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Karla: Well he's a warrior. I simply wouldn't be seen with someone weak.

Draug, why is your FE3 picture so much better than your FE11/12 one?

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Athena: The vhat? Ve have no idea what you're talking about, stupid manchild.

Athena, why is your accent so epic?

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Franz: Erm... uh.... yeah, it is. :)

Gordin, whos better, you or your brother? Or does Norne still surpass both of you?

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Lakche, which one can you tolerate better, Johan or Johalvier?

"If I had to choose, I guess Johalva. At least he's not on a smelly horse."

Micaiah, why did you not point out to those idiot Daeins that silver hair isn't special in the Fire Emblem world? Especially with Zihark standing right there!

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Micaiah: They wouldn't listen. And Zihark's hair isn't that silver... Sorta blue-tinted, if you ask me.

Lakche, how's being my number one tank in Akaneia this run doing for you? It was Seth last run, by the way.

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Makalov: .... .... .... *drunk*

Joshua: I can clarify. He did, but I gave them back afterwards because I don't want to face Natasha and her Aura tome bringing two girls home just because I won them in a coin flip.

Natasha, how mad will you be if Joshua brought random girls home as winnings from coin flips?

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Natasha: Very very mad. Thaere's not even enough very's to describe that. :(

My Units, why do all the EXP gravatate around you? You make it harder to make epic units.

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Sigurd: Ehh.... NO!

Now Tate... who will you support now? Kieran or... Alan?? *Shoves Kieran and Alan at her* So... which knight shall ya go with?? Confusing ehh???

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Tate: Now why would I support this Keiran fellow? I don't even know who he is!

Gordin: Answer my earlier question :facepalm:, you, Ryan, or Norne.

Edited by Darros
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Tate: Now why would I support this Keiran fellow? I don't even know who he is!

Gordin: Answer my earlier question :facepalm:, you, Ryan, or Norne.

But Tate... Have you thought that Alan and Kieran looked like mirror images of each other??

Gordin: Hmm... Ryan... cause we're brothers! lolincestlol

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Tate: That doesn't mean that I know him. They might be polar opposites in personality!

Lucius, has anyone ever mistaken you for a girl?

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Lucius: Everyone thinks I'm..... GAY! *runs and cries in an emo corner*

L'Arachel, how was your "duel" with Marcia? I bet you still get to keep your "partner-in-crime" Kieran?? *points at a rather overjoyed Kieran*

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L'Arachel: Actually, I recognized Marcia's love for Kieran as more true, so I stepped down, because I cannot be in the way of love! It's not a righteous thing to do after all. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to delight Ephraim with my presence.

Linde, why didn't you Aura Elice and take Merric for yourself?

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Linde: Because I only like Merric as a friend. And Elice is Marths sister! I wouldn't do that!

Lyn, why do people hate you for being weak? Youre not that bad.

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Lyn: I swear, they underrate me too much. Probably because they're either racist, sexist, or both. It's exasperating to me! *sighs*

Roy, had anyone ever said to you that you look a bit like a red-haired Cloud Strife?

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