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Kieran: Well, you see, we thought we saw a Grl Stealr, so we went out to kick his ass. Turns out it was a Biek Stealr. Those guys are VERY weak! Anyone who gets their bike stolen by one is very incompetent and unfit to live.

Tinny: ... *hugs me and starts crying*

Me: *Comforts Tinny and gives an angry glare at Kieran*

Kieran: Uhh... Bye! *jumps off balcony*

Marth, Roy, Ike, what do you think of Super Smash Bros. tier lists?

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Both: YES! *kills each other*

Thany... talk with Tinny... I'll deal with Mr. Axe-in-my-head...

Boyd, Rolf and Oscar... Would you like this? *Removes curtains to reveal the Artemis Bow, Dragoon's Spear and Gaia Hammer*

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Tinny Clone: Darling, let's go out for a walk.

Sety: Of course Tinny. *turns to Zak* Well, she may not be the real one, but she definitely acts like her. Your #1 Zak, I guess that's the end of our rivalship.

Hey Jill, I've got everything set for tomorrow: snacks, candies, presents, the tree is already set and decorated; but are we missing something? Other than our friends of course.

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Jill: Why yes! They're not yet here...

Thany: *enters* YAY! I'm here! *dances around happily*

Jill: Wow! First guest! *hi-fives Thany*

Tinny... can you tell me what exactly happened? You just discontinued what you're trying to say something about those Biek Stealrz.... I'll calm you down with this spell, in case if you cry.... *Casts Sanctuary*

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Tinny: Why yes, dearie! Do you recall Jill's invitation?

*on the phone* Thany, I'll be a bit late to arrive at Jill's place... Is it okay for you? I'm paying some bills, then I'll follow immediately....

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Tinny: Because of fanart??

Tinny... I get now the issue... Thank you for explaining... *Whacks Kieran with a staff* Bad knight!

Kieran... do you really solo maps like a boss? And tell me how!

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Kieran: Of course! You just need to be reckless and brave as me!

Marcia: Until you get knocked off for being SO reckless.

Jill, here's my gift for you *handsover a paint of Jill and me, along with one of her and Shiharam*.

I know it may bring bad memories, but you've got family. Do you like your gift?

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Jill: Yes... *happy tears*

Kieran, play rough in the battlefield and pray that I don't cast my dangerous Transfuse spell which drains my HP, or my new Blood Barrier, which protects you, but in exchange I'm going to take the damage... *evil glare*

Ohh... Geoffrey! You called.... and tell me what do you seek from me?

*Glare at signature for reference plz*

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Geoffrey: I want your bike. I need it for... an invention.

Tinny, my love, do you like the Great Protection Ring I got you for christmas?

*it halves opponents atk like Loputousu does, but it's not evil*

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Tinny: It's... it's... BEAUTIFUL!

Geoffrey!!!?! Are you a Bike Stealr? I don't use bikes, sorry... I only use hovercrafts, Flammie the flight dragon and tons of other flying stuff for transportation...

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Ashnard: ME!

Dracula: NO ME! Bleehhh! I will suck your blood!

Ashnard: Go suck yourself!

Dracula: *goes into emo corner and cries*


Geoffrey, that's so mean of you! *goes angry sage and freezes him in ice*

Kieran, is Geoffrey acting a bit odd these days? He just gone "BIEK STEALRZ" on me....

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Meg: I LOVE RNG Blessings!

Kieran, YOU DOLT! *Whacks him repeatedly with a staff*

Ohhh.... Thany.... I just brought my new "NUCLEAR" fireworks launcher... Any thoughts for it blasting off this new year??

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