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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 7: Injury, Exhaustion, Renewal


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"Oh well, pay it no mind. But do know where that wind mage went? I'd like to talk to him more about his tome. That reminds me, do you know where the two she spoke of earlier went? I'd like to see their weapons as well."

Cess turned to follow Morgan.

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Kelas made sure Tessa found her room again, then realized that Arrin hadn't returned. Something occurred to her: she stuck her head back into Tessa's room. No Arrin. "Er... never mind," she muttered, and set off down the hall.

She found him pestering Katie and Isotov, who were evidently concentrating on something else. "Leave them alone," she told Arrin irritably.

"Why? The food smells good, she was telling me about it--"

"Because you are overtired and pestering." She caught his sleeve, leading him away. Something was annoying her, and it wasn't even her brother; she wasn't really sure what it was... well, she was tired.

In the hall, she passed Kamilla, trying to drag Helios off to Tessa. "Tessa's sleeping," she told Kamilla. "This place is full of healers, though; I'm sure you'll find someone."

Kelas steered Arrin towards the room he'd picked earlier. It was still empty, and he immediately crashed on the bed. Satisfied that her brother was out, Kelas headed for her own room.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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So long as you can provide food and cook-books and don't mind that I could only find the tofu version of bacon today, yes. scribbled down Katie, a happy smile upon her face.


"Mmmm... I don't think I want to answer that. You haven't told me enough about yourself yet."

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Morgan sighed. She was rather tired.

"I do not keep a constant watch on all the wielders, they should all be around here somewhere. Personally I am going to go to bed as I am growing rather tired. Search ofr them if you wish." Morgan headed off to her room.

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Kamilla frowned, she hadn't even been able to get a response from Helios before the nomad lady (Is she still dressed in Aiya clothes? XD) came along and told her that Tessa was sleeping in her room. She'd apparently left moments before Tessa had returned, she looked at Helios's hand and then down the corridor. She looked at Helios who seemed to be staring blankly ahead and decided she didn't care enough about the mage to drag him to a healer. Especially now that she knew Tessa was asleep. And she'd been looking forward to asking her about "The lady" too.

Deciding that she'd have to give up today, she headed back to her room leaving a dazzled Helios standing in the hallway like an idiot.

As she turned a corner she noticed Morgan up ahead, and she wrinkled her nose remembering that she was in the room as Tessa, (Aiya?) and herself. But seeing the opportunity and ran up to Morgan

"Lady, lady!" she said in an annoying tone as she approached Morgan. "Are you the lady?" she asked Morgan who seemed to be too tired to deal with her antics. "Tessa said I served a lady, and had to listen to her rules, but I don't know any lady's other then you, am I supposed to be serving you?" she asked curiously.

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Kelas didn't waste any time in dragging Arrin away. She seemed ... upset. Things hadn't been going well for them. She had every reason to be so. He chalked it up to that and turned back to Katie to answer her question.

Iso: It's a deal. Don't worry. The tofu doesn't bother me one bit. You may need to hide me if Stephanie shows up though. Just the mention of bacon and she may whack me over the head -_-


Irina followed Kelas into the academy but split off to watch Iso and Katie.

Irina: (Well ... she's pretty I guess ... but you'd think a mage would want to date somebody he could actually talk to. Now I know Lev certainly wouldn't mind a woman who can't talk ... he's such a dog -_- )


Stephanie: Hmpf. Dragged out of my bed to tend to those without injury? How rude, that woman is. Well, the Goddess shall have her servants ever present ... just in case. Now then, if no one else is going to drag me off, I believe I shall return to the dorms.


Ixion: What more is there to tell? If I was trained at this academy, they would give me the meaningless title "7th Circle". I've spent every waking hour of my youth learning to utilize elder magic. I have no interest in the affairs of this world unless they directly effect my interests. Is there anything specific you aim for me to reveal, Headmaster?

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"So... You think yourself worthy of the title of seventh circle?" asked the headmaster, clearly interested in the mages boast of power. "And you are versed in elder magic... Mmmm... That... is not good at all for me."


Why? Is she a monster vegan?

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Kamilla frowned at having received such a short answer clearly not happy or content she stared at the door for a few seconds, then smiled mischievously. She started banging on the door with her fists, pausing occassionaly to listen to footsteps, if she couldn't hear any she resumed her banging, this time though she thought she heard movement inside and quickly darted down the hallway and round a corner. She waited a few seconds, but when the door didn't open she crept back and started banging on the door again.

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(I had been talking to Irina, not Morgan)

"Oh, well thank you both anyway. I suppose I should return to my inn as well."

