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Let's Ask FE Characters!


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Dart: Are you aware that you're a swine?

Perfectly, but it's better than my name rhyming with FART!

Nergal: The Dragon's Gate leads to many realms.

Ness: PK Fire! (PK Fire comes through the gate and hits Nergal)

Nergal: Bwaarrgggh!

Marth, what if your fellow Smash Bros. were Fire Emblem characters under your command?

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Altenna: He still treats me like his little sister.

Arion: That's because you are my little sis--I mean, dearly beloved.

Altenna: You have GOT to work on that. People are going to think we're having incest!

Arion: All of Thracia thought that we were brother and sister, Altenna. It is going to take time for everyone to learn the truth.

Altenna: Fine. Well, I wonder how my brother Leaf is doing.....

That isn't my question, though. My question is this:

Lyn, do you ever let your hair down and relax, or do you always keep it in that ponytail?

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Lyn: I like my ponytail, so it stays in.

Ike, Hector, which one of you will kill Medeus? Or shall I give the kill to someone like Est?

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Hector: No, no, no! I'll do it!

Ike: Not if I have a say about it! Great Ae.....

(Est kills Medeus)

Est: YESZ!

Hector: Well.....I guess that's over with.

Ike: Good work, Est.

Medeus, will you now hold a grudge against Est and the rest of Macedon for defeating you instead of Marth?

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Medeus: YES. I HATE MACEDON, and next time I'm ressurected, I will destroy them first. *returns to dead state*

Frey, what's it like working with Green Ike and Red Hector?Better than Cain and Abel?

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Aww, but Frey, you still have Gordin and Draug!

Ike: Darros made me go to Archanea. I want to go home.

Hector, are you a tacticians nightmare?

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Hector: Bah, of course not! I win battles easily with my great strength!

Tactician: Well.....Hector is a bit of a threat to his allies. But, he is a great fighter. No, he's not a nightmare.

Brom, if your daughter can lift a cow, can you?

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Rutger: ......

Clarine: Come on, Rutger! Be a man and do something!

Rutger: ......

Narshen: Who do you think you are, you little ruffi--GAAAAAHHHH!

Roy, your turn. How would you like to have your fellow Smash Bros. under your command?

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Gotoh: What do you speak of, my young sheep? I see that humanity is beginning to lose its respect for its elders.....

Reyson, how do you feel about your homeland also being the name of a Fire Emblem forum?

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Reyson: Nobody asked my permission. I demand royalties!

Eliwood, before Bern invaded and Roy complained about being bored, did you ever tell him, "Mah boi, this peace is what all true warriors strive for!"

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Eliwood: Actually, yes. Then Roy said "I just wonder what Zephiel's up to." Then he left to bomb some dodongos.

Tinny, it was nice of you to invite me over for a picnic. Did you make lotsa spaghetti?

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Kieran: Why, the Silver Axe! You think you can tempt me with petty women?! I am Kieran, Second in Command of the Crimean Royal Knights! Look upon me and TREMBLE!!!!!

Marcia: Dumbass! (Marcia whacks Kieran with the Silver Axe!)

Kieran: Owwwww!

Geoffrey, what would you do if you found out that Elincia loved Ike instead of you?

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