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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 7: Injury, Exhaustion, Renewal


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Cess woke up and looked around. He was in the town square, next to the fountain. The normal city hub-bub was going on. Merchants selling wares, women doing the shopping, children running and playing. He seemed to be alright, merely covered in filth from carriages passing by. He would need a bath soon. He stood up, pondering which direction to head next, for there was no longer any reason to stay here now that he had lost the Crimson Weapons and their wielders.

"I might as well head towards the TISME building, they might have a more detailed book on the weapons, and they might allow me to bunk there free of charge, plus a little training never hurt anyone."

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The horses were nervous. They couldn't see or hear it, but there was something Wrong wandering about. Some whinnied shrilly; others tried to escape. "Hush, you lot!" a hostler yelled, not bothering to check. "Probably just a cat or something," the hostler muttered.

Up in the hayloft, Kelas muttered in her sleep.


Arrin entered the mess hall, somewhat grumpy now from Morgan's comments. He lined up behind a large group of students, blending enough to get him a couple of rolls and some fruit. Looking around for anyone familiar, he sat down to eat.

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Eric made his way down the hallway, eyes dead set on Kamilla. As he closed in on her, he could see that the girl was trying to hide somewhere. She tried a door, but to no avail, it was locked. Finally catching up, he noticed the look of terror on Kamilla's face, and realized he might be scaring her.

"I'm not here to hurt you, Kamilla. But you're right. I let bad stuff happen to you. I'm sorry," he said, looking directly at her face. "Is there any way I can make it up to you?"

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She tried the door again as Eric started speaking, but to no avail, she angrily kicked the door with her foot before turning to face Eric. "Sorry doesn't fix anything, since sorry is feeling bad and only bad stuff happens from feeling bad" she recited from another fragment of her memories. Content that the man was willing to do something for her to prove he was sorry, she frowned, not completely afraid of the man anymore, but not really trusting him either.

"Who am I?" she asked stupidly, making a stupid face as she knew how stupid she must have sounded

"Who are you people who say you're Kamilla's friends"

"Why does Kamilla have no toys to play with?"

"Why am I here?"

"Where are Kamilla's mommy and daddy?" she finished immediately wincing at the mention of "daddy" as it made her feel unwell.

(OoC @Snike: Interpert the questioning speed however you like, Eg Kamilla blurted it out all at once or you answered a question and she asked the next, your choice)

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"You're Kamilla, an apprentice priestess, or at least that's what you told me, before... As for who we are, I'm a traveler, nothing more, nothing less. As for the other people, most of them, are Crimson Weapon wielders. As to what they're doing, I have no clue."

"Why you have no toys...? That would be because until about two days ago, you didn't want any. For why you're here, well, I can't give you a real answer for that one, but I guess it's because the Goddess wills it. As for your parents... We'll have to ask Miss Shamaness about that one. Anything else?"

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"I don't like the shamaness, but Tessa said I'm supposed to serve her" she said sulkily not having received any actual useful information, though the mention of Crimson weapons had made her twitch, it was still covered in fog. There was one obvious question she hadn't ask yet, but she was too afraid to ask. But the man had mentioned something had changed 2 days ago, and that was most likely the "bad stuff" which was hurting her head.

She glared at the man then sighed, the same way she used to sigh before having her memory scrambled before opening her mouth. "I'm sorry I hit you Mister Eric" she said grudgingly, not really certain if she should trust the man. But he seemed honest and the fact he hadn't hidden the "bad thing" by mentioning it two days ago made her relax a bit. She'd hit him pretty hard and suddenly reached out and poked the mans cheek. "Does it hurt?" she asked a bit guiltily.

This is where Damian would make Kamilla cup his cheek and turn this post into "softcore porn" but I'm going to stick to my kiddy posts

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After reading twenty more pages of the large tome, Iso placed Proxima down on the bed and left the dorm room to see if he could find Katie. She'd gone so far as to become the chef, he wanted to be the loyal eater and only dine at her restaurant(Super Pun!! :awesome: ) per se.


Irina had prepared a bath for herself(wherever the hell that happens on a campus :/ ) and comfortably lied int the water. She started to doze off a little in her comfrot.


Inside the horse stables, Damian carefully approached Kelas, hoping not to startle her. No one else had come to check on her, so he felt that he should be the one. What she was doing up on the hayloft, he wasn't certain, but perhaps it was better than sleeping on the ground, and since it was so high up, no one would likely disturb her. He tapped her shoulder hoping to gently bring her out of sleep.

Damian: Kelas ... Kelas, it's me, Damian.

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"Somehow, I don't think that's what she meant," Eric said, looking at the amnesiac girl. Seconds later, she sighed, then apologized for hitting him.

"It's OK. I earned it. Also, call me Eric. I'm not that old," he said, smiling. All of a sudden, Kamilla reached out and poked the cheek she had slapped, asking if it hurt. "It hurts a little, but not much. Thanks for asking," the traveler said. "Well, why don't we find Miss Shamaness, and see if we can answer your questions?"

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Damian: Perhaps something spooked them. It's nothing to worry about though. You were hurt pretty bad yesterday, Kelas. Someone should check up on you, right? I figured may as well be me.

His smile was incredibly sincere, and he seemed as if he wanted to head into something that hadn't been mentioned yet.

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Cess walked down the hall. He greatly appreciated the school for allowing him to stay a few days. He headed into the bathrooms to take a nice long bath.

