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Bartre: Isn't that something Gatrie would do? No I haven't.

Nino, describe how badly you want to kill Nergal.

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Caineghis: Well of course I'm strong enough, but I still want to be protected! It's like when Rapier!Marth got surrounded by those knights. He could've killed em, but one unlucky miss, and bye bye princey!

Caeda, do you have any friends besides Marth? Who?

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Seth: Im only serving Renais.

Oifey: Im only setving Celice.

Titania; ....PRETTY AWESOME! But what about FE7!Marcus?

FE6!Marcus: He grew up to be me, so Im technically a pure Jeigan.

Jeigan, hows it feel to be a trendsetter?

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I suppose my old age has weakened me quite a bit, and I'd prefer it if people didn't constantly bring it up. But it's nice to know that old knights follow my example of serving their lords on the battlefield, even at an old age.

Scott (from FE6, the boss of Ch. 9), what happened to your brother/sister? I mean, you must have some sort of sibling since you look so much like the famous Desert Bandit Twins (Paul and Jasmine, Maggie and Rose, Pain and Agony).

Edited by Randoman
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Scott: Sibling? No. I didn't so so many were out to copy my look! >_<

Gomer, (Chapter 2 Boss of FEDS) I chose to boss abuse on you for H5. Your thoughts?

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Gomer: Arrgh! Ye should'a waited tell chapter 5(?) to arena abuse, and then forge ye weapons to ludicrous levels with the money ye earn!

Muhhammed (mid-boss in fe4, ch.7), why is Nintendo showing your face?

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Petrine: Interrogate prisoners, maybe roast a sub-human or two.

Knoll, does it ever bother you to be the worst magic user in all of FE8?

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Gheb: Hehehe... :drool:

-Axereaver'd by Ephraim-

Lakche, Skasaher, Shanan, you're now known as the Issacian Sword Trio of Death. How do you feel about that? Also, I think you three should have a triangle attack. :awesome:

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Sothe: What children? Micaiah ran off with some dude named Soul. The voices in my head are telling me to jump off a cliff because I can't take life anymore. Good bye cruel world! *jumps off cliff and dies*

Me: trollface.jpg.

Marcia, how much longer do you think before Kieran finally "gets it"?

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^^If this is the Geneology of Ayra Hack, it's moving up on my to play list.

Sothe: What C--- Micaiah, did you tell them that BS about Ike's children?

Micaiah: :>

Marcia: That cake-head! If he doesn't get it soon, I'll smack it into him!

Aless, besides the Nihilers who are immune to crits, you're the only one on my team who can survive a Wrath!Meteo. Do you feel even more awesome?

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I was thinking of the Binary hack.

Aless, Yes, because I am the Black Knight.

Ike: Are you the one who killed my father!?

Aless: Sorry Ike, wrong Black Knight.

Ike: :(

Tauroneo, what do you think of your epic stache?

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Tauroneo: Its epic, and that's all I have to say about that.

Est, I hope this doesn't boost your ego that we gave you over the past couple days, but theres a continent named Est in Tellius. Your thoughts?

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Est: Yay! If I discover a new continent, I'll name it Palla!

Catria: Hey! What about me!

Est: Well, if I discover a second new continent, I'll name it Catria.

Catria: Fair enough.

Volug, you once suggested that you would eat your enemies to see if the rest would keep fighting. Why don't you actually do that?

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I haven't encountered any enemies that are small enough to eat whole.

Cormag, how come your fanbase isn't as big as some of the other FE Wyvern Knights'? I've always thought you were pretty cool.

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Haar: *sneezes and snorts*

Jill: Captain, you fell asleep again. As for your answer, it seems he ties his wyverns bounds to his belt and simply begins to sleep.

FE girls, what's your opinion on those womanizers of the series?

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