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Thany: Wouldn't that be breaking a rule? :|

Igrene, no one deserves to have that to happen to them.

Ashtol, why are you such a dick?

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Asthol: I have amnesia...

Thany, you got the context wrong... In HnH's which does not include you.... You'll be the attacker and I'll be the healer... get it? We'll be like protecting someone together at the same time... Isn't that smashing, darling??

One more thing my dearie, we can both strike for the killing blow!

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Jill: Sure. That sounds lovely.

So Sety, now that Griffin is gone and therefore isn't holding a gun to your head, will you forgive me for not recruiting you in my Skasaher run?

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Sety: It's okay...

Umm... Thany... okay... I won't hurt anyone from FE6....

Oliver!!!! Any last words? *Sticks giant icicle at Oliver's face*

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Oliver: Please, have mercy on me good lord Frotbite!*grabs Nosferatu and keeps it near*

I never intended to kill that red non beautiful knight, it was my troops fault!

Frostbite: Mmmm, even so you command them. I'lll have too...

Thany: Frostbite, WATCH OUT!

Frostbite: You scum!

*OHKO Oliver with Elthunder*

Oliver: Oh no...my wealths...my beaty...*dead*

Ok Jill, I think I found the group. Now, to get the last things ready.

Hey Cecil, have you realized Luke and Rody have some feelings towards you?

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Cecil: Hmm... I'll take the easy path and date neither.

Rody and Luke: Aww... :(


So Arthur, what do you think of Tinny's new hat? Do you want one?

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Oliver: Please, have mercy on me good lord Frostbite!*grabs Nosferatu and keeps it near*

I never intended to kill that red non beautiful knight, it was my troops fault!

Frostbite: Mmmm, even so you command them. I'lll have too...

Thany: Frostbite, WATCH OUT!

Frostbite: You scum!

*OHKO Oliver with Elthunder*

Oliver: Oh no...my wealths...my beaty...*dead*



Arthur: YES! GET ME ONE!

Hey Valtome, why so fugly? *vanishes after asking question*

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Valtome: Who is there?

Soldier. I think a man just got in here, said you're ugly milord and got away.

Valtome: Is that so? Zelgius, look for that traitor now.

Zelgius: With all due respect sir, we must press on against the laguz.

Valtome: Leave tha subhumans an attend my request, NOW! I want that lad here to kill him myself, uweeheehee.

Zelgius, do you mind helping me train once more?

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Zelgius: Sure, you may... a good soldier need more training, son...


*drops a giant chunk of ice on Valtome's head and vanishes again*

Ohh... Thany!!! Guess what I got for you! *Shows Thany a master crown* You might like it... My dear Falcon Knight (promoted her first than Tate always)... So any thoughts?

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Thany: Wait, you got all te way to Tellius to get this for me? Oh darling *hugs* Thank you really much, with this Jill said I would become a Seraph Knight, I'm so nervous, I'll keep it for some time before using it.

So Gheb, finished with stealing girls around, or do you need some more persuasion?

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Gheb: What?? *Busy chowing down a turkey* Ohh... Yeah... I'm done, and I'm gonna RAEP more later!

Juno and Tate... any thoughts on Thany for being a soon-to-be-Seraph Knight??

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Marcia: Why should I?*blushes*

Look at him! He's just a hot headed knight that never knows when to quit or calm down

*spaces out while watching Kieran pass nearby*

Astrid: I think that's a no.

Thany, would you mind recommend me a few things for both the wedding and the party?

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Thany: Yes, two pieces of advice. First, keep the Grl Stealrz far, FAR away. If that's not possible, you may need to have a low-scale, underground wedding like Zak and Tinny. Second, remember that this is sacred, don't invite anybody who would crack jokes throughout it.

So Tinny, now that the Grl Stealrz are too weak to be a bother, would you like us to have a ceremonial wedding?

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Tinny: Yes please!*hugs Zak* Let's start getting things ready for it, let' ask Thany too for a few tips other than those two she gave Light Lord.

Thanks for the advice Thany, I'll keep them in mind.

Sephiran, what do you think of humanity now?

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Sephiran: Amusing... but no destruction needed, past is past....

Thany!!! <<3

Any thoughts on going through Sacae route?? I gave you many statboosters from the past chapters anyways...

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Thany: But then you won't get my sister Yuno (Juno? I don't know.) and I won't be able to triangle attack and kill everything!

Alright then Tinny, I'll start on the invitations. ERL, Light Lord, Frostbite, Spykor...

So Murdock, how did you get so epic?

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Sorry... I'l go Ilia then, just for you!

Murdock: It's the 20 CON man!

Begnion Senators! I'm looking at all of you! Except Oliver! Why are all of you dumb and stupid to start a war and all are ugly chazzers to boot??! I'm looking at you Valtome! *Vanishes, but icy shards fly all over the place after disappearing*

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senators. TT_TT it's not our fault IS made us this wait, we didn't want to start a war.

Marcia: Why should I?*blushes*

Look at him! He's just a hot headed knight that never knows when to quit or calm down

*spaces out while watching Kieran pass nearby*

Astrid: I think that's a no.

Jill, do you know someone named hinata (naruto)?

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