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Sety: *puts on a garlic suit* I'm good.

Kieran, let's just Uh... umm.... drag him to Bowser Castle!

Kieran: K.

*we do so*

Aideen, will you help us when were done having fun with this?

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Aideen: Of course, I just need a new Restore staff.

Me:*evil glare at Sety* You're lucky I'm not a Twilight vampire, I'll forgive you if you can return me at least to my 50 % condition.

Saleh, is my condition really irreversible?

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Saleh: Unfortunately yes. However your ninja condition can be fixed with a simple edit :newyears:

You did it!! :newyears: :newyears:

Corple, did you revive Jamka and Midayle?

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Corple: No.

Me: *Gets out of Bowser's Castle*

Tinny: Honey, are you OK?

Me: Yeah. I got locked in a room with some short kid telling me that the princess is in another castle.

Tinny: Oh. *chuckles and hugs me*

Kieran, is that all?

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Aideen: Don't worry... I asked Ellen for the Holy Maiden... it cures everything without the sting...

Soo.... Any of the Red Knights, since I know you're going to get bashed like potatoes again... Any thoughts that I had to use my lovely dragon summons to get you all out of this simple mess?

Oh... and if you all will complain, be lucky you're all not dead!

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Cain: .....um..

Kieran: Yeah...

Forde: Uh...

Kent: You know, Im highly resisting the urge to complain now, as are my companions.

Aideen, will you help me and Kieran now?

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Aideen: Uhmm.... *snaps fingers to reveal this monster*

(Watch this video for details, monster is already overkill level)

Say... Alan, any thoughts that I can summon that thing?

(See link for details lol)

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Alan:*o_O*What will that thing do Alan?

Thanks Aideen, now I can use that vampire power at will with your help.

Hey Sety, what do you think about setting the score with a duel?*shows an Earthbound Immortal's card and places it in deck*

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Sety: *reclasses to hero and arms scrolls it up for S Axes* Sure. I can pummel your lulzy def!

Titania, how's it feel to be level 18 in 3-1?

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Sety: You winning is what makes Yu-Gi-Oh ghey.

No Titania, one levelup in 3-P, making you 17.something then me raising you to 17.99 via BEXP. I might even get you third tier in part 3! Thoughts?

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(Ironically I was going to ask that earlier 0_0)

Linda: Fine, though when anyone says Sety I REEEEEEEEEEEAG and then continue normal conversation... I'll never be the same..

Linda, why not just date Hawk? He's 373848383848 times better, and he has pursuit!

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Linda: Well, I was actually gonna try to get with Zak...

Tinny: :angry: *Grabs my Vorpal Sword*

Linda: *Didn't notice* ... But that sounds like a MUUCH better idea!

Tinny: :) *puts my Vorpal Sword away*

Linda: Wait, what do you guys think I should do?

Tinny: *pushing Linda towards the door* I think you should go for it! Go take Hawk on a nice date faaaaaaar away from our house.




Linda: Wha-?

Tinny: *Slams and locks door*

...Tinny, would you like some chocolate?

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Nergal: Sure, then I'd kill him and take over!

Tinny, why'd you call Linda a bitch? She's probably just emotionally unstable so she speaks her mind. And she decided against it ultimately.

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Tinny: Because I... You know what, I'll tell Zak and he'll tell you. *whispers in my ear*

Me: Ah, she's... She's having her period...

Item shop guy, you wouldn't happen to sell chocolate, would you?

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Shop Guy: Yes... and it's rare... You need a silver card...

Ohhh... Red Knights *looks at Cain, Alan, Noish, Kent, Forde and Kieran* Ohh... and... Oscar and Kyle too... I got some Master Crowns here! Any thoughts that I'm finally using it on you all???

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Kieran: The GREAT Kieran is not crazy, for I can take you all down....

Me: Excuuseeeee meee.....

Kieran: *gulp*

*next scene ensues*

Alan: Hey guys! I got cool armor!

Noish: Not bad!

Forde: Heh... I'm a Silver Knight already?

Kyle: I am sure our king will be proud....

Kent: Gold Knight.... How interesting...

Kieran: The mighty Kieran adores your strategy!

Oscar: You really had to spend your cash for this? I don't know what to say...

Me: Pssh... This is my lovely surprise to all of you!

So... All of the knights that I promoted, how does it feel to be in third tier? I even placed a built-in crit and evade support courtesy of me.... :awesome:

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