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Hugh: I deserve this. I scammed roy out of his money... and pissed his girlfriend (Lilina) off...

Tinny, do you like Ishtar as a cousin...

Edited by PeppyHare4000
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Tinny: Yup. She's really nice to me. I really like having her around, even if she keeps trying to take my Zakie away...

Hey Sety, what's it like the times you get hit by the LOL speed glitch? (it's a glitch that sometimes prevents Sety from reaching his full potential in the speed stat, and he ends up with 16 speed at max level)?

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Tinny, do you like being a mage or would you rather be a different class...

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Julian: It's just that i have been with her for a long time. We went through a lot together, my life would be very different without her...

Soren, your favorite anima magic besides Wind? (Path of Radiance)...

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Ishtar: *crits you in teh face*

Hey Tinny, ESR's gonna try to steal you, and I need to smack him down so hard he won't try ever again. Should I use my Sun team which has Lilligant, or my rain team, which most definately works?

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Tinny: I wasn't. I just hid it from you extremely well...cry.gif *sniff* I hope you are better now...

Rutger, i heard you have a soft spot for Clarine... Is this true...

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Dolph: I shave. Frey made me shave my epic manly facial hair too! He said I was "ripping off his look"! >:(

Frey, why would you do that? :(

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