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Canas: You're pronouncing it wrong. Its can - ass.

Yubello, on my second playthrough of FE3DS I'm making you a knight. Your thoughts?

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Cormag: I will return to Grado and help rebuild it when the war is over, maybe rejoin the army too. I can't hit on Tana, though, or Prince Ephraim would Dragonspear me in a heartbeat.

Seth, are you glad I'm finally planning to draw you with your shirt actually being on?

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Seth: If it's you milady, you can draw me as you wish. Just consider not showing me without a shirt to my knight companions or Princess Eirika, would you?

Ashnard, what if releasing the Dark God (Yune) did turn out as you planned? Which in fact is true.

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Ashnard: I would be a god among men! Myself and my strong allies would rule over the pathetic weak others!!

Dolph, why do you remind me of Macellan?

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Dolph: I don't know. Were doing the Wrys style hair, that might be it.

Roy, why is your army full of Jeigans and characters with great growths who join when it's inconvenient to train them?

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Roy: Because IS hates me!! D:

At least I have Marcus!! :)

Midia, why so medium? Not :awesome:, but not fail!

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Midia: Because my lover Astram is the same way. Besides, I had to start my own archetype, which Isadora and others would soon follow.

Sanaki, when it comes time to carry on your lineage, what kind of man will you marry?

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Sanaki: Definately someone with plenty of good manners. Good-looking wouldn't hurt though.

Marth, you lost the game. Your thoughts?

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Lucius: But he isn't called gender confused now, is he?!? *mad face*

(Sanity) Hardin, if you lived IRL what job would you have?

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Hardin: I'd join the military and move up within its ranks.

But Lucius, you're ten times the man Malfoy is! How does it feel to be able to dodgetankkill an army of Dracoknights, only having to be healed a grand total of once?

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Hilda: Because I hate her!

(Insanity) Hardin, if you lived IRL what job would you have?

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(Weird. Last time I sent Lucius into the arena for some lulz he raped it front, back, and center, you probably just have bad luck with him.)


I can't believe you forgot Lucius. It was before you went in and pwned Nergal. I had Raven and Priscilla supporting you, and Pent and Canas also waiting with staves.

But you only got hit ONCE. With only ~ 65 avo and about 10 luck. How the hell did you do that?

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Lucius: I *ahem* "borrowed" Hector's Hector Powers.

Hector, Who would you be without your Hector Powers?

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Hector: Eliwood.

Alvis, why is it that when I try to use a code that puts you in the party, you turn into a generic man named Sigurd?

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Alvis: Because the gane hates me! D:


Eliwood, why do you fail as a lord?

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