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Female mages: No, our magic keeps us from being affected by the heat conventions. But an enemy's fire magic can penetrate our defenses and get us hot...and bothered.

Camus, what do you think of your portrait in FE3DS?

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Seth: I'm not so much mad as disturbed. I knew that getting into that video game was nothing but bad news. Just make sure you keep a tight lid on that picture. I wouldn't want something shameful like that ruining my career as a knight.

Stefan, do you and Heath share hair-care tips with each other? You both seem very well-groomed in the shaggy sort of way.

Edited by Ragnell
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Stefan, do you and Heath share hair-care tips with each other? You both seem very well-groomed in the shaggy sort of way.

Stefan: "we are both members of the cool-hair-style-club"

Heath: "yeah, Stef and I meet weekly to share awesome hair secrets"

Oliver, do you care that I laugh at you when I see you fighting in my team in FE10? (understatement of the year, I was almost literally ROFLing)

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Oliver: You're just too ugly to appreciate my true beauty.

Oliver, as anyone told you that you dress like a grape?

Oliver:"oh thanks, so this is how it must feel to experience the grape's divine beauty"

Nephenee, what's your secret formula for epic win?

Edited by Bartje
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Micaiah: Well, it's kinda...shiny.

Karel, has anyone mistaken you as a girl because of your hair? (Don't kill me, I think you look manly and the long hair makes you very attractive. <3)

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Micaiah, your resistance is quite high. But is it enough to protect you from Criss Angel?

Micaiah:"I don't know who he is or why we would ever get into a fight, but as long as it is magic I think I can take it. Against physical damage I need sothe though"

Nolan; how do you feel about your mastery needing 5 capacity less than other masteries?

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