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Tinny: I am not going to tell you. I can't bear the pain you will have when i tell you...sad.gif

Ilyana, Can you forgive me? I was just even more suspicious because even somebody like tinny lost her faith to crashman_alpha!

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Tinny: I have been trying to do that but some people didn't bring any and threatened to kill me if i rejected their offer...

Geese, do you think Ilyana is really faithful to me or she just like Tinny!

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Tinny: But I was planning on taking you on an Underwater Adventure! I'd have to suck the animals out of the sea.

Hey, FE12 enemies, why won't you drop your siege tomes? :/

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Delmud: I don't care! You guys know fire magic, use it!

Arden!Tinny, do you remember that time you AmbushWrathed Hilda with Thoron and did 90 damage to her?

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Brighton: It's because I'm forbidden to use axes if my feet are touching the ground. I don't even remember what I did to get that... And I think it's similar for everyone else, but I'm not sure.

Hey Tinny, I got it. For every time you cheat on me, that's one night you have to do that thing I really like, and I won't let you out of it until the morning. However, you won't ever have to do that under any other circumstances. Deal?

Edited by crashman_alpha
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Tinny: No, it is too tiring to do that EACH night!

Tinny, will you please stop cheating on my friend with everybody. This is pissing both him and me off...

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Tinny: ...You're right... I'm gonna stop doing that. I'm so sorry I hurt you, Zak... *starts crying*

Me: Thank you. *hugs her*

Hey Arthur, would you mind watching the kids for the night so Tinny and I can just cuddle and relax? She and I had a pretty stressful time..

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Arthur: Sure and congratulations for the fact that tinny isn't cheating on you anymore

Ilyana, i just resolved my friend's wife's cheating problem! How did i do...

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Ishtar: It feels odd but lovely. Although i am on the evil side, i KNOW he likes me, he is just in a big stage of denial. He will be mine soon...

Zihark, *slaps him* how does that feel!

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Volke: *sigh* I'm tired of everyone coming up to me asking them to kill their wife!

Mist: *derp*

Volke: I mean, first Zak and now you!

Zak: I never asked you that. That was Aless in a wig. Look, you can still see his regular hair underneath it.

Tinny: *gasp* Aless! I can't believe that I broke my vows for you! *hugs me for security*

Aless: Uhh... *runs*

So Arthur, thanks for keeping an eye on the kids for Tinny and me. Were they any trouble?

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