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Myrrh: Only me and Morva, my father....

Hey Thany!!! You just outclassed Tate in stats! Any thoughts?

LV 20/18 Falco Knight

HP: 49

STR: 23

SKL: 25

SPD: 28

LCK: 30

DEF: 22

RES: 23

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Thany: Yes! I'll go for it! *Uses Master Crown and turns into a Seraph Knight* YAY! I'm already broken!

Frost: That's.... wonderful darling!

Hey Juno, Thany's a Seraph Knight already... We're also planning to return to Ilia for the meanwhile... any thoughts?

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Tinny: Thunderlance Trick, cause it stabs Hilda to death! *Creates an impaling thunderbolt that stabs through Hilda*

Say, Rolf and Boyd... wanna help me out with Thany in the Mounted Bowmen HnH? Your brother has a chance of dying out there!

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Rofl: Nah, not really. Oscars too epic to die!

Boyd: *too busy attempting to get Mist to answer*

...I refuse to edit that typo.

Lyn, why is my Meowth modeling itself after you and beibg glass cannony?

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Lyn: That's my runaway pet!

Rolf... Boyd... you all know what did the nerf stick did to your brother right!?

Anyways... Kieran any thoughts on your rival on the Mounted Bowmen HnH?

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Elphin: Well, there's NIls and his flute...

Kieran and Oscar? Any thoughts on my full-service healing and Thany's assistance? *Is healing Oscar like the plague*

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Sety: Freege... but Skasaher, Thany and Sir Frost will deal with a few things first....

Frostbite: Damn... It's that bitch!


Frostbite: Children!??! *Casts Fimbulvetr*

Skasaher: You know Hilda, everyone hates you! *Strikes Hilda with Hero Sword*

Thany: Get off! Get off! *goes panicky and critblicks Hilda*

Oscar... why is everyone attacking you this time? They're making me do desperate measures.... *Has a transfuse spell ready*

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Hilda: DAMN....

Don't worry Thany, I brought my Nosferatu tome here.... Now I can abuse that crazy magic!

So... Rolf, ever heard that you're brother is now at the risk of getting killed?

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Ishtar: She thinks I'm evil... and she also thinks I look like Formotiis.... *sobs*

Okay... Rolf, would like to assist your brother now?? He has many attackers in the HnH!

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Tinny: Of course yes!

Johalva! Give me the bow now or ELSE! *Elfires him* Okay... Rolf, here's the bow, now come with me!

Hey... Boyd! Guess what... Rolf has joined the party in helping out Oscar... care to join? Or else you will painfully witness him die because the other people here are attacking him endlessly!

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Both: No, the staff stealr struck again.

Me: Sety.

Sety: What!? Ugh, fine.

*gives frostbite physic*

So Tinny... *hugs for a minute or two*

You're doing great in the HnH. Do you believe you might win this one?

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Tinny: I don't know... not sure, perhaps? But I'm happy that Frost is healing me constantly and with Thany to attack would-be dangers...

Say... any of the Ilians, any thoughts on Thany being a Seraph Knight?

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Tinny: Well, I have good chances this time.

Jill: You have a few other people in your debt too, Light Lord is helping you around. There are other you could ask for assistance too.

Zealot: Juno is quite happy for her, she knows Thany was going to be better than her.

Juno: I'm so happy for you Thany.

Tate: Well sister, I must say you did a well job this time. Congrats.

Mmmm, Kurthnaga which is Goldoa's future?

Edited by Light Lord
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