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All: No, they're annoying.

Alec, I want to apologize. I made a mistake. It's not YOU I never pair up in FE4 (well, I don't, but still), it's Noish. I never pair up Noish because in my mind he's gay for Sigurd. Noish, thoughts?

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Noish: .....I'm not gay! I like Ira..

Sigurd.. do you like Noish back?

Edited by Darros
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(resists the urge to use this opportunity to bash on Sigurd)

As a friend, yes. But as for being in love with, Diadora is the only one I have feelings for.

Merlinus, how does it feel to be immortal in every Fire Emblem game you appeared in? I mean, you can never die in FE 6 and 7 no matter how many times your tent and wagon get destroyed.

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Merlinus: Well, I do have my secrets in my service to lords Eliwood and Hector. (Not to mention Sir Marcus keeps watch over my tent.) As for my service to Lord Roy. Eh... I just stay behind and watch from the sidelines while Lord Roy and the rest of the group takes care of the goons.

Hector, I have noticed that when you spoke to Brammimond, you said something a Sacaean would usually say. ("By Father Sky" for instance.) I'm just wondering, your mother wouldn't have happened to be Sacaean herself, would she?

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Hector: No, she was Ostian. I guess I've just been hanging around to much with Lyn. She, um, rubbing off on me...Besides, she died when I was little, before I could pick up any habits from her.

Farina, is there anything you'd do for free?

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Farina: Not that I can think of. I even charge to sleep!

Lakche, it's already been established that you can pwn FE4 on your own. Who would you rather fight next: Giygas Grigas, Idoun, GhebFE Gheb, or Fortran?

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Lakche: screw that, I'll fight them all at once! *brandishes 100 kill Balmung*

(^said Balmung happened on one of the Dark Warlords.)

Shanan, do you want a 100 kill Balmung? Since you get to keep it on my next PT...

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Cecil: It's fine either way, honestly. I'm more annoyed that they took away my lance rank.

Skasaher, don't get mad at me. I haven't done all the calculations to make sure you are completely safe, yet. When I finish your calculations, you'll get your glory. Is that okay?

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I prefer my pink hair much better since it made me stand out from other Fire Emblem cavaliers.

Innes, who would you want to marry the most between Vanessa, L'Arachel, and Eirika? Don't take into account other guys liking those girls.

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Skasaher: Sure. Maybe then I can get Tinny to-


Skasaher: Oww!!! Can I have Julia then?

Me: Fine.

Skasaher: :awesome:

Innes: Eirika, duh. L'Arachel is crazy. And Vanessa is meh.

Lakche, what do you think of Justin Bieber?

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Lakche: He annoys me. Ska, do you want him to become kill count for your Silver Blade?

-Seth glares at Innes with his Akaneian Gungnir Forge at the ready-

Skasaher, how do you feel about going to have the Leg/Knight ring for once?

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Yodel: Nope. Never heard of this Yodel, who is he?

Alec, in order to not have Leen getting WrathMeteo!Blicked in Endgame on my Skasaher kills things run, you are actually going to get paired! Aren't you excited?

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You forgot about Sigurd's magical non-working condoms...

Arthur, I'm with your sis, remember... and then theres Oifey who stole your girl...

Holyn: Because I'm of the forrest class, which is EPIC!!!

Fury, how do you feel about Levin saying your sister's hot?

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Shh. We can't let Alec know that.

Arthur: Well, other guys, anyway. OHSHIT, Sety's coming at me with Holsety... and saying something about trying to date his sister...

Fury, I'm a bit jealous, but it's okay, he's with me now. <3

Sety, who would you rather have as a brother-in-law, Arthur, or Oifey?

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Sety: Oifey. His archetype CREATED Seth.

Frey, why did you steal Macellan and Dolphs gotees of awesome?

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Frey: I didn't. IS just told them to shave so I can be more awesome.

Skasaher, after all calculations, for the safety of Delmud and Nanna, you will have to face a 9% hit rate from endgame Yurius and an additional 6% Charge activation. Unlike your sister, that means (although very, very slight) a chance of death. Do you still wish to continue the same journey your sister did?

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Sedgar and Samto stole their hair already, so I thought I might as well take the gotees since being bald and having a gotee looked weird.

Caeda, can you describe to us what it was like first meeting your love Marth, on that fateful rainy day at the Talys Port?

Edit: Sorry Luminescent Blade, I didn't notice until now.

Skasaher: I suppose I will. Pray that the RNG will be with me!

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Caeda: I'm not sure if I should...

Marth: Tell them if you feel like it Caeda.

Caeda: Wel, first I was always staring at him when he and his knights were training day and night, preparing to return to Altea. I started to feel something for him since then.

Marth: Things began to move as the pirates attacked her castle and we fought with her.

Caeda: Finally, when Medeus was defeated, we confessed our love. That's pretty much of it.

Sain, if you were to meet Female Myrmidon M!U, what would be your reaction?

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Roy: They also think I'm gay for someone Im not even in the same game with. I swear, people are idiots.

Lilina, do you have Hector powers?

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