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Jaffar: Crappy STR-! I'll show you crappy STR!

*Punches Kai in the face, who doesn't get hurt, or even move or blink. Jaffar's hand makes a sickening cracking sound.*

Jaffar: FFF-! Argh! Ah!

Seth, Shanan, what do you think of Lumi×Furet?

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Seth: Whatever pleases my mistress.

Shanan: ....... :(

Noish, I reclassed you to prince for lulz , whatcha think?

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Haar: I got her the Ackbar approved trap detector.

Jill: So Light Lord, where would you like to vacation to? Oh, hi, Lucius.

Jill's pocket: IT'S A TRAP!

Jill, how long do you think it'll be until that starts annoying you?

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Jill: I just have to never stand near Lucius again!

Lucius: But I'm manly! *Pout... of MANLINESS*

Jill, who else does it work on?

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Jill: It works on Soren, Valtome, and Midayle. I can't play FE4, 7, 9, and 10 without it going off. Look, if I so much as hold up a picture...

Jill's pocket: IT'S A TRAP!

Jill: Although it does work on real traps, like this bear-.


Tinny, that trap detector looks fun and awesome! Can we get one pleeeeease?

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Tinny: Sure! Let me try this new spell to conjure them! *conjures up 4828340492818394 Ackbar approved trap detectors* Whoops, looks like we'll have to give away a lot!

Jill, does it work on Aideen? A lot of people said she looked like a man. I disagree but I want to know.

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Sety: Heheh, who says I'm Sety?

*light flashs*

Xane: Hello again.

Sety *Raigekis Xane until he gets out, while being pursued by Sety*

Jill, why didn't you tell me? I'll get seomthing for you, don't worry, I'll think of something. Sorry for that :facepalm: !

So Anna, is there something in the secret shop I could buy as a gift for Jill? Please, not weapons, something a bit more peaceful and pretty.

Edited by Yusei Fudo
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Anna: Let's see! Does she like Speedwings? Or Spirit Dusts? Or Arms Scrolls? How 'bout a nice pair of boots?

Aideen, what do you think of those people who said you look mannish?

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Aideen: Whaa?? *cries*

Sorry Lilina... you'll be drawed with Shiva and Miranda...

Uhmm... Say... Kieran... how does it feel to use... heavy weapons?

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Kieran: It depends on how heavy. Axes are great, but don't expect me to lift a 255WT axe.

Tinny, can I have one of this trap detectors?

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Tiki: Because I'm quite pretty! Mar-Mar said so once before marrying Caeda. Thanks for the compliment Pika-Pika.

Sorry Anna, I was thinking of something else. I'll look somewhere else.

Hey Aimee, is there anything interesting that I could buy as a gift to Jill? Please, no weapons.

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Rutger: ...

Shiva:...Are you looking for something boy?

Rutger: ...You and me, one-on-one to test our swordplay.

Shiva:...Very well.

Jill, I got a pretty red dress for you, I'm still working on another surprise for you. What do you think?

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Jill: It looks lovely, and sure... take your time!

Miranda, Shiva and Lilina... enjoyed our little photo-shoot?

( In case if you don't know look at my latest art thread post for more details!)

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