do you draw the line in FE4, where there's multiple armies before you even get near Julius? It weights things unfairly toward the "big guy" school of final boss design, even though the bosses with longer and harder stages are arguably harder encounters.
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Numbers work. 5 damage a shot and Celice doubles. 10 damage each attack sequence assuming no dual. Dancer makes 20 damage per player phase. Enemy phase makes 10 more damage. 30 damage a turn. Celice can "solo" Yurius.

I don't remember Yurius being a Masochist like Ashnard and I'm pretty sure bosses in castles attacking a unit standing in the entrance would choose the 2-range option which Celice cannot counter-attack.

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I don't remember Yurius being a Masochist like Ashnard and I'm pretty sure bosses in castles attacking a unit standing in the entrance would choose the 2-range option which Celice cannot counter-attack.

Done it myself. Yurius has the brains of a newt. Not every boss is like him, though. If you want to see for yourself, you'd have to try it on the big idiot himself.

Yurius even has Meteo and multiple targets (when I beat him) within 10 range. And yet, as long as Celice is on his doorstep, he will happily ignore everyone else and charge Celice. I have no clue if Yurius will act the same way for any other unit you may place on his doorstep, but for Celice he is suicidal.

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Not too sure but I don't think Duel activates when facing Nihil, Continue's the only skill I remember that bypasses Nihil. Put simply though, you NEED to bring all those people to help Celice take on Julius if you're not going to use Narga. I don't know about you but I'd consider a boss more difficult of he has more requisites and doesn't go down as easily so Nargaless Julius is pretty high up there.

I think you're confusing Thracia's Awareness with Seisen's Awareness. Seisen's Awareness only negates sword skills and criticals.

The AI is incredibly simple-minded. Julius will always attack Celice when Celice is parked on the castle gate...at melee range. Lord priority, I guess...

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I haven't quite faced him myself, I just started FE3 a couple weeks ago, but I heard FE3 Medeus can be pretty hard. Does anyone have any opinions about facing him? It seems strange to me that everyone seemed to completely ignore FE1-FE3 in this topic. Anyone have any opinion about FE1 and FE2's bosses?

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I just checked some videos and apparently, it's not just Julius, Alvis does the same shit too and against

as well. Seems I confused how the FE4 AI would react to such situations with how I would.

FE4's AI is just dumb. The mage sisters will attack Shanan. On a forest. With Balmung. In melee range.
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Those are not Beldo and this isn't asking what's the most difficult final chapter in the series.

What I mean is that in thracia, the enttire final chaptter itself could be considered a final boss whereas, in boss fights like the fire dragon or ashera, they are the discernable final boss. However, just for the sake of arguement, lets look at ech chapter as a whole.

FE4: Take you're holy weapon users wipe out the map up to the dark warlords, then use Yuria for everything else.

FE5: Face 6 overpowered dark warlords, those being: Funf, a high evade sniper with a master bow, wrath, and prayer. Zwei, a boss with two skils that mean instant death and can activate any time, with 1-2 range weapons that can target defense or resistance. Drei, a crappy warrior that always seems to kill my units for some inexplicable reason(my atrocious luck?). Eins, A baron you have to deafeat with either fergus or leaf(any other potential users of the blaggi sword stink due to dismounting) with 4 leadership stars. And Elf, an overpowered sage with 30 resistance, excellent accuracy, resire, a berserk staff, prayer, and wrath.(granted, some enemies can be put to sleep but doing so never works for me) Not to mention the various dark mages around the map and as reinforcements with fenrir and status staves along with the group of powerful berserker in the middle. Some of which even marita can't double.

FE:6: just use divine weapons, fa, and the sword of seals.

FE7: The bishops in the bottom two corners can be annoying but other then that, Atthos and canas with eclipse and luna kill it easily.

FE:8: You get a bunch of over powered units with over powered weapons. You can usually kill him on the first turn with even having him summon any monsters or use ravager/nightmare.

FE9: Clear out the enemies in the courtyard first. Other than Bryce, who complicates things only by a small margin, its just like a regular chapter up until Ashnard decides to attack you. Once that happens, Ike+wrath and resolve take care off things quick.

FE10: Nihil+Parity the aura's, and land the finishing blow with Ike. Fortify+Ashera staff+hammerne clears up any healing you may need done. Anyone who can't survive one of Ashera's area affect spells shoudn't be fielded. The skill aura doesn't even activate if a character lands a finishing blow.

FE11: Normal chapter. Just kill Medeus with Marth/Tiki/Nagi.

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I haven't quite faced him myself, I just started FE3 a couple weeks ago, but I heard FE3 Medeus can be pretty hard. Does anyone have any opinions about facing him? It seems strange to me that everyone seemed to completely ignore FE1-FE3 in this topic. Anyone have any opinion about FE1 and FE2's bosses?

FE3 Mediuth is no big deal. The only thing about him is that if you're saving the four princesses, you have to do that and kill him in one player phase, but it's not hard. Marth with the Falchion, at least two of the Akaneia weapons, Tiki, and Feena dancing or the Again staff kills him (unless Marth is underleveled).

I haven't played them but it doesn't look like the FE1 and 2 final bosses are hard.

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Ashera, and Veld (that's not the name I usually use for him, but I forgot the real spelling and don't want to call him Birdo). Ashera is easy because I play on Easy Mode (I enjoy the simplicity, I'm not in it for the challenge), but she is annoying for having to get rid of all of those Auras. Veld is hard because of having to get through all the Fenrir Mages.

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