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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 7: Injury, Exhaustion, Renewal


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The tall armor clad man held the piece of Kelas' tunic in his hand and smiled at it before looking up to see her exit the stables at a speed some of the horses couldn't even match.

???: ... that one isn't interested in mating with the hero's son? ... I should have just stabbed her then ... Damian and Aiya are a well known and respected couple it seems ... I'd better only use his face when the dumber ones need warming up. Heh ... Grrrr ....

His grin quickly faded and became a look of anger. His body began to rapidly shift and he took the form of a small purple furred cat before scurrying away into the shadows!

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[[OOC: I'm assuming they have a bell. It's an academy for crying out loud.]]

Tessa woke up to the sound of a bell. Pulling herself out of bed, she settled into the traditional routine: go perform ablutions, attend morning prayer in the chapel, head to the kitchen to...

She realized this wasn't the right room. And the bell sounded different than it should have. Blinking away the fog and haze of sleep she remembered. She was in TISME now, her days at the monastery were a thing of the past. There was a slight pain in her chest as she realize this, and she put a hand to her breast, and looked around carefully. The room was empty, the others must have woken before her and started heading out to get things done.

Hmm, well I might as well uphold the routine as best I can. It's a good one, and has served me well, she thought to herself. She made her way down the corridor towards the area of the baths, and finding a door with ♀ written on a sign nearby, Tessa knocked briefly before stating, "I'm coming in."

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"Yeah, I have... I didn't fall unconscious by myself that time, too, there was a bandit there and I wasn't quick enough to dodge it. I feel... different now, though... whatever. I suppose I'll be fine."

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Finally bored of sitting around and doing nothing, Esphyr got up and out of her bed before heading out into the TISME hallways. "Can't believe I'm back here." she said to no one as she shuddered under her clothes, pulling her armor tight about her in response. She hated this place, and she knew it. Never the less, she still had to put up with it. But she didn't have to stay inside the dorms. That was for certain. With a quick decision, she left the dorms and headed out into the main area of TISME, planning to head outside in short order.

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OOC: Great, now off on the quest for Cakie. >.>

"'Cakie'? I don't know who you're talking about, Kamilla, but they might be in the dining hall. We can find them there, and they'll give you lots and lots of bacon, if what you said was true. Why don't you lead me to Cakie?"

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It didn't take long for Iso to reach the cafeteria/dining hall/wherever people chow at. He looked around seeing numerous students and teachers each getting their own breakfast and conversing about the usual, as well as the bandit raid. He wasn't sure where Katie was, but he was feeling hungry, so he felt that finding her might be a good idea.


While Irina soaked in the tub, she heard someone's voice at the door!

Tessa: I'm coming in ...

Irina: Huh?! (Oh no ... oh wait ... it's not a guy this time. It sounds like Tessa actually) Umm ... Okay!! :unsure:

She called out a bit hoping her voice would carry to the door and let her know that it was alright.

Edited by Phoenix
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Katie, of course, was within her dorm room still, the bacon and cake she had made for Kamilla slowly going cold. Not that she terribly minded. She was reading two books at the moment. One on cooking, and a second on something darker. Much darker.

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OOC: If Isotov is hungry why doesn't he just eat in the cafeteria?

"Oh right. Axes do tend to cause unconsciousness, as I know from personal experience."

"I wonder if Damian is finished yet. We should not linger too long, there are tasks to accomplish."

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"Perhaps so. However, he at least wants to stop the Lord of Azure Flame so I can tolerate his excessive fraternizations and occasional bigheadedness. The rest of the group seems to wander around aimlessly. Sometimes I wonder if they even believe there are any demons."

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Aiya was the first of the pair to wake up.She stretched in the morning light,and got up out of bed.

The usual morning routine followed.She washed her face,brushed her teeth,brushed her hair,and all such things.Slipping off the thin nightgown she wore to sleep,she shivered as the cold morning air attacked her newly exposed skin.

"It's kind of cold today." She said to herself,not yet awake enough to realize it was redundant.Hoping to free herself of the cold air,she put on a new set of undergarments,and put on a faded violet dress,as at the moment they had no plans to do battle today.

Turning towards the bed,she saw Damian was just beginning to stir,and couldn't help but stare as the blankets fell from him,revealing his bare chest to her.He yawned and stretched,before looking to her with a smile on his face.

"Come now,Aiya.Are you that insatiable in the morning that you need to look me up like a starving dog checks out a steak?" He said jokingly,walking towards her and embracing her.

"Why yes,I guess I am,Damian.Won't you please satisfy my rampant lust?" Aiya replied,letting herself play along,as they both knew the other was joking.

"Just give me a minute to freshen up then,and then I shall do my utmost to bring my sweet mistress to the throes of ecstasy." He said before walking towards the attached washroom,Aiya letting out a small squeak as he unexpectedly squeezed her backside.

She looked back at him,about to ask why he had done that,only to nearly burst out laughing at the obviously fake,innocent smile he had plastered onto his face.

"I guess I'll let it go this time." She said,sitting on the bed as he finished his business.

