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Sety: It's acting up. Can I lick your feet?

Kieran, I gave you a killer axe and used gamble. You won't crit or even hit with 50 HIT/60CRIT. Why do you hate me? Or is it Annas fault?

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Nolan: No.


I don't have an axe, I have two!!

Thanks Kieran, I'll try again in Part 3.

Iliana, why do people hate you? Yours pretty awesome if I say so myself!

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Tiki: Mar-Mar will surely adopt me! :3

*somewhere inside Frosty's citadel*

Me: To make that shaky hit of yours turn into sure killing blows... I shall bestow my blessing! *Summons Seraph*

Seraph: *scatters angelic feathers on Kieran while flying around. Blessing status given!*

Kieran: .... Thanks! *rides off*

Me: My pleasures....

Ray, why such a stuffy twat?

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Ray: Because I'm I Grl Stealr. About a year, year-and-a-half ago, I stole Sophia from that schmuckish douche fag n00b Zak.

Tinny: *Slaps Ray across the face REALLY hard, so hard, I can feel it.*

Don't EVER call my Zakie those things again!

*hugs me*

Tinny, did you really need to slap him that hard?

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Tinny: Trust me, it could be harder! Be thankful his face didn't deform!

Kieran, you still didn't hit ._.

Danved, are you Devdan?

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Danved: Like Danved told Largo and Geoffrey, Danved is not Devdan. Danved is only Danved and is the strongest of all soldiers around here!

Hey Jill, should I use deviantart to post my drawings and that stuff around here?*insert explanation of the matter*

By the way, as soon as I get things going around, I hope you like the first drawing I made.

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Kieran: Maybe I need some glasses already...but they are not fit for the mighty Kieran!*crashes with a tree next to him*

Marcia: Frost, can you give him some glasses? He will need them or else he'll regret it later.

Jill, how are you doing with the other duelists?*points at Yusei and his crew, as well as Jaden and his friends*

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Vika: *Pokes out of NM's bedroom* Uh... Cool... Listen, I'm kinda busy. *closes door*

Ok Tinny, here goes...

Frost... Pleasepleasepleeze!

Sety in Dungeon Explorer we all died against stupidly-hard boss monsters why weren't you using Holsety!?

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Vika: Oh... cool! :)

Sety: Because that time my father was Claude..

Levin!Sety: You cal- hey?!? HEY CORPLE! He stole your staff! That's my job!

Kieran: The Mighty Kieran despises these glasses! They make me look stupid!!! *throws them on the ground then stumps on them*

Kieran, how's it feel to be in a RP I'm doing with my friend?

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Kieran: Uhmm... FUN?

Okay... I'll add that up to my February list!

Kieran... your HIT is shaky, so I need some remedy for that... and the optometrist said it so! *whacks him with a staff*

*Notices Abel flirting on Thany* SO! ABEL! YOU'RE A GRL STEALRZ NOW HUH??? *Readies Ultima*

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Abel: Think of my emotions after Est... it's... *cries*

Cain: Jeez Abel, you're too soft!

Est, can we repeat the cycle about you being a whore? That was fun!

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Est: WHAT?!

Me: Yes, you are a filthy whore!

Abel: *goes Grl Stealing Thany*

Me: No you can't... No you won't! *Blows up Abel with a Meteor spell*

Est: *gulp* Ehhh....

Me: Why? Scared? You're next for being a rotten whore who leaves the man that loves you!

Est: AHHHH! *runs*

If you do not like glasses, Kieran... How about shades then? NewYearsEmoticon.gif

Cain, how does it feel that you turned out as my Flying Tank in Shadow Dragon?

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