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Abel... I was referring to your ridiculously simalar growths..

Ike: I'm fighting for my friends.

Marth: It's awesome, thanks!

Limstella, why so :awesome: for an enemy? You should be recruitable. XD

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Abel: Well I like her... it isnt always about availibility!

Est: Besides, people are too lazy to put me in an arena.

Bantu, why so ONGWTFFAIL?

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Celice: Uh...... Teeny!! :D

Kent, Sain, out of boredom, I made you canon to the rest of FEs red/green knights personalities!!


What do you two think?

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MU: I did something in the last war? Marth bullshitted a no one (me) to lead his army. Even though I'm a newbie.

Marth, SHAME ON YOU! Your thoughts?

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Marth: It was either that or I hire some epic soldier from another continent. Sometimes I get lucky and manage to hire one (or borrow from their lords), sometimes I don't.

I managed to get lucky and borrowed Seth from Eirika once. He made the war look like a joke.

Pahn, I sent the dancer to give it to you, of course.

Seth, you landed the final blow on Medeus with a critical. What do you think of this?

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Seth: That will surely show himwho's the boss around. It also provided me a chance to test your new weapons, can I take them back to Renais? They are cool.

Shanan, will you ever receive cool weapons like Seth (aside from Balmung)?

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Salem: They made a typo and didn't realize it. It's okay.

Seth, of course you can take them home. 8D

Medeus, how do you feel about getting pwned by something that's not even a holy weapon?

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Medeus: Damn it, it's already good enough that fool prince of Marth and his swordie defeated me.

Now you bring a paladin from another land to kill ME?! I'll get my revenge someday!

Gotoh, are your hopes in humankind still high or low (after the last war)?

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Gotoh: In the middle. People like Arran still exist, and he isn't exactly an able warrior. Or even close.

Darros, why so :awesome:?

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Darros: Because I promote to berserker, which keeps the crit bonus in FE10 that Sword Masters lost.

Etzel, is the Ursula you married the one from Blazing Sword?

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Holyn: .....BOTH! *shotdown*

Callill, who is the one person better than you in all of Fire Emblem. SAY CAIN, DARROS, OR ATHENA OR YOU WILL FACE MY WRATH!!

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