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Abel: Sure, sign me up. I guess it is better to continue my life.

Est:*angry stare at both*

Abel:...Est, you heard this? Heheheh, I can explain it...

Est, which is your reaction to Abel following Cain's advice and join LB's army?

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Est: Ugh! I hate all 3 of 'em! And Darros too for bringing it up in the first place! :(

Abel: Well you left me..

Est: *insert angry face here*

Cain, lets run away and be pirates! Better than waiting here and being murdered by Est. She might even call her sisters...

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Cain: I don't think she brings-

Est: There they are sisters!

Catria, Palla and Est head to were you guys are, readyning lances

Cain: LEt's go already Darros! Let's see what adventures future has in hands for us!

Est, why did you left Abel in the first place?

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Est: I wanted to go see Cellica again! I met some cute boys there! And Abel got boring. Hes too calm, and easily swayed.

Abel: I was saving you.....

Est: Pshaaa... still!

*from a LOONG distance away* Palla, is your sister being an idiot?

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Palla: Well, he's kind of broken now.I did like him... and if he'd stop being upset........

Catria: Youre tap-dancing around the question.

Palla: Yes.

Est: BUT HES SO BORING! I guess Im going to Valencia with just Catria then!

Catria, are you consenting to go to Valencia with Est, or is she dragging you there?

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Cain: Aar, she be pleasin' to look at! And a nice person too! Darros this pirate thing isnt working.

Me: *slap* YOU WILL BE A PIRATE AND LIKE IT. Especially when I get FE12 and unlock merged reclass!! :)

Michalis: I can't believe Ghanef tricked me, THEN made my sister his follower. something about this says pedophile rapist

Cain, your thoughts on the statement I made? The one in the strikethrough about reclass!

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Cain: Well, it's true. I'm not really suited to be this whole pirate thing, seeing that I'm a knight of Altea, but... I did agree to go with you.

Abel, how is it like working alongside GOD Seth last time we went through Akaneia?

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Abel: How come I was never reffered to as GOD, LB? What do you have against me?! Anyway, its good.

Est: See, he's no fun! Hes all crybaby because he isnt GOD!

Frey, is Abel broken?

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Frey: He's still very much hurt that Est left him and is now insulting his seriousness.

Abel, I knew Seth first. He's the guy that got me into the series, solo'd his game, got with his princess, WTFowned another game... etc, etc.

But anyway, Abel, how do you like having permanent MVP position on all of my FE11 runs, including H5? You'd have it in FE12, too, if you didn't join so late and missed out on 15 chapters of fun...

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Malice: I'm afraid not, Holy Blood doesn't exist in Archanea for us common folks.

Malice, I'll ask you another question, if it isn't against the rules. Why in the heck would your dad decide to name you Malice? It's like naming someone Hatred.

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Malice: My dad is named Dice. If I was a boy he said my name was going to be Yahtzee. And my japanese name is Marisu. Localization probably thought Marisa was too cute for me or something along the lines of that.

Frey, when I get merged reclass you're going to be a real knight! Your thoughts?

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Frey: I AM a real knight. But if you mean the knight class... *takes a look at SPD growths* go for it. I'll miss 9 move, though.

Shanan, due to the nature of my Lakche Kills Things PT, Lakche needed to borrow your Balmung before the fight with Arion and keep it for the rest of the run. So instead, I gave you her 100 kill Hero Sword which will pretty much guarantee you crits. Is that okay?

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Ogma: Grab one of those max-crit staves from Tellius and whack you over the head. I'll have you see that my strength is still quite good, even if you reclass me to a curate.

Sigurd, Ethin, why do you have completely different skills?

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Sigurd: Because we were limited to choose one "regular" game mechanic, instead of the later characters getting double strikes and critical hits.

Ethlin: We got a choice.

Ephraim: With magic. :newyears:

Ogma, what if I broke FE12 and made you a pegasus knight?

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Ogma: I'll run you through with the closest lance I find then reclass myself back to Merc so I can have my swords back again.

Holyn, your son just turned out more durable than if he would be if he was Lex's instead. Apparently, Ska decides that he would cap defense and hit 75 HP. What do you have to say to Lex?

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Seth: WHAAAAT?! Lets go, Eirka! *storms off*

Malice, I've never heard LB mention anything about you? Whats her opinion on you?

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But Seeeeeth~ I'm only "cheating" on you because you married Eirika and I don't want her to RNG screw herself over to spite me!

Malice: Well, she gave me a near-monopoly on all the Lady Swords in her convoy until Catria gets B lances. Then it becomes a full monopoly. :awesome:

She just doesn't talk about me as much because I don't have ASTRALUNACRIT of death, and is not a hot guy.

Nanna. You have 14 SPD as a level 25 Paladin. I had to level you by Return-spamming. WHY? ;____;

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