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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 7: Injury, Exhaustion, Renewal


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"It is best to be prepared at all times. You are used to fighting in afrmor and should therefore be equipped as such."

"We have been resting for quite enough time I wager, more than was necessary. People should learn how to prepare themselves more quickly. If they are not used to it, they must learn quickly. I suggest we gather outside the gates to TISME within the hour." with that she walked off briskly towards the dining hall.

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Kelas didn't slow down as she entered the academy building, startling students as she sped down the hall.

Familiar voices up ahead: Morgan, Chase, Esphyr-- the latter two might help. She headed for them--

--but there was Damian, standing with them-- how had he got there already-- her face paled, and she turned and fled down another hall.

The teachers were beginning to grow annoyed by whoever was running around the halls, disturbing their work. Finally one stuck his head out the door. "Don't just stand there, catch him!" he ordered crossly to everyone standing in the hall, and slammed the door.


Arrin looked around, sighing. Nobody was up yet, apparently, or else they'd all eaten already... He ate several helpings of food, then looked around aimlessly. The monotony was broken by shouts from the hallway, and he exited the mess with interest. Seeing several members of the group gathered in the hallway, he asked, "What's going on?"

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"I suppose you are right,we shouldn't stay very long.And if we're going,I'll go put on my armour." Damian said,turning back towards the dorm room,Aiya following.

The pair both put their armour on,and headed back towards the dining hall.

"So,if we are moving out,we atleast need to eat something.What appears to be the situation?Do we need to make our own,or are we allowed to eat the food here?"

Damian had asked,but then Arrin walked up to them and said hello,with a plate of food in his hands.

"Looks like that answers my question..." Damian said,noticing movement down the hall,it seemed to be Kelas running in the opposite direction.

"What's wrong with Kelas?" he asked,pointing her out to the others.

EDIT:Missed Kiryn's post,so edited accordingly.

Edited by Ether
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On her way to the dining hall, Morgan ran into Cess!

"Oh." she said, looking the man over from before. "You're the one from earlier...the hugger. Anyway, if you wish to acompany us, we're meeting outside TISME in an hour. I assume you know how to kill demons?"

Edited by -Cynthia-
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((Whoops, changing))

"If by, can I fight? Then yes, I can hold myself in battle. Sure, It couldn't hurt, besides I'm out of work right now anyway. But I'd like to know where you're heading before heading off to get lost in some forest. I also don't think I've met everyone yet, just that Wind mage, little girl, that troubadour, and that Wyvern knight."

Edited by psychout50
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"Huh, fair enough I suppose. As for trouble? Well, wasn't there a saying along the lines of 'The Lady gives hardship to those who can handle it'? So I guess, that means we're worthy of the circumstances." Tessa quick rinsed the suds off, and started to towel up. "As much as I might love a good soak, I better head off to morning prayers... err, right. Well, I guess not formal prayers, but..." she trailed off a bit, having once again been lulled slightly into a false sense of the past.

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"Our travels should lead us to the border between Elyisima and Vaorin, after that we will likely pursue the remaining Crimson Weapons. You will be able to meet everyone if you come along." With that, she truned towards the dining hall. It would be foolish to travel on an empty stomach, so she got some food and scarfed it down, scanning the cafeteria as she did so.

She saw no signs of Arrin, but she was able to locate Isotov, she walked up to him and started talking.

"We are going to destroy the mesh. We will meeting outside the gates to TISME within the hour, don't be late."

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After Iso finished the apple off, he started on the oatmeal. It needed more sugar, but he wasn't complaining. Suddenly Morgan showed up and gave him a quick rundown on the situation. Afterwards, Iso turned to her before she left.

Iso: Understood -_-

As polite as he was trying to be, he couldn't disguise his agitation one bit.


As Tessa started getting dressed, Irina looked around. It took her a second to find the towel. She'd been in the tub a bit longer than she planned anyway, so it was probably time to get out herself and go check on Kiev.

