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Joshua: I keep it in a backpack to avoid get it damaged or anything like that. It really brings me good luck, so how about a bet now? *readies a coin* 1000 to whoever wins.

Natasha, does it bug you that your husband is such a gambler even as a King?

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Lethe: Because-.

Lyre: She stuffs her shirt.

Lethe: *blushes* :angry:

So Tinny, dear, what was Heaven like? I'm asking because, well, I didn't exactly go there when I was dead...

I didn't really go to Hell, either. I don't know where I was!

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Tinny: I didn't go there either.....You know, maybe we should quit dying. This isn't Dragon Quest, we can't always be resurrected. In Fire Emblem, people are supposed to die when they are killed, and they are supposed to be gone forever....

Marth, does Elice ever annoy you like an older sister is supposed to?

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Hugh: Because I'm not as awesome as my grandma.

Niime: Damn straight!

Niime, why are you the most badass person I've ever met?

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Niime: My young child, I take it that you are impressed with the fact that I am a pre-promoted Female Druid. I wanted to train my grandson to be as badass as I am.....no,even more so. But sadly, that day may never come.....

Pent, do you think you could match wits with the likes of Sety? Careful - he's a Girl Stealer.

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Pent: Yeah. I'm older and have had more years of study then Sety. On top of that, I start off with an A support with Louise, so there's no way that Sety could steal her!

Aless, why so Grl Stealr?

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Aless: It's in my blood, for I am descended from the Dark Knight Hezul. He was a Girl Stealer too.

Zihark, want to meet your twin brother Rastan? (Rastan is a character from Arc Rise Fantasia who looks a lot like Zihark)

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Zihark: A twin? Hook me up with him!

So uh, Tinny. A vending machine spit mist all over Zak and he turned into Sety. So I'd be extra careful lately. Thoughts?

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Tinny: Actually, Zakie got that all fixed out.

Me: Yeah. I used the "Play as Zak" code. Hahaha.

Sety: *Runs to computer to look for said code*

Sety... Really?

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Sety: Well, first I asked Fala for his Pokemon dream team but he made his Blaziken use Hi-Jump Kick on me. Then I asked for his guns from Borderlands but he shot me in the crotch. Finally I asked him to empower me with the powers I get from Inflation but Fala made Skasaher who at the time was a Mage Fighter and had Major Holsety a long with the tome. And did I mention Astra activated? I have one question. Why?

Fala: Because I can. Mana, if you had a choice to either be promoted to Mage Fighter or a Sage which would you choose?

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Sety: Sure.....First you have to be handsome. Second, you have to have something that only you can do, like use a Holy Weapon. Third, go for a girl that's actually obtainable.

Aless: You dare spill the secrets of the trade? YOU MUST DIE!

*Aless and Sety start fighting*

Ike, do you think you and your mercenaries could get along with the cast of Tales of Symphonia?

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Ike: Possibly, tough maybe Gatrie will be too busy to do anything useful, or maybe we could have conflicts with our thoughts.

Mia: Lloyd, I challenge you to a duel! Let's see if my skills are that polished now.

Hey Ike, would you teach me how to do the Great Aether?

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Ike: Sure, but since we're not related by blood it will take 7 years. Are you up to it?

Hey Azel, how did you make yourself and Lex disappear?

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Tinny: Oh hell to the yes!

Fala: Sety, if you ask me to help you again in your GS activities what do you think what will happen?

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