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Marth: No. It exacerbates the theory that I'm gay.

Ike: The "fight for my friends" side of me hates it, but the "does crack and heroin" side of me wouldn't do anything else.

So Arthur, can we still hang out like we used to, despite us not being in-laws anymore?

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Arthur: Sure, wait. Sety's coming.

Sety: I popped off Tinny's head.

C. Tinny: What?

Sety: Yeah, and inside of it was mechanics!!

Arthur: Are you saying this is my sister?

C. Tinny: No.., I am a clone.

Sety: Tinny's missing!

Arthur: We have to find her!

Tinny, where the he'll are you?

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Sety, now do you see what happens when you try to create clones? Tinny is going to go on a rampage now.....Or is it just another clone?

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Sety: Its probably a clone, seeing how it said "Thunder Magic Online".

We'll need to go on an epic adventure to find her and when I do, I'll shove Zak aside and sweep her off her feet!

Arthur, will you PWN Sety for us all?

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All of them: Uhh... sure... by the way... where's our weapons?!?

Thany: Hey guys! The real Tinny is helping Frost in setting up the Christmas party venue... in the Interdimensional Hall Left Wing area, with different people from other worlds! Wanna join in?

All of them: Party? YAY! But after we PWN Sety...

Thany: Ohh okay... *rides off*

Kieran... *sparkly eyes* and Thany!!! *reddish blush* How's my devoted healing serving you two? And... Grl Stealrz... GTFO from my Thany! Get it?


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Kieran: Cool, I need to endure a lot!

Thany: Thanks for the help darling.

Grl Stealers: NEVER!*escape from Frost's summoned spirits*

FE5 characters, what happened to you guys while Leaf, Nanna and Fin fought alongside Celice against the Grandbell Empire?

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Leaf: We were busy retaking Lenster.... I miss home... *teary eyes*

NEVER?! Is that so... Grl Stealrz? *Makes all summoned spirits attack them furiously*

Hmm... Noah, how does it feel to max-out most of your stats except for RES? Seriously, the RNG must be happy with you, huh?

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Random character: We got bored. We went home.

Noah: RNG? Stats? Huh? I don't understand. Sure, I'm decent, but this stuff confuses me.

Lute, would you mind if I gave you a hug? I really need it...

Edited by Sheena Fujibayashi
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Lute: Uhmm... Sure...

Noah, It translates that you simply demolished and laughed at every enemy in the map and of course your performance was beyond great!

Say.... *Opens gigantic curtains, showing a sparkly, light-studded, decorated and uber-mega gigantic Christmas tree with a golden star* Thany... do you think this is a lovely Christmas Tree? This is the one I promised to bring....

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Mia: They scare me a bit....

Thany... you have WTF-stats in the end as well.... 23 STR, 25 SKL, 28 SPD, 30 LCK, 21 DEF and 23 RES is no joke... paired with 50 HP...

Uhmm... Red Knights, are you the noisy types?

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Kieran: You dare insult Kieran, second in command of the Crimean Royal Knights? Look upon me and tremble!

Kent: I'm not the noisy type. Sain, on the other hand.....

Forde: I hate noisiness. I prefer a quiet setting where I can work on my paintings.


Green Knights, what do you think of your Red Knight counterparts (and the occasional Yellow Knight as well, like Lowen)?

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Oscar: Kieran is a tad too noisy...

Lowen: *looks at Kieran* Ssscarry....

Abel: We can't blame them...

Alec: *fights Sain* My lady! *fights over Florina*

Sain: *fight Alec* MINE! *fights over Florina*

Lance: *facepalm*

Kyle: Can you all calm down please!!?! *goes serious MODE*

Kieran... that was not intentional.... Sure I'll tremble, tremble by the time I have transfused like... nearly all of my energy just to save you from those attackers of yours....

Lalum, why so annoying? *ear cringes*

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Lalum: I'm not annoying! I'm talented! Now,I'm going to make you watch my super special dance.....No wait, that will make you think naughty thoughts! And I'll have to tell Thany!

Lowen, if you removed your hair from your eyes would it improve your hit rate?

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Lowen: Don't insult me like that! T_T

Lalum, don't make me use this on you... *Calls in summoned spirits*

Now... now.... Juno and Tate, shall I ask you whom to send my invitations to? The Christmas Celebration is boring without many guests....

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Tinny: Of course, and here's our invitations to the Christmas Party coming soon... Teehee...

You're my in-laws, so you're automatically in!

Grl Stealrz, why so lame?

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Sety: Because I can't decide on what I want. Do I want Tinny, Linda, money, power, acceptance? See? No Idea.

Johalva: I'm farken awesome! Now you have to DIE!!!

*charges Frostbite, but trips over a bug and decapitates himself*

Gheb: Wut teh fukc r u talkn bout? im awsum!

Gatrie: Lame? I still have Knight Guy's axe.

Homer: I'm cool! I can......D'oh!

So guys (Arthur, Sety, Tinny, and Skasaher), what should I do about the clone? We can't just kill her...

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All of them: Matter-converter thingy-majiger? Some kind of machine thingy in those freaky laboratories....

So.... Kieran, someone has pressed my berserk button again... So any thoughts... *Insert tons o' spiral of ghosts*

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Tinny: Uhh... sure? Yay! Now I can confuse people like Devdan does!

Kieran... if their HP is low, those ghosts will shove them off balconies or FREAKING CLIFFS!

Sooo.... speaking of HP... Do want to slaughter some Christmas Knight butt? *evil glare and brings out Nosferatu, and summons different eidolons*

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Kieran: No! If we pwn them, who will help Santa give presents to all the good children?

Me: Santa doesn't do that.


Kieran: : [

Me: Right. Clone Tinny?

C.T. Right... *gives back wedding ring*

Me: Thank you. Here, Tinny. *gives ring*

Tinny: Thank you. *hugs*

So Sety, why not date clone Tinny? She's the same, except she's a bit timid from being stuck in that ice box of yours *glares*, and she has a cute purple heart-shaped mark on the back of her neck.

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Sety: *Under Psychic Tower Mindcontrol* Yesss....

Awww... damn my luck is definitely atrocious! *bangs head on desk*

Any of my healing clients.... Transfuse time again?!?

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Kieran: Freeze! lol I'm telling the ice guy to freeze.

Remember? No transfuse because it kills you? Come with me, it's balcony-shoving time!

Sety, this may just be me, but do you have any clue about what happened with the robot Tinny and stuff? Because I had a bit of a hard time following what was going on...

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