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Gonzales: *points to Medeus, Gheb, Bramsel, and a bunch of other uglies*

@ crashman_alpha: Thank you (again) :D

Shanan, do you mind sharing your Balmung with your cousin once in a while?

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Hector: Because I didn't have my Hector Powers, I passed them down to Lilina. She doesn't appear to be using them properly, though.....I always wanted a boy as my child! Then he would have been a great General, like Oswin!

(Hector won't admit it directly, but his Hector Powers faded due to old age.)

Gharnef, if the Imhullu spell made you invincible, why didn't you just kill Marth in Khadein?

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Gharnef: Medeus said it was a better idea to snatch the Falchion and flee. Also, he had to kill Caums and Michalis first. But I hear they still live.. T_T

Sain, if you lived IRL what job would you have?

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Kent: I believe my fool of a partner was dropped on his head at birth.

Kent, if you lived IRL what job would you have?

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Lilina: But I like being a mage alongside Roy! I wish I had a brother you could bug him...

Hector, if you had a son what would his name be?

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Arran: *cough* *hack* *cough* *too sick to talk properly*

Sylvia, how does being almost paired with Levin, only to find that he married Fury a turn later feel?

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Arran: *cough* *hack* *cough* *too sick to talk properly*

I was talking about FE1/ 3 Book 1/11 Arran.

Glass: Ho- no! My father is from my continent!

Hey Dart, if you lived IRL what job would you have?

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Lackhe: Amazing, oh tactician.

I did specify. It said FEDS.

Dart, if you wern't a pirate, what job would you get IRL?

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Dart: Hm... I dunno, I could probably be the pizza delivery guy or something. 8D

Sorry about that. I have horrible reading skills, so I missed that part. :<

Shanan, why do you have lower strength than your female cousin?

And will you marry me?

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Shanan: You don't need strength when you have a legendary weapon, right? Also, I'm as lethal as a swordmaster can be without too much power.

Lakche on the other hand, she's pretty aggresive sometimes.

*Lakche appears with her mother's brave sword unsheathed, staring angrily at Shanan*

Shanan: L-leaving that aside, your other request comes in. I wanted to ask you the same thing, so you okay with it?

Ayra, who's the best father for Lakche: Holyn or Lex? I prefer Holyn, since you and your brother can use two kind of deadly skills.

My bad with the question.

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Ayra: Lex is a nice guy, but I have known Holyn longer, after all. <3

Lakche: Plus, a full-blown Lakchekill only works when Holyn's my dad, anyway. 8D

Shanan, of course!

Seth, do you like cake?

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