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Marcia: 'oh, crackers! that was fun!'

Sigrun: 'and you still don't get why we fired you?'

Marcia: 'I didn't get fired, I quit!'

Tanith: 'commander Sigrun, you still didn't tell her you made up that story about her brother.'

Sigrun: 'oops...'

Micaiah, did you love Sothe from the moment you saw him as a little kid, or only since he started growing up to be an adult?

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Well, since my outfit is blessed with... divine power, that's different and acceptable.

Fiora, what do you think of all the fanboys that you have on GameFAQs that drool over your prettiness?

Edited by Randoman
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Fiona: Awww, they are so cute. But I'm sorry I'm not useful as Jill or Nolan. Why IS? I wanted to help more!

...Wait, did you said they...drool for me?

Innes, are you happy that Ephraim married your sister *points at Tana and Ephraim just marrying*?

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Dorcas:'I don't care, my wife always changes that too kick ass.'

Volug, if you came to Tellius to protect your queen, why did you leave her behind for Micaiah?

and Nealuchi, please translate...

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Volug: It's simple, isn't it? The world needs my sex appeal. Without it, there would be no point in even stopping Ashera from Fucking our shit up in the first place... 'sides, why not stay with Micaiah? Check out dat ass, man!

-Translated by Nealuchi Industries TM, your friendly translators for the last 673 years~ *catchy theme song plays*

Nino, do you like popsickles? How did it feel to set Nergal's face on fire after he made Lloyd, Linus, and Brendan go away?

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Well, Nino, if you want a popsickle, the follow me to the basement. I've got a whole freezer full of popsickles~

Ike: Mia, because the person writing my response is biased. Of course, she won't stop asking me to take her along, so I think she'd like it if I took her.

Titania, who in the Greil Mercenaries do you think I should give this monocle and top hat to?

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Tauroneo: GWAHAHAHAHA! I'm, level 14, my friend. As for why, tell me to my face that this manly mustache does not cement my place as overpowered!

Ilyana, would you fire over that wall for me, hon? *secretly pulls out camera*

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Ilyana: Hungry... I'll do it if you feed me.

Karel: *Glares* You think I'm in love with swords? I cannot tolerate jokes like that. BEGONE! *Kills you*

-Dodges with 52AS due to Balmung equipped- Oi oi... Karel, you shouldn't do that. You should rip off your shirt instead.

Now looking back on that, (FE6!)Karel, what did you think of yourself when you were younger?

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Soren: G-Girly? That is preposterous. Get out of my sight you useless knave! Does he really think I look feminine? Maybe that is my ticket to getting some of that hawt Ike over there~ <3

Hey Mia, I just traced your bloodline. Seems you have Major Odo blood. Here's Balmung, whaddaya think?

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Horrible portrayal, good sir. Balmung is the best sword ever, which is very helpful towards becoming the best Swordmaster ever, which is the final goal.

Marth: If I didn't wear this thing, I would be so manly that the universe would cease to exist. You're welcome, bastard.

Est, why does a teenage girl have an 80% Str growth?

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Edward: Ragnell? WOW! ... But I can't just ditch Leo here, and I've already got Caladbolg... BUT RAGNELL! ...decisions, decisions....

Hey Mia, I just traced your bloodline. Seems you have Major Odo blood. Here's Balmung, whaddaya think?

In the mean time... in the palace of Issac...

Shanan: Lakche... I think my sword has gone missing again.

Lakche: Eh? But I thought LB gave it back to you after borrowing it to dodge a hit from Karel!

Shanan: She did, but ......

So Shanan, how are you going to get Balmung back?

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