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Jill: Thank you for the offer, honey, but I wouldn't be soloing the map if I had help.

So Celice, now that you aren't trying to steal Tinny anymore, what are you doing with your time?

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Gomes: Because. It's funny and there's nothing you can do about it. Heheheh...

So Aless, wanna have a Pokemon Battle? If you lose, you have to leave me and Tinny alone.

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Aless: NOES! I'm losing already! *Sends out Haxorus*

Me: It's soooo gonna happen! *Sends Starmie to do an Ice Beam!*

Any of the Red Knights, do you like.... Transfuse?

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Kieran: Yes!

Kent: Maybe.

Noish: What's that?

Tinny, dear, I hate be the one to tell you this, but you might want to consider remarrying. You see, I'm kinda...


Dead. And I don't think we can afford to pay to fix Corple's Valkyrie staff...



...How do you feel about all this?

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Tinny: NOOOOOOOO Zak!!! TT_TT, what will I do now?!

Sety: Well, I can take care of you in Zak's stead

Corple: But the Valkyrie Staff is perfectly fine guys *revives Zak*

Sety: Well, I'm happy he's back.

Marth: And we still have Aum too. My sister has it...somewhere around here.

Marth, why don't you try weakening them for Zak to finish those thieves?

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Marth: But they are Lunatic mode thieves that double me. I'll have Draug and the other guys do it!

Vaida, why do you just sit there in that one chapter where you're a boss? Why don't you actually come after Eliwood's team with your Uber Spear?

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Vaida: Because they're all out of range. Zak made the mistake of having Lyn in range. Heheh.

Sety, can you teach me to be a better mage? Because frankly, I suck as one.

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Lloyd: There was really nothing that came between us.

Linus: Yeah. We even saw through Sonia's facade, both at the same time!

Tinny, dear, are you still crying from when I was dead? You don't need to anymore, I'm fine now.

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Tinny: But it scared me so much!!!! D,:

Aideen, how does it feel to be just below the pirates in my tier list (thats the second highest tier btw)

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Aideen: I don't really care about tier lists, but I think my sister Briggid might have something to say to you about ranking me below those pesky pirates.

*Briggid polishes Ichival*

Briggid: Hmm? What's this now?

Ike, be honest now. Did you steal the idea for Aether from the Mercenaries in the GBA games?

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Ike: Not at all. I took what they did and made it better!

Aless, what's it like knowing that a lowly thief did in 5 minutes what you've been trying to do for about 4 months?

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Aless: I'm not trying to kill you, just steal Tinny. Speaking of stealing Tinny... hey Tinny!

Tinny: *Uses Thoron Pwnage*

Nanna, why do you keep getting killed by Trabant?

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Leaf: Let's be fair here. Do you really think a little girl like Nanna can take down the King of Thracia?

Nanna: It's because I haven't been getting good level ups. You need to RNG Abuse more for good level ups.

Well, I don't know Nanna's stats or anything.....so yeah.

To any Thracia 776 player character, do you like being in the hardest Fire Emblem?

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Thracia 776 characters: Fuck yeah, makes us manly as hell!

Hey King Azmur, what's it like knowing you got duped by Alvis and that his son killed your granddaughter?

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Azmur: Say what now?

That thief who killed me, I reclassed back to SM and got all my pwnage back. *cracks knuckles* Ready for a rematch?

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Faval: What do you mean? Anybody can use this bow. I just don't let them, that's all.

Altenna: Yeah, same with this lance. Here, you try it.

Soldier: Uhh. Ok. *tries to stab a tree, but either grossly misses or makes contact but doesn't pierce through*

Altenna: ...Everyone knows that the generic soldiers suck, anyways.

*Picks Tinny's body up*

Hey Corple, can you revive her? Here's money for the staff repairs *hands him 30,000 of Sety's gold*

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