"Well,we should get going,the others are likely either waiting for us,or ravaging the breakfast stock without us." Damian said to her,stepping out of the washroom wearing loose tan pants and white shirt.

"Alright,let's go."

The two then left the room and started down the hall.

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"There's definitely something weird out there. I believe you, at least... Didn't you see that purple shapeshifting thing? I saw it from my cell."

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"Well...good. It is good to know that not everyone regards me as some sort of crazy prophet."

"I heard rumors of a shapeshifting demon nearby. We should be on our guard."

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OOC: @ Cynthia

Because Katie has stronger pheromones than the cafeteria chefs :P


Iso: (They won't poison the students so I should be fine. I'll wait a few more minutes though.)

He quickly walked over to a table and sat down to relax.

Irina(Awaiting responses)

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"Heh. I think you're probably the smartest out of all of us, actually... though looking at the rest of us... yeah, you can see where I'm going with that. But I agree. Anything that dangerous is something we should watch out for."

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"Ah, er...." Morgan stumbled awkwardly over her words. This is what getting a compliment is like? Strange.... "Uh, anyway I am going to go see Damian, you can accompany if you wish or...whatever." She hustled off in the direction where she thought Damian was. Thankfully, she encountered him in the hallway.

"So, where to now fearless leader?" she asked him.

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Having eaten and bathed, Cess made his way to the training grounds. Various numbers of students could been seen training. A few clerics seemed to run through the students, healing a scrape of cut with their staves every now and then. Mages could be seen trying out Thunder, Wind and Fire magic, against both training dummies, and each other. A shaman nearby seemed to be drawing runes on the ground to execute his next spell, and a Monk seemed to be reading a tome of Light in the corner.

Cess took his tome out from his pack, and practiced with a dummy a few times before moving on the the casting machine. He dodged the majority of the spells flung at him, then decided to head back to dining hall to look for that strange troupe.

"I might as well as a student where the Mercenary guild is, in the event they don't want me to tag along."

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As Damian and Aiya were walking down the hallway,Esphyr greeted them.

"Morning Esphyr." They both said at the same time,before turning towards her.

"Where you headed,anyway?" Damian asked,but before he could get a response,he heard Morgan from the other end of the hall.

"So, where to now fearless leader?"

"Oh,good morning,Morgan." Damian replied to the shamaness,before answering her question.

"We may want to look into the mesh sightings near the border,but whatever we do,it would likely be best not to stay in Ilyphina too long.Viveka's troupe may have been placated,but we do not know how long the rest of the military will be held up."

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"Seems to be a sound enough plan. We should gather everyone, and quickly."

She looked over him suspiciously. "You should be wearing your armor. Danger could strike at any time. We must remain constantly vigilant."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Kamilla grabbed Eric's hand and started dragging/pulling him down the hallway towards the dining hall "Kamilla knows where dinining hall is" she declared proudly, acting like someone who had found a lost child. "Kamilla saw it yesterday" she said proudly, despite the fact that the dining hall was rather hard to miss. As they arrived she pointed at the hall which was getting rather full with students "Dining hall!" she said point her finger at a student who seemed stunned at first but shook his head and walked off.

Looking around she realized one big problem that needed to be addressed "Mis- Eric? What does Cakie look like?" she asked looking around the dining hall for someone who looked like a wedding cake.

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OOC: Sorry Phoenix.

Hearing a voice call out that it was okay, Tessa made her way into the room, closing the door behind her. It was a modest but decent affair, and she saw that Irina was currently soaking in one of the tubs. She gave the woman a little wave before beginning to disrobe. She carefully folded up her clothing and laid it in a neat pile to the side.

It was rather quiet as she began to scrub up, but then again, maybe there just wasn't anything to talk about. She tried going over what she knew about the wyvern rider and could possibly use for conversation, but was coming up rather short. They'd been travelling a few days, yet didn't really know anything about each other.

Not one to hold back too much though, she went out on a limb, "So... how long was the group together before you bumped into me? Is life always this exciting with this group?"

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"There is no need to rush ourselves at this moment.It would be best to depart today,of course,but these people aren't trained in discipline,and may not function well if awoken at an odd hour for them.We shouldn't dawdle,but I think we can afford them a bit more time to rest,considering all of the military commotion as of late." Damian said to Morgan,addressing her urgent tone.

"As for the state of my armour,I should be okay in such a fortified place,and considering you do not wear any armour at all,I do not think you need to worry about my state of protection too much,I do have an unexpected weapon,after all."

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"I didn't have any place in mind. This place... doesn't sit well with me at all. Morning Morgan." said Esphyr, adding in the greeting at the last moment. "And I approve of leaving this place as well. I... have too much history here."

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OOC: Katie is also curvier than the chefs I presume.


Isotov finally stood up and decided that there was always next time. He began walking over to the line to grab at least something to eat. An apple and something warm would do.


Irina: Hmm ... not too long. In fact, we haven't been at this for very long.

The more she thought about it, the more strange everything seemed to her. She sank a little deeper into the water as the depressing thoughts crept in.

Irina: We've only been traveling for a week or so, and we've had enough trouble to last a lifetime. What gives? :sob:

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