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L'Arachel: Because a Valkyrie is in the eternal struggle to aid those in need and bring justice!

^It's not funny when you break previous posts... :P

L'Arachel, which is the most important quality in a fighter of justice?

Edited by Light Lord
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L'Arachel: They need blessed luck from a divine providence! Like myself! :D And they need to be wiliing!

Serra, meet L'Arachel. Thoughts on eachother?

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Serra: Divine make-up my ass, pansy bitch! You're looking at the prettier girl!

L'Arachel: Enough of this nonsense! I, L'Arachel of the Theocracy of Rausten shall smite you with my divine fury! *Brings out Ivaldi tome*

Serra: Then I'm Serra of Etruria who-is-actually-a-lost-princess-that-so-awesome shall show you how this is done! *Brings out Aureola*

*long catfight ensues with both KO'ed*

Ohhh.... Jilly! Mind if Thany and I could invite Pent, Louise, Cormag, Minerva, Lute, Roy and Lilina for your wedding? We already spoke to Yodel, and he'll head the ceremony rites! Any thoughts?

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Jill: Of course! We wanted to invite Zak and Tinny too, I'll send them the invitation soon enough and we're still thinking of more friends we may be missing. Here's yours by the way. Thanks also for looking for the bishop, I'm really glad of this.

Hey Lance, meet Lance from Pokémon. Thoughts on each one?

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Lance (FE): Wow, he's epic.

Lance (Pkmn): You know, this is funny. You look like someone I know, Rod.

So Tinny, I'm not going to be a character in Tales of Serenes, so we don't have to worry about me dying. Your thoughts?

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Tinny: Um... No. Zakie couldn't protect me then...

No, I didn't actually quit, but Trent wouldn't let me use the background I wrote, so now I have to right a new one, and decided to just use another character altogether.

So Tinny, should I have my new character be a Mage Knight, or a Swordmaster?

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Niime: Maybe because I'm related to Hugh, who raeps the game.

Tinny, I don't think they'll let him be a necromancer...

Arthur, should I make my new character (who isn't me) be a swordmaster or a mage knight?

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Arthur: swordmaster. only I can be a mage knight also...stop asking us questions about your life...we don't care :awesome:

Lucius are you a chick with a *cough* you know what *cough*?

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Lilina: Yeah!

Hugh: No! Arena abuse and hire me for full price! I'll raep everything!

Lilina, why is everyone so hell bent on using you? Don't they realize Murdoch can easily cleave you in two with his tomahawk?

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Lilina: I know, but I want to help Roy with his task of protecting Elibe.

Tinny and Zak, here's your invititation to the wedding.

Deghinsea, I know how Goldoa acts, but what if Ashnard's army would have attacked you once Crimea fell?

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Dheginsea: Goldoa will not be MOVED and we will RAEP their army!

Now... now... Jill, it appears that I've found your flower girls and your ring-bearer! *Points at Serra, Clarine, Florina, Mist, Priscilla and Neimi who are wearing formal gowns and points at Klein who wears a tuxedo*

Any thoughts?

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Ike: Youll have to create a Lets ask Touhou characters thread for that.

srsly, do it as a joke XD

Navarre came before Shanan, so techincally its vice versa.

Navarre, Fir, Karel, Rutger, why are your personalities as interesting as dirt?

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Navarre, FE7 Karel, and Rutger: Nao u dye! *attack, but Spykor has a swordslayer and pwns them easily*

FE6 Karel: And that, Fir, is why you never attack before knowing what your opponent is capable of.

Fir: Thanks, uncle!

So Arthur, can you help me pwn the kid who raeped Tinny?

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Arthut: I don't think Tinny meant that, but you can easily use your sword skills to finish the mess. I can also aid using Volcanon or Tron, if you need help.

Hey Edward, how did you suddenly become the best swordsman for many FE fans?

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