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Ninian: I'm afraid not. If I was, Roy would be half-dragonkin.I had to leave, as to live. I do miss Sir Eliwood though...

Nyna, you just lost some of my respect. Your reaction?

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It was, my foolish actions towards Hardin that caused your loss of respect isn't it? I'm sorry, but I still love Camus, even if he may be dead.

Heimler, what do you think it'll take for you to earn your rightful place with Gheb, Glass, Jasmine, Rose, and the other "Elite" Villains?

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Heimler: The Fire Emblem people should... you know... give me lines? That'd be a good first step.

Nyna...you still depressed him.... horrible... I thought you at least sort of loved him, he loved you.

Dart, do you think you are Dan? Or is Rebecca crazy?

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Camus: Princess Nyna, for sure.


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Oiffey: I trained so much that I was granted Paladin rank immediately, which doesn't allow me to promote.

Ike, if Elincia quits the throne and goes searching for you, what would you do?

Edited by Light Lord
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Ike: *sigh* I don't know. Searching for me in what context?

Hey pirates of FE, what's it like to have the BEST CLASS EVER?

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Dart: I don't really know. Look at all that evidence then; I could be, but I can't remember too much since I was recruted by Fargus.

Ike, if Elincia abdicated the throne, and began searching for you across the world (unknown lands), and she found you, what would you do?

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I'd have to find her and talk her into staying true to her duty.

Only for those who try to steal my lunch. After all, stealing from a thief is unforgivable.

@ Darros: I never actually considered that. I always thought Heimler's face alone warranted him a spot with the "epic" villains.

To Cliff: why didn't you help restore Valencia like your brothers Grey and Robin?

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Cliff: Well, I'm no good at fightin, or really much! Why would I help if I'd have no help to offer, ya know!

Hey Ike, if you lived IRL what job would you take up?

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Ike: Freelance writing (get it? Hurdur)

Heroes: 'Cause were epic!

Me: Hey, I'm taken.

Arthur, how do you feel about Phee going out with Oifey?

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Dart: Aie.. She's quite the looker. I'd try to woo her, but she hates us pirates...

Tinny, according to Mauther's FE4 Ending Generator, you went to Freege for your mother's sake, AND you also went to Velthomer with your brother. H-how is that even possible?

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Augury man: Mmmmm, okay.

You've fought 150 battles, won 149 of them.

And cool for you, it seems you and Tinny are destined to be together! Congrats kid!

Anna, why aren't you a playable character as your boyfriend Jake?

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