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Rutger: ....

Navarre: ....

Joshua: I'm glary? Cool!

*charges after bandit, following Kieran*

Nephenee, why so win?

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Nephenee: It's because of these babies... *points at sexy legs*

Sain: MINEE!!!! *tries to glomp Neph's legs*

Kent: No you won't! *drags Sain away*

Sain: BAAAWWWW! ;_;

Any of the red knights, how does it feel that I find you all awesome?? :awesome:

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Cain: Cool enough for me Frost.

Alan: Hey, that's because you know what awesome is.

Forde: Thanks boy.

Kieran: The point is I was the first one, that's all that matters.

Jill, what would you do if I suddenly turned into a...vampire?

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Jill: Depends. A Count type one or a Gay Twilight Vampire?

Kieran, why did you make us chase the bandit? It's level 69!

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Kieran: I thought someone with a Physic staff is nearby....

Me: Ehem....

Kieran: Oh YAY! *continues the pursuit*

*Insert two Generic Axe Paladins joining in the pursuit here*

Soooo.... Minerva, how does the phrase "Bland in personality" makes you think? *is now trolling*

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Minerva: I don't really know, why do you ask?

Est:*explains her whatt it meant*

Minerva: You boy...are you mocking me?!

The original vampire type Jill...darn it, I don't feel well.

Corple, do you know of any way to cure vampirism without me dying in the process?

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Corple: I think this thing does... I... asked... a sage for it.... *Uses Holy Water to remove undead/vampire status*

Hahaha! *mocks Minerva continuosly before vanishing in the dark*

Soo.... Abel, I see your progress lately with Shade... Satisfactory... Are you ready for the final trial soon?

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Abel: ....................no.... *lancecrits Shade in the... face area*

Leen: Who loves JBeibz? Aless, obviously!

Leen, did you HEY CORPLE and get Sylvia and (insert father here) revived?

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Leen: I can't HEY CORPLE if my father isn't Claude. And my mother's not dead. I don't know where she is though... I don't know about Claude either.

Sety, why don't you HEY CORPLE and have CORPLE bring Fury back/ do it yourself?

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Levin!Sety: HEY CORPLE. Revive Fury nao.

Corple: You have to pay me 20000000 rupees for it.

Levin!Sety: What? That's worse than Mimi's prison fine!!!

Claude!Sety: lol, you can't afford to revive your mom. *revives Fury*

Sety, Corple, I think we just broke a multiverse <_<


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Corple: Uh oh...

LSety: Relax, I do it all the time!

CSety: Yeah, it fixes itself. *points at me* Who's that?

LSety: That's Tinny's husband.

CSety: You mean you aren't?

LSety: Yeah. I have a clone of her that's somehow 5 times hotter though.

CSety: ... Lawl, this universe is ghey. Bai. *warps away*

LSety: ... What a fucking dick!

...Tinny, honey, you didn't put any drugs in those brownies you made me, right?

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Tinny: ...no.



I infused them with magic! :awesome:

Gender bending magic so we can try to be opposite gender roles for a day! Now make me a sammich!

Kieran, I found this potion that says DO NOT DRINK. Wanna drink it?

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Geoffrey: Yeah. It makes being stelthy impossible.

Tinny, I'm still a guy. I can't get morphed. Here. *Turns her back into a her*

Kaaaaaaarel, why is their a dead human on the floor?

If you get the joke, you = awesome

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Karel: I like to kill things, so I am the sword demon! BAHAHAHAHA! *goes to kill more*

Excuse me Minerva, but why are you laughing with Abel? Is this the unfunny cleric veil joke again? *insert rapid magic conflagrations here*

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Minerva: With? I was laughing at him. Jeez, even though I'm competing with Cain, I am still awesome.

*me and Kieran drink it and pass out*

Kieran: Huh? I'm... short!

Me: Lol, you're a koopa!

Kieran: You drank it too.

Me: Oh phuck.

Sety, do you have a restore staff on you by chance?

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Sety: I do, here.*restores both with some minor side effects* Oops, I didn't do anything!*runsaway*

Kieran:...Dude, why do I still have this strange shell?

Corple, I think the Holy Water didn't work out completely...it seems I'm stuck at a Blade's kind of state, that hero of Marvel.

Tinny, do you know of any way to completely cure vampirism?

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(Sorry Light Lord, I'm going with NMs response, since he came first.. I'll answer your question though :D )

Nailah: It's hot. You and Vika should go on a tour there!

Tinny: I can turn you to stone if you want. You won't be a vampire if you're a statue!

So Kieran, what the he'll do we do if were stuck like this? Sety isn't exactly reliable. <_<

...Should we visit Bowser? :awesome: Or scare Frosty and Zak? :awesome: :awesome:

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Kieran: Why don't we talk with Aideen? She may help us. You don't want to scare Forstbite, believe me. We could scare Zak a bit tough.

Sety, can you be helpful with my half vampiric condition? *don't you dare use your Restore staff like you helped Kieran and Darros*

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(Levin!)Sety: Hmm... *uses über staff, but it backfires, causing you to turn 75% more vampiric*

Corple: Only a Blaggi could have fixed that, but now he's beyond fixing!

Kieran, let's scare Zak!!

Fury, why didn't you hook up with Claude in order to save Light Lord?!

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Kieran: Well, maybe looking for your weak spots or anything like that. Are you afraid of spiders?

Sety, you're so dead now!!!! You better wear some garlic or keep holy water nearby!

Jill, maybe I should have started with you but I didn't want you to worry, do you know any way of curing my vampiric condition?

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Jill: No, but Zak might.

Me: Wha-? Uhhhh... Oh, yeah, the power of incentive. If you stay a vampire, THIS could happen to you! *holds up Twilight*

Did my fear-apy work?

Sety, as a friend, I suggest you RUN! Need a shiny Charizard?

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