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Eirika: I-I...

Seth: Lady Eirika, come with me, please.

Ephraim: CA, Lyon only returned to normality when he was killed...The Demon King's power is just too much for us.

Ashnard, how does it feel to go berserk and keep some memories?

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Tinny: Not exactly exorcisms, but that he has a special relic that can cleanse anyone. Shall we ask her about him? He lives in another continent tough.

Sety, why are you tied up with chains in a bed in Chalphy's castle while guards are placed all over your room?

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Thany!!! Guess what we just organized our wedding! I invited your sisters, Count and Countess Reglay and our best man here are Kieran and Alan! I'm also gonna spread the invitation to others too!

Who else you want to invite to our grand ceremony, my dearie?

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Sure, it is my pleasure! *spreads invitations like hell with L'Arachel to help*

Sety: YESSS! Wait.... Tinny's not? *sob*

*several hours later*

Thany: Everyone's here! Ready for the big moment? *Her sisters and the guests joyously look at Thany*

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Thany: Yes. Let's go.

*In the middle of the ceremony*

Sety: Hey, why marry him when you can-

Everyone:*Readies weapons*

Sety: ... Goodbye. Oh, and Zak, TINNY WILL BE MINE! *runs off*

Hey Lucer (yes, the replacement from FE11), why can't you use Luce?

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Lucer: Because RNG chooses a class for me at random, if it isn't a magic user I can't even wield it.

Thanks for the invitation Thany, I'm sorry you got interrupted in the middle of your wedding. I know of a place Sety can't even enter *draws a magical barrier around the church* This should do.

Thany, do you accept Frostbite as your true love and promise to take care of him as he will do until death separates you?

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Laylea: Why do people keep asking that kind of things! I'm not his mom :sob:

Janne, were you still adopted by Fin when Nanna was born (even if you couln't help them in the upcoming battles)?

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Mareeta: Well, he has some skills with ancient relics of this sort of things. He may be able to help. In fact, I think you know him. Tinny told me about it, you need help?

Zelgius, do you mind training a bit with me? Show no mercy, but don't kill me.

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Mareeta: Here he is, Light Lord.

L.L.: Hi Zak, sorry for troubles regarding my identity; now, where is Sety? This may work or may just send him once again to the dead ranks with no effect at all.

Sety, what's going on inside of your mind?

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Sety: You'll never know. YOU'LL NEVER KNOW!

Me: Here, let me see. Mind read!

*"Oh Tinny, that Zak is such a jerk! Leave him for me!"


"Great! Mwahahahahahaha! Give me your powers!" *bites on neck and drains all the magic from her*

"Not enough! Need more! OH JULIA!!!*

... Skasaher, run home and make sure Julia is safe. Should I send Knight Guy with you?

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Skasaher: If he has what's needed to stop Sety, I would be grateful for that.

Julia: Narga, please aid us in this trial ahead...release our friends from the clutches of evil...

Me: Zak, you better go with them I'll try to heal Tinny.

Sety, who's possessing you? Is it a berserk Sety, the Demon King, or Lopto?

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Sety: It's him! No, Me. ME!

Me: It's 02. And Tinny's fine, she's right there. *Points to Tinny who waves*

That's what Sety was thinking, it never happened.

Hey Lucer, can you go get some pizza? Nobody else can really leave at the moment.

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Tinny: Don't worry, I'll be fine. Some sane competition is good for the human soul, my dear.

Jill: And don't you have a few users in your debt too? You could convine them to help you.

Ashnard, I'll rephrase my last question: how does it feel to harness the power of the Fire Emblem?

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