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Gharnef: Crap, I'm supposed to be playing that game! *turns on PS2*

Hey Tinny, baby, during my adventures, I wandered into this weird woman's house because she said she'd heal me. She did, but...


I swear, it wasn't my idea! You aren't too mad at me... Are you...?

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Leaf: It's great!

Aless: Not if I have any-!

Leaf: *Slaps Aless* Bitch, please!

Tinny, why don't you let me slap Aless like that!? D:

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Tinny: Because you're more kind, being violent is not something we should be darling. Moreover, Nanna allows it because Aless is her cousin, so she's fine with it.

So Aless, how can you be evil even if Gharnef is not ordering you anymore?

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Aless: I'm not evil. I'm just a Grl Stealr.

Hey Sety, if something should happen to me, I want you, as opposed to Aless, Togis, that other guy, and whoever, to take care of Tinny. Do you accept?

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Sety: Sure, but you know she'd just have Corple revive you, right?

Claude, why didn't you revive Vylon? Or Cuan or Ethlin? D:

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Ghost!Claude: Their quintessence already joined the Lifestream by the time I could do anything, I imagine. And not to mention, I was pretty far from the base when Cuan and Ethlin died. And besides, it's not like I could do anything after that Alvis's ambush affair.

Ninian, how was your first trip to the Lifestream?

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Ninian: It was so weird... I felt that I wasn't quite myself, yet was very comfortable...

RNG Goddess Anna, why is everyone going to all different kinds places when they die? Ninian went to this Lifestream place, Aless said he got the Reaper, Tinny said she went to Heavan with her mother, and Shanan said he went to Lumi's bedroom!

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Anna: Well, heaven in a fashion is what everyone thinks of what they like or love the much. For Aless, he has killed people in the wrong path, so he still has to atone for his sins, however the Reaper wishes to harvest his soul to send a Black Knight to hell.

Jill dear, you won't be mad if you don't win the HnH right? I would like to help you on my own, but the result is almost clear.

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Jill: It's alright. Tinny's lost way more HnH's, and she's just fine!

Tinny: Waaaaaah!!! why don't people love me!? *cries*

Me: But I love you, dear! *hugs her*

Tinny: *sniff* you're so sweet, but one person won't win me an HnH... *starts crying again*

Jill: ...O...K......

Hey Jill, wanna go with me to the store to help me get your husband a birthday present? I'm asking you because you know what he likes.

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Hey Jill, wanna go with me to the store to help me get your husband a birthday present? I'm asking you because you know what he likes.

Jill: Sure! I wanted to buy him a present to, tough he'll be out for most of the afternoon tomorrow.

Me: Uh, guys I can hear/read everything you say.

Jill: That's the point, it means you won't be able to prevent it this time *giggles* I was thinking clothes, or a new sword for him, but he's not having fights lately, thank goodness.

Tinny, can you help me a bit telling them to not get anything please?

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Tinny: I could try... Zakie?

Me: Yes, sweetie?

Tinny: Please don't get him anything. He said he doesn't want you to get him anything.

Me: Umm... Ok... *hands Jill a bag of 50,000 gold and whispers in her ear* Here.

Jill: *Whispers* Thank You!

So Tinny, do you want to go home and cuddle, or...?

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Athena: Ve are from Akanea, of corse.

Aless, I know this sounds ridiculous and heinous, but I think we may have to team up. What do you think of that?

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Zelgius: Me, duh. I have Alondite.

Aless: Pfft.. *Mistoltin crits but fails to kill* Wha-... wha..

Zelguis: My caps are higher because I'm from FE10. >:P

Saleh, can you tell me how it felt to crit Formortiis?

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