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Sigrun: Because I am! It's hard to take care of the Empress and deal with all my responsibilities, plus Tanith won't let me get any sleep... Oops! Err, you weren't supposed to hear that last bit! :sweatdrop:

Sanaki, did she just squick you out there?

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Sanaki: Not especially, her friend keeps her up is all.

Sety: *explains what Sigrun meant*

Sanaki: Oh, uggh...!

Hey Aless, can you do me a favor? If SF gets Jugdral badges, stay the hell out from under my avy.

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Lachesis: Fine. I didn't want to be your badge anyways!

Priscilla: *flips you off*

Ishtar: But sweetie, why do you intend to keep us apart...? :(

Mist: Because he doesn't love you!

Hey Tinny, dear, when exactly do you plan to stop sleeping around?

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Tinny: Ebay! It cost 99,99.99! And Christmas never comes too early!

Hey Aless, I saw you got with Leen recently. Are you giving up GSing? Because there's two girls you can get with naturally, y'know.

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Aless: Nah, I'm stealing Leen from... Uhh... Who am I stealing Leen from...? Uhh...

So Faval, I heard 'bout what you did. You've been bullshitting me this whole time, huh? *loads gun* Ready for a face full of lead?

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Faval: Nope, I can dodge it with my speed boost from Ichival, and if I get hit I won't die because Neir bloos makes my defense high! /trollface

Aless, you didn't steal Leen from anyone. She liked you.

Skasaher, Lana, how does it feel to be the King and Queen of Isaac?

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Skasaher: It's great. Hey Celice, guess what Lana and I did last night!

Celice: You dick... :(

Lana: Hon, that wasn't very nice...

Skasaher: Yeah... I'm sorry.

So Tinny, will you please stop sleeping with every guy you meet!?

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Tinny: It's not every guy! I haven't slept with Arthur, Leaf, Levin, Fin, or Hannibal! Yet....

So Lakche, who's your fave dad?

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Lakche: Holyn! Who wouldn't want him as their dad?

Sety: Me. I'm a squshy mage no need for awesome sword guy daddeh.

*facepalms at Tinny*

So Hawk, can you help me out here, bro? My wife's cheating on me with 90% of the guys she meets and it's getting really out of hand...

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Hawk: Sorry. It's either you tolerate this or leave her. I feel quite bad though... Sorry...sad.gif

Ishtar, my friend's wife is cheating on him and i feel bad. Is there anything i can do or you can do to help!

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Ishtar: But Tinny isn't the kind of girl who'd do that!

Me: *pulls out a sheet of paper*

A list of people she slept with, other than me. *clears throat* Currently, she's been with Celice, Aless, Faval, Togie, Skasaher,and Sety (although he had my permission so it's ok.).

Ishtar: ...:[

Hey Radney, can you help in any way?

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Radney: sigh, like Hawk said. Either accept this or leave... Life sucks ya know...

Ilyana, what would you say if i left you because my trust for people is diminishing?

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Ilyana: Don't think like that dear! I'm not like those other people!

So Hawk, mind if I come over for some drinks?

Hawk: Sure thing, you need a drink right now...

Ilyana, i am still paranoid about people. I am just losing trust in them. I am afraid you might cheat on me. My friends wife does it all the time...

What should i do?

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