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Boyd: NM. U?

Hey Celice and Skasaher, I know a way to settle your problems about who gets Lana. *holds up a saw*

Whoever breaks this gets to keep her. Least recent GS incident goes first. *hastily hands it to Skasaher* Gogogo!!!

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Leaf: ...Oh haha. You're sooooo clever!

Nanna: Hey Leafy-baby, look what I found! *hands him a Leaf Stone*

Leaf: ...*sigh*...

Geez Celice, were you even listening to what I was saying!?

Skasaher: *Breaks the saw* Hey, I did it! Laaaaaanaaaa! I get to be with you! :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: *runs off*

So Tinny, I was thinking that we might as well have an open marriage since you have a tendency to... You know, sleep around... Your thoughts?

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Tinny: That would be great. Sorry if i am upsetting you...

Tinny, why do you sleep with other people besides crashman, your upsetting the poor guy...sad.gif

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Tinny: I-I... Sometimes I get the urge, but Zakie just isn't around at the time, and... And...

So Celice, what are you gonna do now that Skasaher has Lana?

Celice: Go cry in the corner... Life can't get any wor-*shot*

Ishtar, why do you think CrashGordon hates you...

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Florina: That Picture was Photoshopped...

Lyn: ...and nobody was in the room that time so no picture could have been produced...

Florina: Lyn, you just compromised our secret...

Mist, how do you feel about CrashGordon94?

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Lana: He's great! He's not trying to take Tinny for "rides on his horse" like Celice was.

Skasaher, would you rather have the Balmung and a pretty useless skill, or no holy weapon (I'll give you a Hero Sword) and an amazing skillset?

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Ishtar: I sure do... *kisses you on the forehead*

Ishtore: *sees the knife in your hand and the murderous look in your eyes* Uhh... Sis, I don't think that's what he means...

Hey Tinny, dear, how do you feel about me?

Edited by crashman_alpha
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