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Tinny: What do you mean? He hasn't moved on. Every day, he leaves messages asking me to take him back...

Hey Julia, can you heal me please? While depressed, I tripped and dislocated my arm...

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Okay then...

Geese, Tinny want's crashman back. Tinny told me that her life was full of sorrow without him. Could you please tell him, he would be very happy...

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Tinny, you're really gonna take me back?

Tinny: sob.gif*sniff**sniff* Yes, i have decided to. I tried to start a new life but i think that my life just got worse by each day. If you reject me, i am going to have to die alone, extremely sad.

I don't expect you to take me back but if you do, i am sorry for all the pain i have put you through... I will be at my house. If you want me back, stop by there...

Ishtar, how does it feel to be betrayed by crashman_alpha

Edited by PeppyHare4000
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Ishtar: What do you mean? We only went out for one night. Besides, I knew he still had feelings for my cousin. Ah well, back to teasing CrashGordon with my existence! :awesome:

Hey Tinny, why don't you get the kids and come over to my place? Just... Just please don't leave me again. I don't know how many times I can take it...

Edited by crashman_alpha
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Hey Tinny, why don't you get the kids and come over to my place? Just... Just please don't leave me again. I don't know how many times I can take it...

Tinny: I don't plan to leave you again. Lets start another marriage. I just want to live with you again... I have been through a lot since i divorced you. I regretted it in every way. I am really sorry for what i put you through... It must of been hard for you. I took the time to listen to your messages. You seemed very sad... Lets start this fresh again...

Crashman, your not making answers for the other characters. I know your happy that tinny wants you back but the other characters want their freedom of speech...

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Sety: Sure, for one last time...

Geese, do you want to attend crashman's and tinny's weeding...

Who's this "cousin" of ishtar you speak of?

Edited by PeppyHare4000
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Geese: Heh, you bet!

Tinny and Ishtar are cousins.

Hey Hugh, what do you think of dem boiz b dissin u and sayin Lilina's gr8r even though she's so slow?

Edited by crashman_alpha
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