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Aideen: Because I have some Ulir blood, not to mention I'm pretty good healing our men. I just do what our God (the Jugdral deities) asks of me.

Jill, I'll have to leave for a few days, something about a war erupting and they need someone to finish it peacefully. Will you be okay for this time or should I ask Zak and Tinny to accompany you?

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Jill: Uhmm... okay.. Take care! *Gives Elixirs*

Sssh... Water beats Fire, Tormod! *Counters with a Tsunami spell*

Uhmm... Ewan meet Tormod... Tormod say hi to Ewan... any thoughts on each other?

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Ewan: ...he's so outgoing..

Tormod: Ha, I'm promoted. You're a 0 tier.

Sothe, what's it like being the mother of Ike's babies?

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Jill: It was okay though, our friends had to take me to their shopping sprees.... It was fun....

Thany: Jilly! Check out this dress!

Tinny: And this bracelet!

All: *goes in their Girl's Fun time*

Soo.... Marcia, any plans you're going to do in the future?

Edited by Frostbite
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Tinny: Uhmm.... *speechless*

*scene between Ewan and Tormod ensues as Archsages*

Ewan: Heh... Not bad for me...


Ewan: Shrimp....

Tormod: *RAEG*

Sooo.... Tormod, is the world for you... kinda TINY?

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Tormod: PHUCK YOU! *Casts fire, which deals only 1 damage because of the WTA bonus*


Me: Oh my god, you are! Swee-! Wait a minute... *Scoops Tinny up and runs*

Seteh! Where's your dad?

Sety: *on the internet, looking @ pr0nz* Idk, gtfo nao, lol.

Me: *runs*

Levin: What was that?

Me: Ah! *stops and runs back!

Levin: Uh, Hi...

Me: *patting Tinny's stomache* Is it mine?

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Levin: Let's see..... it is...... an alien? O_O

Wait no... it's yours!


Sety: Sorry, I don't stl pregnant grls. They just too round. I'll be back after the delivery.

Levin: *slaps his son so hard*

Sety: *faints*

Sety, what do you think of Justin Bieber?

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Sety: He's being crowded by girls... which means I'll go GRL STEALRZ ON HIM!

Soooo... Tormod, do you like Water Spells to go with that Fire Magic of yours?? >:)

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Sety: ¬¬ I'm no pedophile Zak, I know we had a bad time, but don't make fun of me like that please. I promise I won't steal her.

So Tinny, will you have a baby shower? Jill and Thany are preparing one.

Edited by Yusei Fudo
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Tinny: Remember those Ackbar Approved Trap Detectors that I conjured? I got you 382 of those, and I got you a Sety potion! Allowing you to have Sety blood so you can screw with Sety! And I built another balcony.

Levin, why don't you set Sety straight?

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Fee: Sometimes it's creepy when he sleepwalks and tries to steal me!!! But constantly whining about Tinny, Thany and Jill is annoying and creepy! :C

Sety: I am not cre-

Fee: Eep! *whacks over head with frying pan*

Sety: *wakes up four hours later* Woah.. I.. I... somethings changed...

Fee, would you mind if I paired your mom with a tanky STR character so you can have high STR?

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All of them: He's okay, but from what Fee said... he's a bit creepy sometimes....

Grl Stealrz, do you like the sound of rockets and missiles launching towards you all?

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