Cess walked to the town square. He wondered why he was here. The contract seemed to be canceled, he was out of money, and his friend was missing. He might as well look for the wind mage. He felt a pulse from one of his Spirit Dolls.


"Hi little sis. You should be in bed by now."

"I know brother, but you didn't check in earlier! I was worried. Did you get your contract yet?"

"It's alright. No, apparently there was a bandit raid earlier. I'm afraid I'm out of work now."

"Oh no! Are you okay, did you get hurt, are you scared?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I might still be in the capitol for a while though, I met someone with a Crimson weapon."

"Oh my! Well, make sure you're safe around the weapons! You don't what could happen. You'd should go to the church though brother. They might be willing to take you in. Well good night."

"Good night, little sis."

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Morgan opened the door and caught Kamilla.

"We don't do that here."

She dragged Kamilla in the general direction where she smelled food. She saw Isotov and Katie there, probably blathering on about some anima mage nonsense.

"Watch her you two. Some of us need our rest after nearly getting killed again and she's being rather disruptive. She walked back to her room and attempted to go back to bed.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Kamilla cursed quietly as Morgan caught her, apparently Morgan had figured her out and heard her scamper off and had been waiting for her to come back. Before she got a chance to ask more questions she was dragged over to where Isotov and Katie where and was rudely dump on the two as Morgan stormed off down the hallway.

Looking at the pair she frowned racking her brains for something before pointing her finger dangerously close to Isotov's eyeball "I know you! You're Isotov! Irina's brother!" she said recalling Tessa's words earlier that day. She the looked over at Katie and frowned, "and you're some old person that was outside!" she said pointing her other hand at Katie.

Edited by Kanami
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OOC: Ixion: Let's throw down right here, bitch! XD


Iso: She's one of the Goddess' ... more devoted servants. She follows every little health law and dietary guideline the church sends out, including the advisory against consuming pork, and she expects those close to her to do the same. I doubt she's changed, and I don't want to get whacked with a staff so let's only eat the good stuff when she's ... not around ^_^

Suddenly, the unthinkable! Morgan had arrived with Kamilla in toe! Isotov knew things could only go downhill from there. After Kamilla's assessment, Isotov sighed.

Iso: (Dammit, Morgan -_- )


Irina: (Whacked ... with a staff ... ... ... that's Stephanie -_- )


On her way back into the building she saw numerous people walking around, most heading to the dorms. She saw Irina standing just barely within earshot of Isotov and Katie. Curious, she approached Irina from behind, and tapped her on the shoulder.

Irina: Huh?! I wasn't stalking anyone, I swear! >_<

Stephanie: The Goddess despises deception, Irina. You know that :mellow:

Irina: :unsure:

She wasn't sure how to respond. Stephanie appeared to be acting normal again.


Ixion: Worthy? Most certainly not. I am only worthy of that which I am willing to obtain. That title has no meaning for me. It is merely a measure each magic user is given, most likely to generalize and judge with. Explain what you mean by "good for you".

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"Mmmm... I would rather not. Especially if you can't figure out something so obvious for yourself. You are starting to bore me though."


I'm not old! I'm not even thirty yet! wrote Katie, a furious expression upon her face at the taunting of the child-like Kamilla. And it's not even noon. What were you doing last night that made you so sleepy?

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She took a step back as Katie seemed to burst into rage-mode. Not having expected such a reaction. Katie seemed to be pointing at her book "I....thirty.....?" she asked wincing at the words "You're thirty!" she said loudly taunting Katie, "You could be my grandma!" Kamilla said jumping up and down ignoring the look of rage on Katie's face. "Old grandma blue-head" she said pointing her finger at Katie again.

She looked at Isotov and smiled "And you're Isotov-Irina's brother" she repeated proudly.

(Kamilla is not really literate XD)

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OOC: Ixion: You're not going anywhere! *grabs chains* XD


Grandma? That was going a bit too far, and Katie seemed to think so too having given the stupified Kamilla a look of severe agitation.

Iso: What are we going to do now? I'm no babysitter.

Irina and Stephanie

They both watched as Kamilla pestered Isotov and Katie. They stayed quiet hoping not to draw any attention to themselves, and when they spoke, they were almost whispering.

Irina: Kamilla's been acting ... strange laterly.

Stephanie: She isn't ... she isn't a ... a "retard" is she?

Irina: I don't remember. Most of the time she was just making everyone upset. Not much has changed apparently :unsure:


Ixion: And here I hoped to learn just a bit more before we ... parted ways. There's no need to fly off however. These are your quarters after all.

He turned around getting ready to leave. He quickly looked back slightly.

Ixion: I trust you'll want your ... gender ... to remain a secret ...?

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"Eh? I don't care about my gender so much beyond having fun agitating curious school kids and... well... dissuading fans."


