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:Santhos: : No, he's incurable and lovesick. You want to stop love?

Kent, how's it feel to be a pirate? AND TALK LIKE ONE WHEN YOU ANSWER.

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Anna: Well Im the RNG Goddess, and IS doesnt approve of me haxing all my growths to 355 and turning out all caps every time.

Sain, your turn. Hows it feel to be a brigand? Talk like one. And before you whine, I heard ladies like brigands :)

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Yay Sain, youre gettin it down!

Sety: *stares at you ackwardly*

Tinny: Turn him back! He scares meeeeeeeeee *flees to Tenessee*

Sain, meet Gonzales, you'll be taking lessons from him on how to be a brigand. :) Now discuss!

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Sain: ...So can you help me get laid?

Gonzales: Nope.

Sain: *Sigh*

*Poof* Ok Tinny, he's "normal" again. You can come back now.

Tinny: *runs back* That's better. Thank you. *kisses Zak*

So Elice, how does it feel to pwn an Imhullu-wielding cheater?

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Elice: Wait, did you hack? I come after Gharnef is defeated! 8-|

Its OK Sain, youll get it eventually. Just talk like Gonzales. Your parents will be proud!

Florina, what class do you want to be in my hack?

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Florina: May I be a fire dragon?

@Elice: No, wi-fi. Somebody hacked and got Imhullu.

So Dalsin, you're pretty much a brown-haired version of Knight Guy, and thus are epic to a degree of over ninethousand. Do you wanna join in the fight against the Grl Stealrz?

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Elice: Oh? Thats excellent then!

Dalsin: Come Tinny, lets go make o- oh hey... *sweatdrop*

No Florina, pick afemale non h4x class. :3

Or if you want you can keep your pegasus.

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Athos: With all this random, I've no idea. Archsage!Nergal would be quite funny though.

Yes Florina :D

Dalsin: *dodges x3* Why use crappy ballistae?

Wil, Im making you a lolsoldier. Your thoughts?

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Late reply is late....

Frostbite: I do!

Marriage Guy: I may now prounonce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!

Frostbite: *places the marriage ring on Thany and kisses her*

*Insert awww.... in the crowd*

Delmud: The nerf stick hit me! :(

Hey everyone! Ready for the reception at Sienne, Begnion? Let's go! *A fleet of large transport airships lands*

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Me: What's an airhsip doing in here?

Geese: It would be better by ships, tough it would take longer to get there.

Me: Anywas, I'm ready.

Everyone: We are too!

Kieran: I am ready because I'm the mighty Kieran! I need to be there.

Nolan, were you a soldier of the Daein army in the past (before Part I in RD)?

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Nolan: Not really, I prefer being a free lancer... end of question!

Guess what! We're here! *Airships land and kisses Thany on the hand* Party time people! And remember what to do if the grl stealr, Sety show up? Right? *Has a Freeze tome in hand*

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*No question unless you meant this*

Zak: Yeah, we remember *keeps in reach his 5 swords*

Me: Alright, if he shows up he receives the beaten of his life *cracks knuckles*

Tate: He will suffer so much if I see him near *readies Malte*

Hey Tormod, have you grown up a bit or is Sothe still a traitor to you?

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Ilyana:"hmm, talking about food, you have any more? I'm almost done with this."

Tormod:"girl, you didn't even start"

Ilyana:"start what?"*burp*

Tormod:"where did it go?"

everyone: O_O

Ike, if it were your pick, who would you choose as boyfriend for Mist?

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