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Thany: Yep... I think the potion's color is Pink... It has a label... Femina Potion!

Kieran... it's fair enough considering that I have too many affairs to deal with, busy life isn't it?

Any other red-heads on the HnH, what can you say on my new Spectres haunting you day and night? *Points at a mob of ghosts swirling around Shade*

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Tinny: Yes...

Ethlin, Azel... don't worry I'll end your pain BY BEING YOUR EXECUTIONER! *Insert ghosts and spectres swirling around me and howling ghost noises here*

Kieran, I am afraid I'm going to be desperate again... like the last few times... *Reclasses into Druid and casts Transfuse* What's it like to feel like there's only like... only one person defending you, outside of Tellius?

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Kieran: It's discouraging, I'll say that.

Ap, you used transfuse. Balcony shove time!

You can do what ever to Ethlin, but my father-in-law is NOT dying today.

*creates a blackhole that sucks up all the ghosts*

Tinny, darling, are you ok? You seem awfully nervous today.

Edited by crashman_alpha
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Tinny: I don't know... I feel some elder magic exploding all over the place like... crazy... It's scary....

Okay fine! I'll just go devil on Ethlin.... Wait... balcony-shove? OHSHI---- *twacked*

Thany... is this druid robes making me look fat?

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Tiltyu: You are worthy...

Azel: You deserved being a good son-in-law... *looks around* OHSHI-- *Lich is peeking in the windows*

Going druid mode for now... lulz... gonna be handy on the Spellcasting Animation Exhibit Video... before starting my video series... I'll record all my posts here and translate them into video ideas!

Corple!!! Do you have the Valkyrie staff? If yes... then I will happily reclass back into a sage... if not... *insert whirling ghosts here*

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Jill: The patrol and the guards have good pay....

Sety... I think I found out why I'm starting to be able to cast Elder Magic and summon ghosts... It appears Loputousu has entered my systems... Can you find a way to get him out of my body?

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Sety: Ummm, Frost, Loputouso can only enter in you if you can be his human vessel and you have casted at least once the spell Loputouso. No chance you have donde both things so far, right?

Thanks Jill, I will apply for any of them.

So Manfroy, how does it feel to be beaten by the Black Knight (that is Aless)?

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Manfroy: I HATE YOU ALL!

Sety... His voice is haunting me often.... Aghhh.... *goes psycho-druid*

Ethlin.... Ethlin.... Ethlin.... *insert evil voice here* How does it feel that my spectres will haunt and tear you off!

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Tinny: Well, maybe we left them in home Zak. Sorry :(

*on another place*

Sety: Frost, you're problably hearing another dark entity.

Saleh: Possibly the Demon King, he's the only one I can think of right now.

Yurius, if we could break loptian influence in you, would you be a good guy like Yuria rememberes you?

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Yurius: LOPTO SAYS YOU BETTER NOT BREAK AN INFLUENCE. *turns all your female friends (except Lumi~) into Knight Guys bent on killing you*

Yuria: D=

So, uh, Yuria, how fast can you run?

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Ashnard: I AM!


*Long fight ensues*

Demon King: Time to turn this little kid into my newest puppet! *mind controls Frost*

Saleh: DAMN....

So Saleh... does this mean I'm gonna get killed? *Insert worried Thany here*

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Saleh: Nope. Tinny can exorcise stuff like this.

Me: Be careful.

Tinny: Ok, here I go...

*Walks up to Frost, puts her arms around him, leans foward for a kiss, and...

Pushes him off a balcony.*

Kieran: Hey, that's MY job!

D.K.: Nooooo! *flies out of Frost.*

Me: Great job, honey!

Tinny: Thank you.

*start kissing*

*5 awesome minutes later*

So Delmund, why were you in meh house, eating meh cookies?

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Delmud: Nanna, who's kind of more mannish now :/ , dared me to.

And yeah.

Besides, truffle cookies are :3

Leaf, if Nanna got turned into a man by Julius does that make you gay?

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Leaf: B-but I can change her back, see!?

*pulls out sword*

Delmund: *with a mouth full of cookies, MY cookies >:(*

Mmm... Don't try it.

Leaf: Aww! Zaaaaak! How did you fix Tinny?

Me: With this. *hands leaf potion*

Leaf: :awesome:

So wait, Julius, if Linda was pregnant, and you made her a guy...

What the heck happens?

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Julius: Linda? Oh yes, the awesome replacement. She's busy in Hawaii. I'm not that horrid as to harm those pregnant on vacation! Lopto has morals?

Julius, can I remove your four cores? :awesome: (Portal ref)

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Julius: NO!

Me: Tinny... Thank you.... However... since those ghosts are gone... the only one left here is Shade *Shade is floating around, floating next to Lumina and Undine*.... and compared to the other summoned ghosts... he's not that bad...

Shade: I only serve... master... not those other ghosts....

Kieran... Desperate status mode on for me? Cause you're being bashed at many sides now!

Edited by Frostbite
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Kieran: *gives a recover staff* Just use that!

Sety: MINE! *steal*

Kieran: I don't know what to say :|

So Xane, why do you remind some people of Priscilla?

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