Iso. Hold me. Now. Or else the TISME infirmary is gonna have a new patient.

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Sensing that Katie was getting upset Kamilla stepped away from the two mages so she could make a run for it should the mage try to yell at her. "Why's grandma blue-head all angry?" she asked Isotov. But not being able to get an immediate response eyed Katie suspiciously. "Why you angry grandma bluehead?"

Edited by Kanami
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Katie's note hit Isotov in a number of ways! "Hold me"?! Why did that make him so ... so damn warm inside? It also worried him that she really was going to strike Kamilla. Despite her behavior, she still probably didn't understand what she was doing. Iso didn't waste any time and carefully took hold of Katie to make sure she didn't whack Kamilla!

Irina and Stephanie

Stephanie: Hm? Iso has a girlfriend now?

Irina: Uhhhh :unsure:

Stephanie: Why didn't you tell me? I want to meet her.

Irina: Yeah, let's get out of here before Kamilla notices us >_<


"agitating curious school kids and dissuading fans" the headmaster had said.

Ixion: Benign sadism and chastity?

Ixion's summary was incredibly generalized, but he was sort of poking for responses.

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"Not wanting to put up with people trying to oogle me."


As Iso took hold of Katie, the mage tried to raise her tome to strike the wench, being stopped only by Iso's firm grip. Still, she tried twice more before giving up to his restraint.

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OoC: I'm guessing that's my cue to stop Stephanie and Irina from leaving.:P

Kamilla watched as the two embraced eachother, slightly annoyed that they'd be all lovey dovey and not pay her any attention. "Blue-heaaaaaaad!" she whined, trying to get Katie's attention. "Grandmaaaaaaa" she suddenly paused and looked at the plate that was dangerously wobbling in Isotov's hand as he embraced Katie, thinking this was her chance, she snatched the plate away "Bacoooooooon~!" she said in a loud whiny tone, there wasn't any of the stuff left, but a few small pieces which were hardly recognizable. "Where's Kamilla's bacon!" she demanded angrily she started licking the plate infront of the two trying to at least get a taste of what had been on the plate.

(Tofu equivalent of Bacon = Kamilla bacon, she was raised in a strict church and was taught that the stuff Katie had was bacon...... yes I just made that up now, bite me:P)

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OOC: Ixion: You ain't all that <_< *takes off cloak* Ixion: :blink:


Iso: K-Kamilla! Urgh ... damn ... well hopefully no one noticed that -_-

Irina and Stephanie

The two women began carefully maneuvering through the morning traffic to reach the stairs unnoticed.


Ixion: Oogle ... and here I thought discipline was a teaching your academy embraced, though magic and pleasure aren't always so separate from one another.

He was trying not to let his amusement show through. The headmaster's mannerisms were even getting to him somehow.

Ixion: Well you certainly are an interesting ... oogle disliking ... spirit being ....

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"What? You were expecting some high and mighty snob of a being, conceited in his own power; instead of a aloof, carefree, being who couldn't care less?" asked the headmaster. "You have some low expectations of what I would be like."


My plate! Iso! Get back my plate!

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OoC: Heh, you can't beat me that easily. :P

Kamilla yelled at the pair angrily, she was hungry and these two had been eating without her "Kamiiiilllllaaaa's Beeeeeaaaaaaakkkkkkooooonnnnn!" she yelled loudly. Isotov tried to quieten her, but she took no notice. Figuring that the pair wouldn't give her anything she ran off in search of her own food, running straight for the stairs where she caught sight of the woman Tessa had called Irina. "EEEEEEWWWWWEEEEENNNNAAAAAAA!" she said running over to the pair, "Isotov-Irina's brother was eating bacon! And didn't give Kamilla any! He ate it all him self and didn't give Kamilla any!" She said emphasizing the part where she hadn't received any twice as she felt it was the most important part.

"He fat pig! Kamilla wants bacon too!" she whined tugging at Irina's shirt. "EEEWWWWEEENNNAAAAA Kamilla wants Baaakkkoooonnn!"

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OOC: Ixion: I was expecting Shawn Connery :mellow:


As Kamilla ran off, Iso and Katie watched in utter shock!

Iso: This can't be good.

Irina and Stephanie

As they reached the stairs, Kamilla intercepted them! After a long and crazed complaint, Stephanie snapped!

Stephanie: Iso!! You would dare disregard the instructions of the Goddess?!! :wtf:

Irina: (Dammit, Kamilla >_< ) Iso ... run ... :facepalm:


Ixion: Yes I have preposterously low expectations. It tends to augment pleasant surprise later on, and I am pleasantly surprised ... but I've taken up enough of your time, I think.

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