Irina: Right, morning prayers for you, and cleaning Kiev's chompers for me ^_^

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More familiar faces: Morgan again, Isotov-- he might be trustworthy but Kelas wouldn't put it past Morgan to be on Damian's side-- Kelas rushed past.

More of the masters were angry now. A few had sent students after her: they trotted along behind dutifully, mostly just to get out of class, and turned back after a bit. The first teacher to complain reappeared: "You lot! That one belongs to you, right? Go!"

Arrin could only stare, ignoring the sage, who was shaking his fist and ranting by now. "Was that my sister just now?" he finally asked the group.

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"Quite possibly. We are leaving within the hour Arrin, so if you want to bring her along I suggest you find her and resolve one of her many issues."

Morgan walked off. More people to collect. On her way out of the dining hall she ran into more people, Kamilla and that French guy myrmidon.

"Seen Tessa anywhere?" As an afterthought she added, "We're leaving to fight the mesh within the hour, you can come I suppose."

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"You know, it probably wouldn't hurt you to pray a little too sometimes," Tessa said with a bit of a smile. "But don't feel pressured or anything. She'd prefer you to come to her of your own free will, more than anything."

Turning back just as she was leaving the room she added, "And maybe I'll see you in the stables after anyway. I'll be checking up on Trevor myself. While I'm sure the hostlers are treating him well, I'm just not sure if they do it with love, you know?"

With that, she started wandering around TISME, curious if the academy had a chapel somewhere. Surely some of the students were devout? She quickly got confused by the similar looking hallways, she had no idea where she was going at this point.

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Cess hurried from the library. He didn't have trouble telling what a demon was, but he had no clue what a mesh was. The book in his hands gave a bit of a description, but he'd best ask the shamaness later. His next stop was the infirmary, and after swiping some bandages, and a vulneary or two, he headed back to the dining hall. Best to be prepared, he always said.

He saw the girl talking to some man, but that little girl from the inn was there wining about bacon or something. He walked up to them.

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Arrin glared at Morgan, but she was already walking away. He turned in the direction that Kelas had fled, but paused before running after her: "I can't run that fast," he lamented. "Would anyone help me catch her?" he asked the group, somewhat glad that Morgan was out of earshot, as he didn't want to hear what she'd suggest.

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Kamilla had been wandering around looking for a person that had 5 layers, white cream all over them and litte red nubs of strawberry poking out of their skin, but even as mage academy it didn't seem people that fit that description existed. She looked around and found Morgan approaching her and Eric and she'd already stopped listening before Morgan even opened her mouth "Bad Lady! Bad lady to bad stuff to Kamilla! Kamilla go get her friends and smite you one day!" she said pointing her finger at Morgan and yelling as loud as she could, both in fear and anger. As she was running away from the woman she thought she ran past someone she recognized a man with a blue cloak but this was TISME and mages wore funny colors everywhere anyway.

As she arrived at the entrance she noticed Kelas looking over at the crowd, perhaps looking for someone. But she seemed to have changed her mind and turned to leave. "HORSE LAAAADDDDY!" she yelled out frantically not wanting to lose sight of her now that she couldn't go back to Eric. "WAAAIIIT FOR KAMMIILLLLAAA" she yelled not too far away from Kelas. Whether she'd be heard or not though,she wasn't sure, so she tried to hurry over to the woman that seemed to be running away from her own shadow.

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After Morgan left, the noise really started to pick up. Iso knew something bad was about to happen. He stood up as soon as he finished his oatmeal and quickly took the dishes to the drop off area so they could be washed, he then cautiously headed back to the main hall.


Once the door shut behind Tessa, Irina rose from the tub and wrapped herself in the towel she'd reserved. After wrapping up her hair, she dried off and put on the soft parts of her riding armor. She then left and headed to the room she and her brother had been using. On the way, praying came back to her mind. Tessa suggested doing it genuinely though. That made sense.

Irina: (What would I pray about ...?)

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Meanwhile, within the academy, both Esphyr and Katie were unaware of the sudden gathering. Rather, Esphyr had been there to hear the command, but had figured it some form of secret code between Morgan and him and that the two were now alone in some remote location 'going on an adventure' with just themselves.

