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Let's Ask FE Characters!


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Oscar, what's for dinner tonight?

Oscar: Slow roasted centurion! (Bonus points for reference.)

Ike: Would you be the top unit in FE9 if you had a 6-weight, auto-Brave Ragnell starting in chapter 10?

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Daaah. But I suck at writing. I only draw. Doing a full Doujin would take so long though.

You should write it.

Whaaaaat? Hmm

Linde: I had it coming. I'm not wearing anything under this dress after all.

Lex, why are you slow?

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Lex:"I asked some speed from Gatrie, but he wouldn't give me any :("

Mia, vantage was awesome in FE9, why did its usefulness go down so much in 3 years time?

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Lara: Actually, I like being a rouge (Thief fighter) best.

Amelia, why did you attack Vanessa and die? WHY!? YOU MADE ME WASTE ABOUT 20 MINUTES AND 3 LUCKY CRITICALS!!!

Edited by crashman_alpha
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Gatrie: She slapped me in the face when I tried to ask her out!

Calill, are you planning to adopt another child so that Amy could have someone to play with?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Calill, are you planning to adopt another child so that Amy could have someone to play with?

Calill:"what? am I not superior enough? one more insult like that and I'll send Largo after you!"

Nolan: before killing Numida you say 'We all have to answer for our crimes one day', does this imply you did something wrong too? and what was it?

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Nolan: I had a girlfriend who bought a new dress. She asked if it made her look fat and I said yes. I am still atoning for this sin.

Soren, what would you have done if it was revealed you and Pelleas were brothers?

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Tana, why is there a fad going around saying you're fugly when you're clearly not?

Tana: They're clearly jealous of these!!! *Points to chest*

Lucia: What are you going to do now that you've won the 'Hottest Girl on Tellius' contest?

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Ike: It gets burned off constantly in battle, those fire mages.

Largo: Same as Ike, but replace battle with Calil.

Soren: ... I'm naturally hairless there. o3o

Gerik, how popular are you with the ladies?

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Calill, are you planning to adopt another child so that Amy could have someone to play with?
Calill:"what? am I not superior enough? one more insult like that and I'll send Largo after you!"

How the hell is that an answer to my question? Did you even read/understand what I wrote? :facepalm:

Gerik, how popular are you with the ladies?

Gerik: Not that much... :(

Since I didn't get a proper answer:

Calill, are you planning to adopt another child so that Amy could have someone to play with?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Calil: Well, I haven't thought about that, but thanks for giving me the idea. :3

Seeeth~ So, I was searching up stories on you and Eirika when I noticed that some people pair you up with Cormag. What do you think about that?

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Eirika: *gasp* Kill HIM! *Lunges Sieglinde*

Ephraim: You've been stalking us... aren't you? *Gives Soren the evil eyes, and stabs him with Siegmund*

Now... Percival and Seth, is it like a mirror when you both stare at each other?

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