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Sakasher: Lana, I don't really know how to explain it but... :wub: And cousin Shanan has no qualms about it, even though he likes Lana's cousin Patty. The Shanan that answered your question saying that he liked my sis was actually Shanam. I don't know what it is with that guy.

Hey Arthur, which girl in the army do you have the hots for. (Please note I'm talking about FE4's Arthur.)

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Arthur: Lute! <3

But I'm not sure if she likes me back..

Feena, how does it feel to be called a stripper by ERL? I mean you pwned Hardin!

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Feena can't wield killing edges. :P Besides, she's one of the less stripperrific ones compared to Sylvia, Leen, and Thethys!

Fee: At first he was annoying, but I don't know...I can't help but like the guy.

Zephiel and Yurius, which one of you is the more evil son?

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^^Johalva: When you get to use an axe and ride a horse, I'll take you on for her!Ninja'd

^Both at the same time: Of course I!

*stares evily at each other, start fighting*

^Mist: I know, thanks for saying.

Boyd: Hey, what you doing flirting with my girl?!

Sigrun, do you have feelings towards Zelgius?

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Sigrun: Of course not. My devotion is entirely to protecting Empress Sanaki.

Elinicia, why didn't you pull a Nyna, and abdicate the throne to search for Ike?

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Elincia: I will as soon as things in Crimea start getting a bit easy.

My uncle will take the throne.

Oliver, which is your definition of beauty, because you say you're way too beautiful for this world and I doubt it to reach that level?

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Oliver: Clearly I am the definition of beauty. Do you not see it?!

Marth, why do people say you don't wear pants?

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Marth: because the first time I fought through Akaneia, the tailors ran out of fabric for my pants (I grew out of my old ones) so I was stuck wearing a tunic for the entire trip.

Julius: Well, he's kinda dead. Celice just killed him and he's heading for Bahara oh shi-------

Percival, are you related to Camus and/or Eltoshan? You guys all look a bit similar...

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Julius: It saddens me, but it's okay, I can blow her up with meteo!

Johan, you don't try taking meh gurl and you have a horse and you're cooler and funnier then your brother. Why did I not recruit you?

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Lakche: -Dodges Julius's Meteo- What now! Prince Shanan... if I may borrow the Balmung... (is Major Odo due to me liking HolynAira)

Johan: I guess it's because it's easier to get Resire if you recruit my brother or something.

But of course I'm better~ now come into my arms, Lakche my love!

-gets HeroSword!Crit'd by said Lakche-

Est, since you left Abel, can I have him?

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Johan: Truth be told I trid to get her, but my bro betrayed me. That's why you didn't recruited me. Which reminds me...*dead*

Est: When did I left him? I don't remember doing that. He means everything to me!

Alvis, when did you managed to, you know, Aideen so she could give birth to Cyas?

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Alvis: That was Ida, not Aideen, and... Wait, I used a condom... That Sigurd gave me! DAMN YOU SIGURD!!!

Kain: None especially, although I have a girl at my hometown though.

Celice, now that you know Julia is your half-sister, how glad are you that you didn't marry her?

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Celice: This is Judgral, the continent of incest. Very. But she's taken a liking to Skasaher as of late. I just hope he comes back from Issac sometimes so she'd stop bothering me about him.

Lakche, which guy in the army do you like, either romantically or as a friend, best, excluding Shanan and your brother?

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Celice: What are you talking about?! I did marry her! We're in Jugdral, remember?ninja'd

Lakche: Mmmm, I don't know, but Lord Celice is quite honorable and caring.

Ida, when did you and Alvis managed to have Cyas without Deirdre noticing it?

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Alvis: We went over this in a ninja'd post. Remember me yelling SIGUUURD!? Sorry, wrong person.

Ida: Before Dierdre showed up. She got all the attention then.

Arthur: How come you didn't go out with Julia?

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Arthur: Because I'm too busy trying to get Fee's attention and Skasaher already got there first. It's the Odo blood, they attract girls like crazy. :B

Sain, how does it feel to be the only green knight not to have the same hair color as all the other green knights?

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