"That street muck stinks. And I'm freezing. Maybe they have a sauna too. That'd be nice"

He pushed open the door and peered at the empty tubs. One happened to hold a women in it. He was very embarrassed.

"Oh sorry. I thought no one was in here. Wait, you're that women from earlier."

(Yeah. I went there.)

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OOC: Another bath scene?emot-quagmire.gif


Cess opened the door into the room Irina was using, and she flinched when she saw him!

Irina: :wtf:

She was completely shocked! She'd never been in that type of situation with a total stranger before! Was she supposed to chuck a javelin at him? Yell at him? Dive under the water? Luckily she'd instinctively covered her breasts already!

Irina: W-w-w-hat ... is i-i-t? 25232523.gif


Damian: I'm fine, though ... there is something I wanted to talk to you about, Kelas.

He slowly came in a little closer and sat down near her. He dropped his shoulders, relaxed his muscles and leaned forward a bit. He smiled as he began speaking to her again.

Damian: I probably don't tell people this enough. I really appreciate having you with us. Even though you're protecting your brother, you're protecting all of us too and I haven't overlooked that. What you did for Irina was especially brave, and you even found Katie and took it upon yourself to give her a lift hahah. That's the kind of teamwork we'll need to destroy the Lord of Azure Flame, Kelas.

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@Phoenix we get the point XD

Kamilla stared at it, not really understanding what Eric meant by "don't think that's what she meant".

Kamilla frowned, "Kamilla say sorry if it hurts then" she said not very apologetically at all. She leaned in and gave Eric a quick kiss on the cheek before glaring at him "Pain gone, See?" she said childishly.

Eric seemed to be lossed for words so she continued "Are you Kamilla's friend?" she asked quickly adding on her reasoning "Someone told me I can only call people by their name if they're younger, or friends of Kamilla's" she said able to establish the answer by herself.

After nodding contently at Erics reply she shook her head "Cakie's making Kamilla bacon so Kamilla go see Cakie and Isotov-Irina's brother" she said looking around as if doing so would reveal a concealed Isotov. The truth was, she didn't want the answer right now, it scared her just as much as the shamaness did. Suddenly realizing she didn't know who Cakie was she looked at Eric "Where's Cakie's room?" she asked curiously.

OoC: No I'm not turning this into a Kamilla/Eric romance, Romance just isn't Nady's style

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Damian turned his head away from Kelas for a moment. His face reflected a slight look of agitation, as if something had suddenly angered him. He quickly regained his composure and turned back to Kelas. He leaned in closer.

Damian: Don't worry, Kelas. I don't bite. I just want you to know how much we need you here with us, and how much I appreciate you.

Another smile appeared on his face as he softly stroked her shoulder(Too soon? :mellow: ).

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"I-I-I'll just excuse myself."

Cess turned around, and hurried out the door. He had felt a bit of regret, but then remembered his goal.

"So that group hasn't left the capital yet! There's still hope! I'd better hurry and clean up, then start looking for them."

Cess walked a few doors down and decided to enter this bathroom instead.

"I hope no one's in here this time..."

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OOC: Finally uber jacking Damian and I'm forced to hit on the one party member who won't budge >_<


Irina: (Ohhh thank you ... I didn't want to have to deal with that situation >_< )

She softly sank into the water, leaving only her head from the chin up exposed.

Irina: (Why are women supposed to throw fits when someone accidentally does something like that anyway? I wish my mom was alive. Maybe she could've made sense of it -_- )


Damian's smile turned to a concerned look of pity as he let his hand come down almost to his side.

Damian: Aiya is a great woman. Not the jealous type. You don't have to worry about her if that's what this is about. I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable.

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"Then what are you trying to do?" Kelas' eyes flicked from side to side: Damian was blocking one of the two ladders down, and the other was on the wrong side of a pile of haybales that stretched to the ceiling... she hoped she could snap him out of, well, whatever this was, because otherwise...

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Damian: I'm trying to thank you for everything you've done for us. I'm hoping you can excuse my ... playfulness ... just this once?

He slowly leaned in even closer seemingly trying to embrace her this time.

OOC: And braces for loud noises followed by spooked horses neighing wildly >_<

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Enough was enough. Kelas shoved Damian away from her. She met his eyes for a moment-- bright, pupilless blue. What the--

Scrambling to her feet, she pushed past him, running for the ladder.

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Damian quickly hopped to his feet, as if his armor weighed nothing! He then pointed his hand in Kelas' direction! A thick icy ball manifested in front of his palm! He quickly fired the ball from his hand, and it flew right passed Kelas, colliding with the top of the ladder and freezing the entire thing over as well as a few feet of the hayloft flooring!

As he began walking toward her, the ladder cracked in numerous places! Aside from being slick as the ice it was covered in, it was brittle as glass and hardly sturdy enough now to hold the full weight of a person. Damian's hair became a deep purple color, and his pupils vanished only to be replaced by azure blue eyes. He gave a sinister grin.

Damian: You don't ... have to run away, Kelas. After all ... it's a bit of a drop, and I'll surely catch up to you in no time. I do want to thank you though, and it doesn't have to end so ... violently now does it? >:)

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Kelas wasn't even thinking anymore. Grabbing the edge of the loft, she swung down and let go, crumpling for a moment as she landed. The horses were going mad with fear, someone should come... nobody did. She scrambled to her feet, slipping on the ice. Damian-- no, that thing grabbed her tunic-- she felt it rip as she jerked away, no matter, she wore bandages under, nothing would show-- she just had to get away--

Kelas ran.

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