"Why must I always seem to be on the outside?" she sighed to herself, not really knowing what to do.

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Arrin sighed: the others were dispersing. He set off down the hall at a jog, hoping that someone would at least know where Kelas had gone, and why she was running.

As he headed through the main hall, trailing after the shouts of "Stop that disruptive idiot!", he passed Isotov. "Have you seen my sister?" he panted.

OOC: Kelas did run right past Isotov, so it's really a matter of whether he's being observant or oblivious today.

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OOC: Esphyr either has selective hearing or is as dumb as Irina a rock

Apparently, some part of Kamilla remembered what had happened to her. As long as she didn't remember what her original mission was, it didn't really matter. Perhaps they would be able to leave her behind here if they were lucky.

She went to the room Tessa was staying in, but Tessa wasn't in there...

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After having every walk out in front of him, Cess headed back down the hall to the school's entrance. Bam!

A girl ran straight into him knocking him off his feet. She didn't look familiar to him, but she certainly didn't seem to go to this school.


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Iso: Kelas? I'm not sure.

Arrin: She was running through the halls a moment ago. I think something's wrong.

Iso: Wait a second. That person that came through here was Kelas? My view was a bit obscured by the students so I wasn't sure if it was her or not. Our dear leaders are busy. I'll help you find her.


She quickly put on the rest of her armor and grabbed her belongings before heading for the aerie.

Ixion and Stephanie

In the chapel, Stephanie was praying and Ixion was standing by the door waiting.

Stephanie: You really ought to pray too, you know.

Ixion: I've nothing to ask of your goddess.

Stephanie: You could start with manners!

Ixion: If you don't hurry, you'll miss you chance to bid Isotov and Irina farewell ....

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Kelas dodged Kamilla and ran around another corner. She was growing tired... was he still after her? She passed people... she thought she saw Tessa...

With horror she realized she'd just run into a dead end. She spun around, backing up against the wall, scanning the crowd for her supposed pursuer.

"There she is!" Arrin cried, willing himself to run faster. Kelas was pale beneath her tan, and her face showed an unfamiliar expression: sheer terror, Arrin realized. Something was terribly wrong... "Kelas! What happened?" he called as he drew nearer.

"Are you also... on their side?" Kelas demanded, shaking.

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Kamilla finally caught up to Kelas, Arrin had run past her making it easier to track the horse lady. "Calm down horse lady, Kamilla find you a carrot if you be good horsie" she said ruffling through her pockets as if she were looking for something to give to the woman. "Kamilla's on Tessa's side" Kamilla announced proudly, not really sure what the question meant, but she was sure if she'd side with anyone else in the group, well maybe Eric.

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He followed Arrin until they found Kelas shivering with her back against a wall!

Iso: Kelas! What's the matter?

He noticed that her tunic was ripped and immediately came to his first conclusion.

Iso: Did one of the students try to ... rape you?


She had just missed the commotion inside the halls and made it outside without incident. The sun was out, and it was almost time to leave. She quickly headed over to the aerie to grab Kiev.

Ixion and Stephanie

After Stephanie finally finished praying, the two of them headed toward the entrance.

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Tessa had turned back from a dead-end, returning to the crossroads she'd been at before, and chose yet another hallway. This time she was sure she was on the right track, though. Nevermind the fact that this is what she'd been telling herself the past three times, but seriously! She could hear voices and the sound of footsteps advancing, if nothing else, she could stop and ask for directions.

Making her way into the new corridor, Tessa saw Kelas sprinting towards her, having barreled into a man and continuing on without even breaking stride. Quickly stepping out of the way, she turned, puzzled, and watched the nomad run into the dead-end she had just left. Arrin was hot on her heels, well, more of lukewarm on her heels. The poor boy looked like he was really straining himself.

Forgetting finding the chapel for the moment, she turned and followed right along. At Kelas's question, she piped up and said, "Kelas, I don't know what you're talking about. We're all on your side." And she smiled, and caught the nomad's brown eyes with her honest blue ones.

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