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Seth: She did what??! *flustered*

Psst.... Innes... how does it feel to be with Shinon? *points at Shinon*

Fix please, you were ninja'd.

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Psst.... Innes... how does it feel to be with Shinon? *points at Shinon*

Innes: Sigh... Not good...

Patty, would you have rather been promoted to assassin instead of thief fighter?

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Patty: Thieffighter is alright. Though if I get FE8 Silencer but with a different activation rate, it would've been awesome.

Shanan, Karel, Navarre, Rutger, Joshua, what color power rangers would you be if you five were a team?

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Shanan: I get blue.

Rutger: Red, since I'm already wearing it.

Joshua: Green. It's the gamblin' color.

Karel: (If FE6) Yellow, it's saintly. (If FE7) Black.

That leaves pink.

Navarre: Ffffff!

Phee, why does your berserk sword look so much like Odin's Zantetsuken?

Edited by crashman_alpha
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Phee: It's a replica, but they couldn't put the insta-KO effect on so they went with berserk instead.

Lakche, how do you feel about being featured in my signature next as soon as I'm done with your fanart?

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Lakche: Pretty awesome, thanks.

*puts Sain in a room with Minerva, Sheema, and Nagi*

Sain, you wouldn't want to woo them, would you? They might kill you.

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*puts Sain in a room with Minerva, Sheema, and Nagi*

Sain, you wouldn't want to woo them, would you? They might kill you.

Sain: Hah, I laugh in the face of danger. And a knight like me is no match for a beautiful lady.

Pelleas, why are you such a mummy's boy?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Pelleas: Because thats how mommy raised me! :(

Sain, if you could change your class, what would your new class be?

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BK: Why should I answer such a ridiculuos question? Know your place *crit. Eclipse with Alondite*

Black Knight, why do you look only for worthy opponents like Ike or Greil? Other elite warriors could work too right?

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Aless: Wait?? He is?? *Angrily kills Zelgius*

Ermm.... Tanith... Why are you creepy? *leaves after asking question... RUNS LIKE HELL!*

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Tanith: Its because I couldn't cook, and was forced to eat my own..... creations.

*chases you with the NPC Falcoknight and two NPC Peg Knights*

Feena, why so :awesome:?

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Alvis: -from the dead- Sorry, but Celice kinda just killed me. I think Yurius and Ishtar are still free, though, you could try them.

(Holyn!)Lakche, I lent you Shanan's Balmung for a bit. How does it feel?

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Lakche: It's amazing, lady Luminescent. It really says what we can do to anyone that wishes to harm our friends or family.

Hey Fin, did you ever saw Lachesis again? I'm not trying to make you feel bad or anything if you couldn't, but I'm curious.

Edited by Light Lord
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Fin: I managed to find her, but she was turned into stone. However, I went to Sara's afterwards and asked her to use the Kia Staff on her, which she kindly did. We now live happily in Lenster.

IS just chose not to tell you guys because it would be too long to fit into my ending.

Lachesis, what is your feelings on Fin?

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