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Black Fang Mafia


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There would be no just reason to deprive Lightning if events outside of his control would render what would have otherwise been possible impossible.

Modkilled will be considered as killed.

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The day was drawing to a close, and Uhai knew what was in for him. He walked to the gallows with his head held high, and met his fate with honor.

Bk-201 was lynched! He was Uhai, the Black Fang Evasive.

Night 6 has fallen.

Hush, no talking. If you have orders, send them in.

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After a long night, the Black Fang woke up. Well, all of them except for Jaffar, the Hated Innocent, who would never wake up again. Being pinned to your bed with a stake through your chest kind of does that to a person.

Jaffar was Lightning, a Black Fang.

Day 7 Begin

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We could make a tie here as long as atleast one person votes with me, that could clear me... however i doubt thats what you guys would like.

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Night has arrived, and the Black Fang has reached the twilight of its years. After much discussion, it was decided that they should put the founder, Brendan Reed, to death. And so they did.

Ulki was Brendan Reed, the Black Fang Double Voter!

Night 7 Begins!

Can you guess who everyone is yet?

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Morning arrived at the Black Fang camp, though with the current remaining numbers, calling it a camp seemed to be a bit... exaggeration? For some reason, morning was quieter than usual. The few residents were clueless as to what the cause was, until it suddenly dawned on them. Nino's bright and lovely singing voice was nowhere to be heard! A quick search of her room revealed the worst, what everyone had feared. The beloved girl had been smothered to death in her sleep.

Nino has died! She was General Spoon, Black Fang Unlynchable. After Jaffar's death she'd also gained the ability to be a Heroic Sacrifice.

Begin Day 8!

We are now entering the end-game.

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...alright then. We mustn't mess up today.

So, what are my possible choices? I can either vote for the Driver or the Manipulated Voter claim. I honestly have no idea what to do. I can't think of any way for Dracohon to prove that he's the Manipulated Voter, which obviously makes him the most suspicious guy around here. On the other hand, I cannot completely disregard the possibility that the Driver might in fact be a mafia role this time around either.

I guess I'll try my luck with a Dracohon vote. If Dracohon isn't the last remaining mafia, then well played Fayt, I guess.

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This is an extremely important vote. If we lynch wrong, we lose. Lynching me is a wrong lynch, but I probably can't convince you of my innocence, so instead I'd like to bring something to your attention, Raymond:

Hey Fayt, I suggest you protect me tonight. I know that this will leave you and Raymond open, but I did get this new power with Jaffar's death that I won't elaborate on.

I'll consider it.

And Spoon died the next night. This means Fayt didn't protect him, which I find suspicious. If you were mafia, it would be pretty obvious that Spoon would be a good kill target, because of these extra powers that he gained.

Also, recall the stalking victims:

Stalking victims (in alphabetical order):




The Dragonslayer

Again, I find it suspicious that Fayt, despite claiming early on (Day 2) to be able to protect people, was never stalked.

Also, go back to Day 2. This was when we lynched Core. Fayt started the bandwagon on Core, based on the fact that Fayt had been targeted during the night, it was switched to Core, and Core survived. My problem with this is simple: How did Fayt know he had been targeted and it had been switched to Core? I assume he wouldn't be told something like that, so if he's town, then at best, it was an assumption that after his claim the Mafia was guaranteed to target him. The only way he could have known for sure that Core had been hit was if he was mafia and they targeted him, knowing it would be switched to Core.

Granted, him being targeted that night was a fair assumption, but then, on night 4, he says he switched himself with Sync, and then the next day voted to lynch him based once again on the fact that he had been targeted and it had switched to Sync. Again, if he was town, how did he know he had been targeted and switched? This is even more important than the night 2 one, because for the mafia to try again just 2 nights later seems strange. I don't think they did. Fayt's version of events is that he was targeted, it got switched to Sync, and he was protected by the Quintessence. But I don't think Sync was hit at all that night. The SK died the next night. Usually an SK can survive the first hit at night, so he had to have been hit previously, which would be Night 4. So instead of Fayt being targeted, the SK killed Crysta, and the Mafia hit Dragonslayer, then finished him off next night. This is also supported by the claim Sync (who was mafia) made about knowing that Dragonslayer was SK. So that means Sync was never hit, so Fayt's entire reason for lynching him was wrong. Also, note what Fayt said at the time:

There was only one kill last night, so the SK must have gotten hit. Sounds reasonable, eh?

And the mafia clearly targeted me, right?

But what if the driver stepped in and switched me with someone? Say, Sync the Tempest?

He had already been protected by the Driver at least once previously, and it was likely that he would be again, so why would the mafia "clearly target him?"

So that's my very long explanation for why I think the best choice here is to Vote Fayt.

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Anyway, well, there's a couple problems with your analysis.

First, I swapped Spoon and...

Oh, shoot.

I swapped Spoon and Dracohon last night.

Dracohon got shot, switching it to Spoon.

I'm an idiot.

Switch vote to Raymond.

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@Dracohon: I see. You indeed bring up some good points there. Good enough to convince me that our Driver is in fact a mafia one. I can't believe I didn't see this earlier.

Unvote Dracohon.

Vote Fayt Zelpher.

@Fayt: So now you're putting the blame on me? Isn't it you who killed Spoon tonight? It wouldn't surprise me if you didn't actually switch anyone tonight. For what reason, after all? There's nothing left that can harm you at night, after all!

Also, may I remind you that I'm unlynchable.

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I swapped Spoon and Dracohon last night.

Dracohon got shot, switching it to Spoon.

Sorry, Fayt. Either you or Raymond are the Mafia, and I find it hard to believe that either one of you would have tried to kill me last night, considering I was the most likely candidate for being lynched. My vote on you still stands.

If this is the wrong choice, then well played Raymond, and my apologies to Fayt and the rest of the town.

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