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Let's Ask FE Characters!


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All FE Females: What?!?

Heather: This is why I don't like men.

Lilina: You.....You're all bad people!

Farina: Well, I....I guess I look pretty good. But, I'm gonna have to ask 20,000 gold for permission to continue your work.

Micaiah: I can read minds, you know. I can tell when men are having lustful thoughts.

Etcetera, etcetera.

Lyn, after all the time you've spent with Hector, do you still think he's a threat to his allies?

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All FE males (except Soren): What?!?

Sain: What scoundrel has posted these pictures?! We must take them down now!

Shinon: You have got to be kidding me.

Bastian: We must ride forthwith and defeat these yaoi fangirls!

Alvis: The Emperor of Grandbell shall punish you very severely for this. Falaflame!

Eliwood: I never thought my eyes would see such ghastly images.....

Tormod, have you ever thought of working out, so you won't be so puny compared to Sothe and Ike?

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Ludbeck: I'm still in the prison.

My soldiers were captured too, so there'e no one that could set us free now. Our fate is still a mystery.

Sephiran, did you continued to work with Sanaki when everything was solved with Ashera and Yune?

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Sephiran: First, she made me take an acid bath. Then, I remained in the tower with Ashunera. What happened next.....Maybe the children of man can expect another Fire Emblem game to tell that tale.

Kurthnaga, are you going to maintain your father's policy of Goldoa not moving?

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Micaiah: I don't go around reading peoples' minds indiscriminately, so no, I didn't know he was a Dragon.

Vika, what's it like to be able to soar in to the sky and watch the world going on below?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Seth: Erm.... 7 for Forde and Kyle, 8 for Franz. Why is this?

[spoiler=FE12]Athena, how did you meet the assassins?

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Matthis: practically nonexistent. ;_________;

Seth, I just wanted to know your opinions on your own subordinates, since I had no better question.

Skasaher, would you like to use Balmung sometimes? I could ask Shanan to lend it to you.

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FFIV Cecil: Since my game has a random encounter system, yes.

FE3 Cecil: Actually, I think he was talking to me.

FFIV Cecil: Oh.

FE3 Cecil: I get into a lot of unwanted fights too, you know. It's those dumb boys, Luke and Rody!

Zephiel, do you ever get dizzy spinning 'round and 'round with that Exaccus?

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Seth: My princess Eirika. *blush*

Johalvier: Lakche. <3


*brothers fight*

Jake: Anna.

Holyn: Ayra.

Lex: Ayra.

*Holyn and Lex fights. Holyn wins because he has WTA and Luna*

Pent: My dear wife Louise, of course.




Sain, Gatrie, Alec: All women are attractive!

*they are shot*

Shinon, did you really dress a tree up in a skirt so Gatrie can have a date with it?

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Shinon: Enough to keep him off for a period time.... that huge pile of stupidity....

Hey L'Arachel... how's my mortyslaying going? *Casts Fimbulvetr and Aura simultaneously to eliminate a whole frickin' army of undead*

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Well, it's coming along quite nicely, I suppose. But it could use more Light and less Anima. After all, it's only fitting that those beasts taste the divine justice they deserve.

Jenny, which guy did you end up with after Doma was defeated? Your ending said that you fell in love with someone in Celica's army but it never said who it was with.

Edited by Randoman
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Jenny: You spelled Cellica wrong -_-, and it was Sevr! :D

Est, Catria, Luke, Rody, did you give Jenny and Sevr a visit on your trip to Valencia?

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