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Merric: Of course n---- *sees Marth in earshot* ---he is.

(aside) I'm only saying this so he gives me permission to marry his sister instead of chasing after me with Falchion. :<

Malice, are you mad at me for making you share your stash of Lady Swords with Lakche?

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Malice; Nah, Lady Swords are for little girls who don't belong on the battlefield. I'll keep my forged 15mt/40crit Killing Edge, thank you!

Lilina, was it hard for you to come out of the closet as a mage since you have two warriors for parents?

Edited by El Rey León
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Lilina: They didn't care about that bit. What they did care about was me blowing up half the kitchen with my Fire tome on accident when trying to make a cake.

Catria, Malice, how do you two feel about being the only female physical fighters on my final team last playthrough? (Minerva doesn't count since I'm only using her to get Maria)

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Malice: Cool, I'll get more money when this is over.

Catria: I'll give it my best to put an end to this war, but...

Minerva: *takes Hauteclere* Do you really think I don't count? *evil stare*

Jill, who is the best female wyvern/draco rider? You or Minerva?

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Jill: Well I would say Minerva, as she's more experienced and she has that axe, Hauteclere.

Norne, how does it feel to be bottom tier on H3 Lunatic mode?

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Minerva: How would you like to be used on my main team on Hard? Also, who should I kick off for you to have a slot?

Minerva: I want to be a falcoknight. And kick off Catria. She's overrated and red hair beats blue hair any day of the week.

Eirika: What do you think of your brother and Tana getting married?

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DLV is not amused by above statement <_<

On topic:

Eirika: Well, I think they'll have a nice life. What? What do you mean I have a crush on my brother?

Catria: How do you feel about what Fayt just wrote now?

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Catria: Well, she's my commander, so I am obliged to give my spot to her... but I'm on LB's not-kicking-off-ever list, so I'm good anyway.

Catria, how does it feel to be the second MVP of my team right after Seth?

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Catria: He hurt my feelings. ;_;

Catria: Feels good. I thought I would've lost that spot to a swordie knowing you. :P

Barst, did you commandeer The Black Pearl after FE1?

Edited by El Rey León
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Ogma: The programmers liked my old photo better. :(

Marth, how does it feel to have a way better sprite? :)

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Gatrie: Haha, you did well in asking me! First, start of with a few romantic phrases. Then to continue the hit tell her you will be there for her any moment she needs someone to talk to, that should do for the start.

Shinon: Like it did with the tree with a skirt? Haven't you ended up being just a friend with that?

Gatrie: The power of love knows no bounds!

Jill, if you could reclass, what class would you choose to become in RD?

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Jill: I like my Wyvern... but if I had to, I want Beserker so I can keep my axe.

I'd be the only playable Berserker, sweet.

I guess Reaver could work, but I'll never touch a bow.

Seth, do you have any non-knight-duties related hobbies you like to partake in your free time?

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Minerva and Miledy: I think everyone here has a twin who was separated to another continent.

Catria, how does it feel to be blue?

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Catria: Sheeda will kill me with that Wingspear of hers if I said Marth, and I haven't reclassed back to DK yet...

Well, since Marth isn't exactly available, Cain.

Cain, even though you got a sexy new portrait I still favor Abel over you despite his much later join time. What do you think of this?

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Marth: I want to name him Anri, but everyone names their kids after their ancestors, so I dunno now.

Cain, I do not hate gingers. Look at Seth.

Seth, if you could have any hair color besides red (not saying you should), what would you have?

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