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Train Mafia II Status Update

General Spoon

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At this point in time, all that is needed for Train Mafia II to start is sign-ups. You can view the board that will be used at http://gspoonsmafia2.proboards.com/index.cgi

There are going to be some different things in this game. For starters, you are not told about any of the roles that are in the game. All phases last 48 hours, but can end early. Night phase ends early if all orders are in. Day phase ends early if a player (or no lynch) has a majority of the votes (more than 50%). Once there is a majority there will be a grace period of 3 hours. If the majority is still in place after 3 hours, that player will be lynched. In the event of a tie both of the players with the highest number of votes will be lynched, and nobody will be lynched the next day.

And another thing. There are two mafias in this game.

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And yet another thing. I've made a board that only staff members (me) can access this time. On it I post the announcements so other boards aren't cluttered, the night action priority list for my reference, and other things.

Also, I completely did away with the train route thing. The Train's purpose is flavor from this point on, as far as I can foresee.

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Core will sign up.

What is the reasoning behind 48 hour phases? All it does is draw out the game for nothing. The extra time is generally wasted, it makes the game more boring IMO. 24 hours is typically enough.

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